Friday, April 30, 2010

The No Amnesty Pledge

Senate revives amnesty: Here's how to stop it
Let Senate know how you feel about illegal immigration

Here's a letter from Joseph Farah to help combat those who would undermine the United States:

"The No Amnesty Pledge."

Dear Senator:

This is more than a letter of protest of efforts to provide amnesty for tens of millions of illegal immigrants currently residing in the U.S. It's a promise of a vote against any senator who supports such a plan.

It's a promise of financial support to candidates opposing any senator who supports such a plan.

It's a promise to expose this betrayal of the rule of law and the will of the people to the constituents of any senator who approves such legislation.

It's a promise to use any legal means necessary to thwart the future ambitions and aspirations of any senator who chooses to reward lawbreakers and punish law-keepers.

It's a promise to fight tooth and nail, even resorting to peaceful civil disobedience if necessary, to ensure that such legislation can never be carried out.

I don't expect you to read all of the "No Amnesty Pledge" letters currently flooding into your office. All you have to do is read one – and notice the volume of duplicate letters you are receiving, all sent by different American citizens who are thinking about this issue just as I am.

Frankly, we're concerned that what is being considered by the U.S. Senate would tear this country apart, break trust between the people and government and forever change the character of our nation and our communities.

Vote no on amnesty – or else!

Riot police shield Obama from tea-party grandmas

When hundreds of tea-party protesters – including many elderly women – gathered outside a civic center where President Obama was giving a public speech Wednesday, they were surprised to be greeted by police dispatched in full riot gear. Snipers carefully scrutinized grandmothers singing "God Bless America."

Find out the latest right now at

Biracial woman discriminates against Jews

Angela commented on Interracial marriage is unnatural!

Discrimination from Jews always stuns me. You'd think a people with thousands of years of playing the victim to such discrimination would have changed the way you look at other people. I am in biracial woman, and I've been involved with a Jewish man for three years. It's a beautiful; relationship and I embrace his culture and history. This sort of hatred really hurts me. Your faith suffers from blind dogma. You really should wipe the crust from your eyes.


First of all, where's the discrimination? Facts discriminate? Why do you hate the plain truth of the Bible and history? Furthermore, I'm a Christian Zionist. Why your discrimination by singling out Jews? Is Mohammad Ali a Jew? How about Napoleon Bonaparte or any of the others quoted?  Sounds like you have some serious issues with Jews by your hateful comment about Jews playing the victim. You sound confused because you say you're in a relationship with a Jew.

Your relationship blinds you to what you don't want to see: interracial marriage is unnatural and according to the Bible - both the Christian and Jewish holy books - constitutes sin. As far as your particular case goes, God knows who you should be with but generally speaking each race must naturally go with its own or they're committing adultery and causing unncessary confusion.

(I'm emailing you this response because often when I approve a comment I see it still doesn't show up.)

The Sin of Interracial Marriage

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How Catholic Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust

Gabriel Wilensky commented on The Real Vatican Scandal -

Pedophilia is just the latest and most visible in a long list of transgressions from the Catholic Church. These days the Vatican is facing legal action in Kentucky for child abuse cases by Catholic priests, and the ensuing cover up from the Catholic hierarchy including, allegedly, by Cardinal Ratzinger (today’s Pope Benedict).

I believe attorneys could and should widen the scope to include previous transgressions, particularly those that lead to the commitment of heinous crimes during the Holocaust. In my book “Six Million Crucifixions” I make a legal analysis of the various counts a potential indictment against the Church, the Vatican and members of the clergy might have looked like, had the Allies set up an international trial styled after Nuremberg and put any clergy guilty of crimes on the dock. In particular, an indictment might have included the following charges:

* Defamation
* Incitement
* Complicity in human rights violations
* Accessory or complicity in crimes against humanity
* Failure to warn/act
* Obstruction of Justice
* Profiting from stolen property
* Abuse of diplomatic privileges
* Crimes against humanity

I think it’s time to revisit the role of the Church in the Holocaust and its aftermath, and do it quickly as Pope Benedict is attempting to whitewash history by canonizing Pope Pius XII, while the Vatican Secret Archives covering the Nazi era remain closed and will continue to remain closed for another five years.

Gabriel Wilensky

Six Million Crucifixions: How Christian Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust


David Ben-Ariel responds:

It would be more accurate to say "How Catholic Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust" rather than Christian, unless you want to continue the blood libel against Christianity. Furthermore, why perpetuate the big lie of "Six Million" when it's a fact that number was concocted before Hitler's War and mindlessly repeated after the war by clever propagandists and how this truth is suppressed by politically correct cultists today?

Jewish and Christian Blood Libels

Yom HaShoah: Happy Holocaust Day?

Did Jesus Call Jews the Children of the Devil?

Synagogue of Satan?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Review of Cracking the Qur'an Code by Fazal ur Rehman Afridi

Cracking the Qur’an Code: God’s Land, Torah and People Covenants with Israel in the Qur’an and Islamic Tradition, by Lowell Gallin, is a fascinating spiritual journey through good and evil, with all the real actors, places, and situations depicted in such a manner as if a reader is a part of that journey starting from Noah, through Ibrahim to Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus and ending with Muhammad.

Read more:

Review of Cracking the Qur'an Code by Fazal ur Rehman Afridi

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dime Store Certification of Live Birth

Re: Better a Birther than a COLBer!

Originally Posted by Denny

At some point, are you going to tell us what the hell "COLBers" means?

A COLBer is one who is content like a fatted cow to chew on the cud - the dime-store Certification of Live Birth that Hawaii pitched to the masses for Obama/Soetoro/Obama - or fears to question authority unlike red-blooded Birthers who demand to see the long form birth certificate and will be satisifed with nothing less. Why should we be?

The Obama machine has scoffed at requests to see the form of the Hawaiian birth certificate that includes the specific hospital in which the delivery took place. The form released by the campaign does not include that information, leading to suspicions Obama might have been one of the foreign-born babies of the 1960s who were, nonetheless, provided birth certificates by the state of Hawaii. - IS OBAMA ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

David Ben-Ariel at Masada

David Ben-Ariel at Masada

At the Northern edge of Masada with the Dead Sea in the background (1989).

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Better a Birther than a COLBer!

Obama's Frightening New Attack On The Constitution
By Robert Moon
Washington Examiner
Imagine how people would have reacted if President Bush had been caught trying to sneak through legislation that would have illegally given him the power to take over and destroy any financial institution he pleased, on a whim, with zero checks and balances. That is what Democrats are quietly rushing through Congress for Obama. It's called H.R. 4173 and it is already through the House. If it is signed into law, Obama will literally gain the kind of terrifying, un-checked power usually reserved for fascists and Third World dictators
Read More


The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, could be stopped in his tracks if EVERYBODY would demand their representatives demand, "Where's the Birth Certificate?"

It's better to be a smart Birther than a dumb COLBer! The treacherous creature from Kenya has already run rampant for too long, trampling the Constitution, disrespecting We The People and wrecking our Republic. Hussein Obama must be stopped!

Satan’s secret society and true Christianity

Secret societies such as the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Burschenschaft, and Opus Dei, are favorite topics of talk radio, Internet sites, books and movies.  From blockbuster movies such as “Enemy of the State” and “Angels and Demons” to “Doomsday 2012: End of Days,” from talk radio hosts such as Michael Savage and Glenn Beck to Alex Jones, society is fascinated by conspiracy theories and the clandestine organizations supposedly manipulating the masses.
Is one-world government coming?  Are governments and pharmaceuticals spreading autism, AIDS and other diseases to make profits now and create a weakened and subservient population later?  Was the economic crisis engineered?  Are secret societies and conspiracy theories real?

Conspiracy theories and secret societies are nothing new.  Freemasons can be traced back to the early 1700s in England. The Knights Templar precedes the Freemasons and has existed since the Crusades, around 1118-1129.

But thousands of years ago, around 2200 B.C. the mother of all secret societies took root.  This is the “conspiracy theory” that really matters, because this is a secret society controlled by none other than Satan, and this is the most powerful secret society on the planet!

While conspiracy theories make for interesting talk radio and sell books and movies, let us remember that the ultimate enemy is Satan the Devil!  And while many people debate “clandestine organizations,” the biggest clandestine organization continues to thrive in plain sight with billions of unwitting accomplices!  It is the secret society of false religion with roots that go back more than 4000 years, and its real leader is the Devil.

Satan’s secret society precedes Nimrod, but with Nimrod his system began to take the human shape that has persisted to this day.  Vestiges of this false religious system have spread to every continent and have influenced every culture.

Babylonian king Nimrod was a powerful leader.  But, he was opposed to God.  The name Nimrod comes from marad meaning “he who rebelled.”  Upon Nimrod’s death, he was deified by his widow, Semiramis, who claimed that Nimrod was reborn as her son Tammuz.  Semiramis and her priests then invented many rituals to worship her as the “mother of god,” and her son as a god.  Rituals ranging from mother-of-god worship, to sunrise services, to the winter solstice festival can be traced back to pre-Christian times and ultimately to ancient Babylon.  Even the ancient Israelites adopted some of these pagan customs.  Ezekiel 8:16 shows ancient Israel worshiping the sun in the east, and God calls this precursor to our modern “sunrise services” an abomination (v. 17).

This Babylonish system is the ultimate secret society of which Satan is the head.  It is the “mother of harlots” that has influenced all nations and all world religion (Revelation 17:5), which we are warned to “come out of” (Revelation 18:4).

A true Christian should keep conspiracy theories in their proper context.  Speaking of ancient Israel’s Assyrian captivity, but also prophesying of God removing His protection from modern Jacob and our coming national affliction, Isaiah 8:6-14 warns that people will “Take counsel together, but it will come to nothing” (v. 10), and that the people should not say “a conspiracy” is overtaking them.  Instead, God Himself will become “a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel” (v. 14).

Not all conspiracies are real.  But Satan is real.  He continues to use human instruments and organizations, including false religion,  to mislead the nations, to cause confusion and suffering, and to bring the world closer to confrontation with the returning King of kings (Revelation 19:19).  Instead of focusing on conspiracy theories, we need to turn to true, original Christianity!

Please read Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity and watch our recent telecast, Overcoming Satan,  to learn more about Satan’s false religious system and how you can fully come out of that “secret society.”


The REAL JESUS Can't Return Until...
Prophecy clearly reveals that the REAL JESUS CHRIST will not return to Earth from Heaven (in full view of all mankind -- not from some secret EU or Vatican chamber or desert cave) until after Jerusalem has suffered under a Gentile EU occupation for three and one half years

Rome rules the world - not NYC!
The Israelite United States is not Babylon! New York City is not Babylon! Yes, we are in spiritual Babylon (as is the whole world, Catholics and Protestants); yes, we are in economic Babylon (as is the whole world enslaved by globalist banksters), but the biblical Babylon yet to fall has been clearly identified by Alexander Hislop in The Two Babylons as ROME and the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.

Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent
Having clearly seen how the practice of homosexuality is a sin (as I testify in God and the Gays), I can now see clearly how SPIRITUAL HOMOSEXUALS, the bloody Roman Catholic whore and her Protestant prostitute daughters (Rev. 17:5), prefer tradition over truth.

The Lisbon Decade (EU Militarisation)

The EU should prepare a white paper on military policy and thereby accelerate the establishment of a more powerful EU intervention force. This is demanded by the authors of a voluminous strategy paper on the EU's "Security and Defense Policy" (ESDP), published by the SPD-affiliated Friedrich Ebert Foundation in cooperation with other think tanks in Spain and France. According to this report, particularly the military buildup inside the EU must be better coordinated, to enable the equipment with the most modern weaponry in spite of financial limitations. The European arms industries must be more consolidated, which with the favorable conditions created by the Lisbon Treaty coming into effect, can now be initiated with the help of a white paper. The authors, two of whom are regular employees of the Friederich Ebert Foundation, consider that over the next few years, the EU must be closely coordinated with NATO - which it will "not be able to replace" before 2020. But the EU need not be ashamed of its armies, says the paper. Its member nations maintain a force of nearly 2 million soldiers, with financing of up to 200 billion Euros per year.

Click here to continue


The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples.

Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World
Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.

Germany Behind the Mask
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.


Another state considers Arizona eligibility plan
Georgia lawmaker says when Congress won't act, 'states have a duty to step up'

Posted: April 23, 2010
11:20 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Another state has begun considering a law like an Arizona plan approved by the state House there that would require presidential candidates to document their eligibility before being allowed on the election ballot.

Georgia Rep. Mark Hatfield, part of a coalition in his state supporting new election requirements, says it's really the responsibility of members of Congress to make sure a foreign-born individual or dual citizen isn't installed in the White House.

But he said without the leadership in Washington necessary to do that, it is up to states to tackle the issue. Arizona's plan is closest to adoption, awaiting only approval from the state Senate.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Oklahoma also has pending in a legislative committee a referendum that could be put before voters...

"No citizen of the United States should ever have any doubts about the qualifications of the individual who occupies the highest office in the land," Hatfield said on the Liddy show.

Click here to read more


The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate. Something's amiss!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Europe - not Hussein Obama - will force peace

Imposed Solution

Obama to Sacrifice Israel? : Dry Bones cartoon.
Is Obama preparing to sacrifice Israel? Is he planning to impose a "solution"? According to Joel Mowbray in the Washington Times:
"Evidence is mounting that President Obama will unveil a new Middle East peace plan in the coming months. While a desire for peace is indeed admirable, such a move should be welcomed only by the enemies of America.Not only would such an attempt inevitably fail, but it would directly harm U.S. security by shifting our national focus away from very real - and far more dangerous - threats in the region.

Nearly two weeks ago, the New York Times and The Washington Post reported on the same day about a high-level meeting two weeks beforehand in which National Security Adviser Gen. James L. Jones had lobbied Mr. Obama to craft an American peace plan. Last Monday, J-Street, a left-wing Jewish group with close ties to the White House, ran a full-page ad in the New York Times urging Mr. Obama to impose "concrete plans for a two-state solution."

Mr. Obama himself further signaled something was in the works by stating at the close of a news conference last Tuesday that resolving the Middle East conflict was "a vital national security interest of the United States." Likely at the prodding of White House officials, the New York Times ran a front-page story two days later suggesting that an Obama peace plan could be drafted over the next few months and introduced this fall."
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973


Exclusive: EU draft on dividing Jerusalem

As Hitler clearly outlined his plans in Mein Kampf (and furiously put them into practice his first opportunity), so the United Nations passed an ominous resolution in 1947 concerning the fate of Jerusalem: UN Resolution 181 demands the Holy City submit to the status of an "international city." That's a glorified term for ENEMY OCCUPATION!

The final revival of the unholy Roman Empire is being forged in Europe today and it will wage a New Crusade under the guise of peace. Europe's New Crusade will dispatch wolves in sheep's clothing - "peacekeepers" - that will brutally betray both Arabs and Jews for their German-Jesuit masters (whose evil eye has been on Jerusalem throughout history).

Warning Jews

Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem!

UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Where's Obama's transparency and accountability?

Groundswell of Support Growing for Anti-Obama Rally
by Hana Levi Julian (

A groundswell of support is building in anticipation of the upcoming anti-Obama demonstration set for this coming Sunday, April 25, in New York City, outside the Israel Consulate. According to organizer Beth Gilinsky, head of the Jewish Action Alliance, groups are still calling to express their support and register for the event.

Read more


The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate. Something's definitely not kosher!

Treacherous Catholic politicians

[W]e have . . . found ourselves obliged . . . to provide for the exclusion of these from offices who will not disclaim these principles of spiritual jurisdiction which Roman Catholics in some centuries have held and which are subversive of a free government established by the people.
John Adams and John Bowdoin, An Address of the Convention for Framing A New Constitution of Government for the State of Massachusetts-Bay to their Constituents (Boston: White and Adams, 1780), p. 17.

Arizona is a great state to visit!

Arizonan: Boycott us over immigration bill
Democrat urges retaliation if governor signs it into law

The irresponsible Grijalva should be thrown out of office for his treacherous comments against Arizona and the squawking cardinal should shut up with his baloney and go learn history.

May 1: Illegal Immigration Day Defused!
May we turn from our NATIONAL SINS of idolatry and immorality that the CURSE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION comes to its swift end (Daniel 9:11).

Race Matters
It seems evident that the resurrected Noah will head a vast project of the relocation of the races and nations, within the boundaries God has set, for their own best good, happiness and richest blessings. This will be a tremendous operation. It will require great and vast organization, reinforced with power to move whole nations and races. This time, peoples and nations will move where God has planned for them, and no defiance will be tolerated.

Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted by Terrorists?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Support Orly Taitz for California Secretary of State 2010

Donate to Dr. Orly Taitz for CA Secretary of State 2010

Support Orly Taitz
For California Secretary of State
June 8 Republican Primary
She needs your help to win the primary against RINO Damon Dunn, who was a registered Democrat in FL until he registered as a Republican in CA last year, and who listed Barack Obama as his role model in an interview given to Stanford Scout. The country needs just one constitutionalist Secretary of State to prevent another 2008 election fiasco of voter fraud and unqualified candidates.
Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. was born and raised in the Communist Soviet Union and knows firsthand the bleakness of a totalitarian regime and depravation of Constitutional rights. She is well known around the country as a Constitutional attorney with a case pending in Washington, D.C. on the unconstitutionality of the recent Health Care law and Mr. Obama̢۪s dual citizenship, refusal to present any of his original vital records, and other fraud.
Dr. Taitz is an attorney and a dentist and owns a successful dental practice. She is the President of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation and Editor of the blog, where she writes prolifically. She has been a registered Republican in California for years. Dr. Taitz is married to her husband of 23 years and a mother to 3 sons, ages 20, 18 and 16. Her oldest son is graduating from an Ivy League university pre-med program next year and her younger sons are in the last years of High School.
Key Platform Values
 Ensure Legitimacy of elections and Verify Credentials of the candidates and voters
 Prosecute voter fraud
 Support the Safe Vote Bill
 Respect the military by making sure their votes count
 Advocate for a friendly corporate climate and tax credits for job producing corporations
 Defend California from unconstitutional laws and job killing federal agencies
 Restore the teaching of basic civics education
For More Information go to &, e-mail

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688
Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603
v. § Civil Action: 10-151 RCL
§ Defendant.
Plaintiff in this case respectfully requests a judicial notice of the order by Judge Roger Vinson, Northern district of Florida, State of Florida et al v Department of Health et al 3:10-cv-00091-RV-EMT. Exhibit 1.
Plaintiff in this case, being a Doctor of Dental Surgery, was seeking an intervener status in case 10-cv-91, which was brought by attorneys of 13 states challenging constitutionality of the Healthcare Bill H.R. 3590. While motion to intervene was not granted under judicial discretion due to the fact that multiple interveners have filed their motions and the presiding judge decided to limit the case to the issue of the Commerce clause raised by the original plaintiffs, this order provides an indication of the plaintiff̢۪s standing to bring forward her challenge of the H.R. 3590, noting
"Taitz contends, and I agree, that she has satisfied steps (1) and (2). Her motion to intervene was timely and, as a Doctor of Dental Surgery, who will be affected by this act, she clearly has an interest in this action".
Regardless of whether ultimately the plaintiff in this action will prevail or not, above ruling of the sister court has indicated that Taitz has standing to bring her action challenging H.R. 3590, which to a great extend serves as an opposition to the defendant̢۪s motion to dismiss due to lack of standing.
Additionally, Judge Vinson does not find the issue of Mr. Obama̢۪s eligibility due to lack of Natural Born status to be frivolous. He simply states that in the interest of expediency he decided to limit the case to the issues raised by the original plaintiffs. Yet again is seems to negate the notion by the defense that the eligibility issue is frivolous. Clearly, the plaintiff, as A Doctor of Dental Surgery, having tangible interest and standing to bring forward the issue of legitimacy of H.R. 3590 "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" can do so on both the basis of violation of the Commerce clause, as well as on basis of Common law Fraud and Quo Warranto, asserting that the bill was signed by one who got into the position of Presidency by virtue of fraud and concealment of all of the original vital records, as the affidavits of three licensed investigators show that the defendant fraudulently used multiple US Social Security numbers, and the Social Security number 042-68-4425 used by the defendant for most of his life, was issued to another individual in the
state of Connecticut. US Attorneys Machen, Contreras and Burch, who have been representing the defendant in this case, have a conflicting duty to "We The People of the United States", including the plaintiff in this case, to protect and defend them against such fraud. Above US attorneys have been put on notice of the fraud committed via the pleadings in this case, yet they breached their duty and their Oath of Office to defend the Constitution and to defend "We, the People of the United States". As such, they became accomplices to the above fraud and other possible criminal acts, to be fully investigated during discovery. Judge Vinson in his order states "The parties to this litigation, and, indeed, the citizens of this country, have an interest in having this case resolved as soon as possible". The plaintiff is praying for expedient discovery, as she, as well as other doctors and other citizens need an adjudication on the issue of fraud committed by Mr. Obama in order to get into office.
Plaintiff respectfully requests Judicial notice of the above order as an indication of the Plaintiffs standing. She also requests expedient adjudication of prior Motion for Injunctive relief, as well as the plaintiff̢۪s Opposition to Motion to Dismiss, which the clerk of the court has erroneously docketed together with the First Amended Complaint (pages 129-145) when the plaintiff̢۪s Electronic Filing Code didn̢۪t function yet.
Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. (California Bar 223433)
Attorney for the Plaintiffs
29839 Santa Margarita Parkway ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688
Tel.: 949-683-5411; Fax: 949-766-7603
Alan Burch, Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia

555 4th str.,N.W.
Washington D.C. 20530
/s/Orly Taitz
Dr. Orly Taitz Esq
29839 Santa Margarita PKWY
Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688
Proposed Order
Judicial notice granted.
It is so ordered and adjudged
Honorable Royce C. Lamberth 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

EU draft to divide Jerusalem

Haaretz Exclusive: EU draft document on division of Jerusalem

By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent

Current EU president Sweden has proposed that the body recognize East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital.

Read more


As Hitler clearly outlined his plans in Mein Kampf (and furiously put them into practice his first opportunity), so the United Nations passed an ominous resolution in 1947 concerning the fate of Jerusalem: UN Resolution 181 demands the Holy City submit to the status of an "international city." That's a glorified term for ENEMY OCCUPATION!

The final revival of the unholy Roman Empire is being forged in Europe today and it will wage a New Crusade under the guise of peace. Europe's New Crusade will dispatch wolves in sheep's clothing - "peacekeepers" - that will brutally betray both Arabs and Jews for their German-Jesuit masters (whose evil eye has been on Jerusalem throughout history).

Warning Jews

Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem!

UN Resolution 181: Blueprint of the Beast?

The Scriptures clearly support the seventh day Sabbath

Excerpt from email received:

My question to you now is what day do you go to church? If you don't mind sharing, by no means am I attacking, I just need scriptural feedback. Truthfully the argument over the day is getting so redundant it is beyond fathom...

Good morning,

There shouldn't be any argument or confusion over the Sabbath day, since both the Bible and history clearly prove the only biblical Sabbath is the seventh day Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset).

Sunday is illegitimate and has been pimped by the Roman Catholic Cult and deviant daughters, misleading the masses, some blathering the lame excuse the Sabbath was "changed" due to the alleged authority of the RCC and others carelessly fall for the myth of a Sunday resurrection (The Resurrection Was Not on Easter Sunday!) - even though that is non-sequitor and a dangerous leap in human logic, especially since NOWHERE does the Bible change the Sabbath day from the seventh day to the first day (or any other day) of the week and the Bible actually warned about those who would think to "change the times and the seasons."

Most sheeple just keep Sunday, never having questioned it (Constantine or Christ?), blindly following tradition. Now God graciously brings these facts to light and commands such folks to examine their faith and repent of traditional error and let the plain truth of the Bible and history set them free.

Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions about Sunday
The vast majority of Christian churches today teach the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, as a time for rest and worship. Yet it is generally known and freely admitted that the early Christians observed the seventh day as the Sabbath. How did this change come about?

Remember the Sabbath

Which day is the Christian Sabbath?

Thank you for your question.

David Ben-Ariel

Monday, April 19, 2010

US Soldier Faces Prison Over Obama Eligibility

The Floyd Reports email alert is sent to members of our community who expressly asked to receive breaking news, alerts on our Impeach Obama Campaign Petition Drive, and other relevant content on the or website.

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is facing a court-martial and possible imprisonment... all because he has the audacity to ask Barack Hussein Obama to supply a copy of his actual birth certificate.

During his 18-year career as a flight-surgeon in the United States Army, Lakin has put his life on the line in defense of the United States Constitution. And he's more than willing to do so again.

But before Lakin places himself, yet again, in harm's way, he's asking Barack Hussein Obama to do the very same thing that he, and countless others who honorably serve our country are, in so many cases, REQUIRED to do... namely, supply a copy of an actual birth certificate; and thereby prove that the orders he gives as "Commander-in-Chief" are, indeed, LAWFUL.

Why go to all the trouble? Lakin answers the question best himself: "I feel I have no choice but the distasteful one of inviting my own court martial. The Constitution matters. The truth matters."

And so, a brave soldier, who has placed himself in harm's way, and is willing to do so again, is being harassed because Barack Hussein Obama... REFUSES to honor the Constitution... REFUSES to prove that he is not a FRAUD and a USURPER... REFUSES to prove that the orders he is giving our brave men and women in uniform are lawful... and REFUSES to release his actual birth certificate.

Let's Dispel Some Myths.

The Mainstream Media (MSM) has perpetuated a number of myths and provided a great deal of cover to Barack Hussein Obama on this issue.

Instead of looking into the facts, the MSM derisively dismisses those who simply want real and honest answers as "birthers" or "conspiracy theorists."

Understandably, a lot of folks are confused. So let's just examine the facts:

Section 1, Article 2 of the United States Constitution specifically states: "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President...."

Barack Obama's father was a subject of the British crown and, at the time of Obama's birth, his mother was too young, to bestow her status as a natural born citizen unto her son. In order for Barack Obama to even make a credible claim that he might be eligible under Section 1, Article 2 of the United States Constitution to serve as President of the United States, he must be able to show that he was born in the United States.

Instead of supplying his actual birth certificate, to prove his eligibility, Team Obama, supplied an alternate document... a "Certification of Live Birth." But the "Certification of Live Birth" is NOT an actual birth certificate. In fact, until very recently... only AFTER this controversy came to a head... the state of Hawaii did not even accept a "Certification of Live Birth" as singular proof that an individual was a Hawaiian citizen because Hawaii issued that document to individuals NOT actually born in Hawaii.

Bob Unruh with put it this way: "The 'certification of live birth' posted online and widely touted as 'Obama's birth certificate' does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same 'short-form' document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii. The true 'long-form' birth certificate – which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny."

With the above understanding in mind, when asked to release his actual birth certificate to clarify matters, Team Obama immediately went into OBSTRUCTION MODE. And, in fact, Team Obama has spent hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to OBSTRUCT requests that Obama supply his actual birth certificate.

Unruh again: "Obama's actual response to those who question his eligibility to be president under the Constitution's requirement that the U.S. president be a 'natural born citizen' has been to dispatch both private and tax-funded attorneys to prevent anyone from gaining access to his documentation."

One can only ask why? ... Why is Barack Obama actively REFUSING to produce his actual birth certificate? ... What is Barack Obama trying to hide? ... Why spend hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to obstruct requests to produce a document that Obama could obtain, upon request, for about 10-20 dollars?

Lt. Col. Lakin is asking that question... but instead of the courtesy of an answer... this officer, with 18 years of honorable military service, is being threatened with court-martial.

Something is rotten, but the stench isn't coming from the Denmark... it's coming from the White House.

Obama Has Dug In His Heels. Only You Can Pry Them Loose .

Is the biggest political crime in American history taking place right before our eyes? Is the man in the White House INELIGIBLE, according to the Constitution, to sit in the Oval Office... is he a FRAUD... a USURPER?

Or, is Barack Obama's ego so huge that he is only spending hundreds-of-thousands of dollars and allowing a proud military officer to face possible court-martial because he feels that he's simply too good... too high and mighty... to perform a simple task and verify to the American people that his presidency IS LEGITIMATE.

Barack Hussein Obama could put the issue to rest right now by simply releasing his actual birth certificate.

But he refuses to do just that. Incidentally, he has also refused to produce other records that could shed some light on the matter, including many of his school records... at multiple institutions.

Make no mistake, the issue regarding Barack Obama's eligibility is NOT going away because Obama REFUSES to make it go away.

He's dug in his heels. He has teams of lawyers fighting efforts to get him to release his actual birth certificate, while his underlings look down their noses at the American people and call these legitimate requests “garbage.”

And the one pivotal question that those who attempt to dismiss the controversy cannot answer is: If Barack Hussein Obama has nothing to hide, what’s the problem? The more he resists, the more you have to wonder.

Meanwhile the liberal press is trying to drag this story into a dark alley and bludgeon it to death. It’s time for you and me to weigh in and force the issue.

Floyd Reports and the Impeach Obama Campaign are projects of the Policy Issues Institute
30011 Ivy Glenn Dr., Suite 223
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

New Commentaries: A Tax Day Tea Party And Obama's Foreign Policy

Research Fellow Emily Schaeffer: Tax Day Tea Party
"Recent events and the words of our politicians have popularized the idea that while markets can be important to economic growth and prosperity, they can also undermine it. It is fashionable to give a nod to the forces of entrepreneurship but in the same breath assert that the power of markets must be tamed by regulation. It is complacently accepted that somehow, these regulators – the men and women in Washington — know what’s best for American consumers. . . . Politicians tend to be most responsive to the loudest interest groups and are therefore inclined to view free trade unfavorably. But we as Americans must be clear – capitalism is not evil. It has done more good for more people than any acts of state, any stimulus spending, any health program or welfare initiative. Americans can no longer afford to fear freedom."

Senior Fellow Robert Higgs: Defense Spending Is Much Greater than You Think
"When President Obama presented his budget recently for fiscal year 2011, he proposed that the Pentagon’s outlays be increased by about 4.5 percent beyond its estimated outlays in fiscal 2010, to a total of almost $719 billion. Although many Americans regard this enormous sum as excessive, few appreciate that the total amount of all defense-related spending greatly exceeds the amount budgeted for the Department of Defense. . . . the government is currently spending at a rate well in excess of $1 trillion per year for all defense-related purposes. Owing to the financial debacle and the ongoing recession, millions are out of work, millions are losing their homes, and private earnings remain well below their previous peak, but in the military-industrial complex, the gravy train speeds along the track faster and faster." 

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland: Obama's Nuclear Achievements Are Less Than Meets the Eye
"Despite all the hoopla about President Barack Obama’s summit on nuclear security and a new arms control deal, the eventual results of his laudable efforts will probably be modest and will likely be dwarfed by the damage to nuclear security done by George W. Bush’s prior administration. . . . but at least Obama has refocused world attention on what is still the only existential threat in U.S. history—nuclear war—and the improbable, but potentially disastrous, threat of nuclear terrorism. In its pursuit of nation-building and military social work in overseas quagmires, the Bush administration had neglected both."

Traditional Christians need to be circumcised of their Gentile ways!

I am HaShem your Healer

#20. To: McCain_Rocks (#16)

vimcomte13's simple question


How many times must I answer it? Read this: Circumcision.

IF you and your unclean kind - apostate Christians, drunks and whores - were honest with yourself and others, which you've sadly proven time and again you're not ("Christians" in denial), you would know and agree circumcision isn't even an issue today as it was in the days of the early Sabbath-keeping Church of God. However, your unclean kind vomit it as a diversionary tactic, a dishonest distraction, refusing to be circumcised of your unclean hearts and Gentile practices, your modified pagan holidays, preferring your strange perversions of Sunday instead of Sabbath and doctrines of demons instead of the plain truth of the Bible.

You seriously need to be circumcised of your traditional idolatry and Christian immorality, or Yahshua will cut you off forever, as you've been warned.

Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent

A Tribute to Israeli Soldiers

Click here (if the video doesn't play above) to watch this video made as a tribute to all those who have fought and fallen over the years for the Jewish homeland of Israel

Happy Birthday Israel! (62 years young)


I wrote this last night, on the eve of Yom HaZikaron, our Remembrance Day for Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism. The siren sounded and the country stood in silence and in remembrance of the price that others paid for our independence.

Today, Monday, folks will be visiting cemeteries. A painful and sombre day. Tonight at sundown, Yom HaZikaron will end and the celebration of Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day begins.

I wanted to do a cartoon to show how short a time 62 years really is. I wondered if I'd be able to write out every year in a cartoon. It turned out that I could do it as a border and still have room for Mr. Shuldig and his dog Doobie!

-Dry Bones - Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

62 years young! May Israel mature into a truly Jewish homeland and reclaim the Temple Mount and liberate all the Arab-occupied biblical lands and be blessed and a blessing to all nations.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Jewish Homeland

Weren't the Jews prophesied to return to Israel? Are the Jews ethnic Jews or merely converts? How should Israel treat their resident Arabs? Why does the world focus on Jerusalem?

A Jewish Homeland

More prayer?

America doesn't need more prayer!

The Washington Times
EDITORIAL: America doesn't have a prayer
If there is one thing this country needs right now, it is prayer. Thus, it was a singular case of bad timing last week when ...


What America needs is heartfelt repentance, a change of heart, attitude and actions, not merely more lip service (prayer) that professing Christians are known for, as Isaiah 58 states:

1 "Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression [the Church and Synagogue], And the house of Jacob [the family of Israelite nations - all Twelve Tribes of Israel] their sins. 2 Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God."

This hypocritical nation of spiritual drunks and whores, apostate Christians, would rather simply pray than turn from modified pagan holidays, replacement theology of Sunday for Sabbath, doctrines of demons and popular myths and traditional error, refusing to repent or let the plain truth set us free. Therefore our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, will enable the German-Jesuit EU to bring us to our knees in true repentance.

Death to America? (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)

Drunks and Whores (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)

Europe Nukes US! (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)

Justice Clarence Thomas: We're 'evading' eligibility

Justice Clarence Thomas: We're 'evading' eligibility
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a House subcommittee that when it comes to determining whether a person born outside the 50 states can serve as U.S. president, the high court is "evading" the issue.

Find out the latest right now at

Obama dogs America

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jews, in disproportionate number, have been instrumental in evil

Anti-Semites Attempt To Exploit Anti-Government Conspiracy Theories

#10. To: McCain_Rocks (#0)

Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "These anti-Semites are exploiting anti-government sentiment in the hopes that their message of 'blame the Jews' will catch on with ordinary Americans. Thankfully, so far, the vast majority of Americans aren't buying into that hateful message."

Abraham Foxman, like too many Jews, is a hypocrite living in a self-imposed exile rather than constructively move to the Jewish homeland where Judaism teaches Jews belong. After all, "It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness."

Although there are some useful idiots (who are exploited to broad brush all who don't deny uncomfortable facts about Jews, who are abused to mislead folks to throw the baby out with the bathwater) who fail to note the difference between UNJews (the Hellenists, the globalists, treacherous Jews) and Zionists, who distort the facts that Jews, in disproportionate number, have been instrumental in anti-American, anti-Christ, anti-Torah, anti-white movements and machinations, the facts remain the same - Jews, in disproportionate number, have been instrumental in anti-American, anti-Christ, anti-Torah, anti-white movements and machinations - and those facts are routinely hatefully ignored, shamefully downplayed, or smugly dismissed rather than honestly addressed and put in proper perspective, throwing fuel on the fires.

It's not that the majority of Americans aren't "buying" into the message some deliver, but have been sold out for years, dumbed down and brainwashed by the hateful media and politically correct cultists (and their treacherous tentacles like the racist NAACP, hypocritical ADL and self-righteous Southern Poverty Law Center, etc.) to believe the Jews are some innocent lamb, above reproach, off-limits, and/or remain ignorant and indifferent (more bread and circuses anybody?) to these facts that are typically suppressed.

David Ben-Ariel on WND

Here are a few comments from BLOGNETDAILY by WND

RE: For David Ben-Ariel
Posted by David Ben-Ariel on Apr 16, 2010 08:20

I'm glad you googled me, which should have revealed blogs (besides my website) that include this information on the right side:

About Me
Name: David Ben-Ariel
Location: Toledo, Ohio, United States
Author, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

View my complete profile

If you click on that complete profile it offers my email address.

I'm glad you love Israel too! I pray everybody who is thrilled about the Holy Land of Israel and its rich history, concerned about its pulsating current events and who share the hope of its bright future (after the Storm has passed) can go up to Jerusalem and explore throughout the Promised Land of Israel and let the Scriptures come further alive!

You could say I have a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel (Isaiah 62:6-7). That sacred bond has been strengthened over the years by the fact that I've been blessed to have lived all over Israel, getting to know its land and people quite well.

Apart from 5 months at Ramat Yohanan (where I met my "kibbutz mother," Miriam Weiss) I've also stayed at Sdot Yam on the Mediterranean, next to Caesarea, the site of my first ulpan (intensive Hebrew course), and where Israel's heroine, Hannah Senesh, was from; Regavim, near Zichron Yaakov, where I continued my Hebrew lessons amid its rolling green hills; Reshafim, near Bet She'an, with Mt. Gilboa practically in our backyard, and Jordan's mountains in lovely view out front; Adamit, on Lebanon's border, high up on a mountain, from where on clear days you can see all the way to Haifa's Mt. Carmel; Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert, just north of Be'er Sheva; Dan, way up in the northernmost part of Israel, in between Syria and Lebanon, next to the majestic snow-covered Mt. Hermon, where I was living when "Operation Desert Storm" blew in; and Ha'On, with its campground and ostrich farm on the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee, across from Tiberias; and last but not least, my beloved Jerusalem, next to my favorite spot on earth: the Temple Mount.

Reply to: stormy
I looked you up on google, and I'm hoping there is a site, that has a email address so I could write to you. If there is an address, I hope I can find it. I don't understand all of your stances, but I'd like to learn. All I know is I love Israel, and am forever grateful for the Israelites writing the Bible. Without them, we would not have the OT, NT. Some people forget, that many Jews believed on Jesus when Jesus was on the earth, and also after when He went back to the Father. The Jews are the chosen, and I know salvation is open to all, and the time of the gentiles will end soon. I would like to live in Israel someday. Maybe they will all return to the land God gave to them soon. I saw some of the you tubes you have. I don't understand why Zionist Jews are bashed by people, God will curse those who curse them.... Thanks, take care

RE: RE: For David Ben-Ariel
Posted by David Ben-Ariel on Apr 16, 2010 07:59

Yes, as a Christian-Zionist my articles dare to share the plain truth about the good and bad Jews (and good and bad Christians), contrary to the unsubstantiated charges that those who love the United States and strongly support the Jewish homeland of Israel turn a blind eye to Israel's faults. As necessary, such love includes "tough love" in the holy spirit of Yahshua who said, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore and repent" (Revelation 3:19), as well as following the spiritual principle of Proverbs 27:5 - "Better is open rebuke than hidden love."

Reply to: VinceB.
As best as I can decipher, from Ben's site and others, is such as is typical of the whole human race: there's good Jews and there's bad Jews...wheat and tares...

Just as there's good patriotic Christian Americans like Chuck Baldwin (no pretense), there are bad patriotic Christian (false-pretense/pseudo) Americans like George W. Bush - whom to the Messiah rejecting world, we all look the 'same'!

George W. Bush will masquerade as a Christian patriotic American so as to dupe real Christians - while he's knowingly helping to create a backlash, a hostile environment, against the real Christians by those who aren't (ie the Christ rejecting world around us etc.)!

Again, from what I understand, there's Jews that have, and continue to feed off others at the expense of the good Jews...Kind of like when the world wants to know what Christians think about this social issue or another, they run to the Roman Catholic Church to hear from the Pope...they don't run to a David Wilkerson, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Chuck Smith, others of fundamental Christianity...

That's kind of how I see Ben's work as expounding upon...I could be wrong though; I'm open to learn as I sojourn along on my way to glory/esteem in heaven...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Obama dogs America

"Where's the Birth Certificate?" dogs Obama

Obama dogs America by his proud and stubborn refusal to be transparent with his long form birth certificate, so legitimate Americans will continue to dog Obama with the legitimate question:

"Where's the Birth Certificate?" dogs Obama

Authentic 1924 Temple Mount Guide tells the truth

Hello David:
  We own an extremely rare, authentic First Edition copy of the Temple Mount Guide (Al-Haram Al-Sharif) that was published by the Supreme Muslim Council in 1924 -- containing ground-breaking information (see below) about the Temple Mount: "It's identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute..."
  If you were a visitor to Jerusalem during that era, you might have purchased this Guide as a souvenir of your trip.
  Here is the main reason for this email: We have developed a museum-quality reproduction of that 1924 First Edition of the al-Haram al-Sharif Temple Mount Guide -- -- Feel free to take a look at the website. If you would like to receive a copy and help to publicize it, give us the best mailing address to which we can mail it.
  This Guide is not the end-all-debate type of document. It is merely a "truth-centric" discussion-starter, helping to establish a conversation on the right historical footing.
  Many knowledgeable individual have never even heard of this Guide and are intrigued with the potential impact of this document as a gateway to discuss and reframe the "two-state-of-Israel" debate.
  Here is the article, which will provide an excellent context for what has been communicated thus far:
 In each copy we have stapled an informational sheet into the center. Here is a copy of what is printed on that insert. It will provide a context for the Temple Mount Guide...
The Denial of Jerusalem’s Historic Past Damages Prospects for Peace
In The Wall Street Journal (Sept. 25, 2009) Bari Weiss reported, “For the record: Jerusalem is the holiest city in Judaism, mentioned more than 600 times in the Hebrew Bible. Three times a day, religious Jews face eastward toward the city when they pray. At Jewish weddings, the couple’s joy is diminished as they shatter a glass to acknowledge Jerusalem’s still unfulfilled redemption. It is a widespread custom then to recite the 137th psalm (‘If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither, let my tongue cleave to my palate..’).”
Weiss goes on to state, “According to Jewish tradition, Jerusalem’s designation as Judaism’s most sacred city made it the obvious place for King Solomon to build the Holy Temple following the death of his father, King David. After the temple’s destruction by the Babylonians, it was rebuilt by King Herod before being destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70.”
This is an expression of the traditional view held by millions around the world. But senior Palestinian political and intellectual leaders have gone on record with an alternative perspective.
Here are but a few of the many documented statements by important figures denying the Jewish people’s historic ties to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem:
The Jerusalem Post reported on August 27, 2009, “The Palestinian Authority’s chief Islamic judge, Sheikh Tayseer Rajab Tamimi, said that there was no evidence to back up claims that Jews had ever lived in Jerusalem or that the Temple ever existed. Tamimi claimed that Israeli archeologists had ‘admitted’ that Jerusalem was never inhabited by Jews.”
The November 22, 1997 edition of the Palestinian newspaper, Al-Ayyam published a statement from the chief Muslim cleric of the Palestinian Authority, Mufti Ikrama Sabri, “The claim of the Jews to the right over [Jerusalem] is false, and we recognize nothing but an entirely Islamic Jerusalem under Islamic supervision...”
Shamekh Alawneh, a lecturer in modern history at Al Quds University, said on August 11, 2009 that “the Jews invented their connection to Jerusalem. It has no historical roots.” According to Alawneh, “the Jews are engaging in an attack on history, theft of culture, falsification of facts, erasure of the truth, and Judaization of the place.”
In an article for The Washington Post (July 30, 2000) Lee Hockstader wrote, “Saeb Erekat, Arafat’s chief negotiator at Camp David in 2000, took issue with Ben-Ami’s contention that Solomon’s Temple, the Jewish sacred site built 3,000 years ago, had really once stood on the Temple Mount. As the two negotiators debated, Clinton looked on amazed. Erekat then said to President Clinton: ‘I don’t believe there was a temple on top of the Haram [holy site], I really don’t.’ Clinton later said Arafat’s intransigence on Jerusalem was largely to blame.”
Islamic Movement chief Raed Salah declared in November 2006, “We remind, for the 1,000th time, that the entire Al-Aqsa mosque [on the Temple Mount], including all of its area and alleys above the ground and under it, is exclusive and absolute Moslem property, and no one else has any rights to even one grain of earth in it.”
In the midst of such quotes there stands an authentic piece of Muslim history that counters these and other similar declarations.
Authentic 1924 Temple Mount Guide Tells the Truth
The Supreme Muslim Council’s own words dating back to their 1924 Guide to the Temple Mount confirm the truth of the Jewish people’s unique relationship to these hallowed grounds dating back some three thousand years.
Irrefutable documentation of this fact comes from the well-researched, sixteen-page A Brief Guide to al-Haram al-Sharif, published by the Supreme Muslim Council. This Guide officially recognizes Jewish connection to the Temple Mount.
A 1924 first edition copy of al- Haram al-Sharif was recently obtained by The Simon Wiesenthal Center. On the fourth page the Historical Sketch of the Haram declares: “The site is one of the oldest in the world. Its sanctity dates from the earliest times. Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to universal belief, on which David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings” (2 Samuel 24:25).
Judaism’s unequivocal connection to the Temple Mount comes up again on the last page of the booklet (page sixteen), which discusses the “substructures” of the Dome of the Rock. Describing the area of Solomon’s Stables, which Islamic Waqf officials converted into a new mosque in 1996, the guide states: “...It dates probably as far back as the construction of Solomon’s Temple. According to Josephus, it was in existence and was used as a place of refuge by the Jews at the time of the conquest of Jerusalem by Titus in the year 70 A.D.”
The guide also refers on page sixteen to Christianity’s link to a small chamber in the vast subterranean structure, “which was believed in medieval times to have been associated with Jesus Christ’s infancy. This belief was prevalent long before the advent of the Crusaders…”
All editions of the Temple Mount Guide from 1924-1953 were published with the same wording by the Supreme Muslim Council. It is often said that diplomats sign treaties but only people can make peace. The Simon Wiesenthal Center shares this information with you in the hopes that it will inspire people of good will of all faiths to work together for a true and lasting peace that will emanate from Jerusalem – based on truth, tolerance and mutual respect.
Thank you,
Temple Mount Guide team

UK Bans Western Wall from Israel Tourism Ads

UK Bans Western Wall from Israel Tourism Ads

The Advertising Standards Authority rules that an Israeli ad breaches rules on truthfulness.
FT: Promoting Demonization & Boycotts

A Financial Times op-ed draws on the false apartheid parallel.
Return of the Living Dead

Credibility of Palestinian medical sources questioned as teen allegedly shot dead by the IDF returns to his family alive only days later.
Full Archive
1. Not the White Response
2. Special Report: Making Sense of the Jerusalem Crisis
3. Jerusalem on the Media Frontline
4. Johann Hari: Back With a Vengeance
5. What New Settlement?