Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is religious syncretism a good thing?

By Roger Meyer (guest columnist) | Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Most people don't realize it, but their religion is a blend of paganism and Christianity. Is that a good thing? Does it make any difference to God that at least part of one's beliefs and practices came from a pagan religion? Read more Read More

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hanukkah March of the Temple Mount Faithful

b'ezrat HaShem / with the help of G‑d

Hanukkah March of the Temple Mount Faithful — 2010/5771

The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement will hold their traditional Hanukkah march on the first day of Tevet (Wednesday, December 8), beginning at 9:00 AM, Jerusalem time. Starting out in Modi'in, the ancient city of the Maccabees, the march will follow the route taken by the Maccabees as they defeated the mighty Greek army on their way to liberate the holy city of Jerusalem. Their main goal was to liberate Jerusalem, to purify the Temple from the pagan idols, and to once again make the city of Jerusalem the capital of the nation of Israel.
It was in Modi'in where the high priest Mattityahu started a revolt, together with his five sons and many volunteers from the Jewish people. With the help and the strength of the G‑d of Israel, through battle after battle they defeated the Greek empire. They were a small minority fighting against what was at the time the world's greatest military force. When the Greek soldiers asked for Mattityahu's help in getting the Jewish people to make a sacrifice on a pagan altar, he cried out, "G‑d forbid that we should forsake the law and the ordinances. We will not obey the king's commands to turn away from our religion, either on the right hand or the left" (1 Maccabees 2.21-22). And with that, he killed one of the Jewish traitors who was getting ready to offer a pagan sacrifice, just as Phinehas son of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest did to Zimri the son of Salu (Numbers 25.6-15). As he went throughout the city, Mattityahu cried out to the people of Israel, "Whosoever is zealous of the law and maintains the covenant, let him follow me!" (1 Maccabees 2.27). As he fought on and on, more and more Israelis joined with him and his sons. But they all knew that the real reason for their victories and the complete removal of the Greek empire from the land of Israel was that the G‑d of Israel had become the General and the Commander of the Maccabee's forces, and He does today with Israel, so He did with the Maccabees and gave them their great victories in their time of need.
By their bold actions, the Maccabees began a spiritual revolution within the Jewish community, spreading throughout the Land of Israel which was laid heavy under a strong influence of the Hellenistic pagan culture, placing it in grave danger of loosing its godly Jewish identity. By saving Israel's godly identity through this revolution, the Maccabees provided a lesson to all the coming generations of Israel that a small minority, even one person such as the high priest Mattityahu, can change the negative march of history so long as they trust in the G‑d of Israel, and follow the eternal Torah which He gave to Israel.
Since the origin of our movement, the Temple Mount Faithful Movement has considered itself to be as the Maccabees, and as the Joshua's and the Caleb's of our time we swore to adopt this lesson of the Maccabees. We swore faithfulness to G‑d and to His Word and we trust Him absolutely. Like the Maccabees, we are struggling for the liberation and purification of the Temple Mount, the hill of G‑d in Jerusalem, to immediately remove the Arab Islamic pagan presence from the most holy place of Israel -- the location of the First, Second and soon-to-come Third Temple.
On the seventh day of Hanukkah, Wednesday, 1 Tevet 5771 (December 8, 2010) the Temple Mount Faithful Movement will travel by bus to Modi'in, where we shall swear faithfulness to the godly heritage of the Maccabees. We will light the Hanukkah menorah and say for the ears of the whole world, "You will never take the land of Israel given by G‑d only to His people Israel and give it to foreigners and enemies of the G‑d and the people of Israel". We shall swear before G‑d to make the same Spiritual revolution that the Maccabees made in their time. It will be an exciting moment to stand on the same ground where the Maccabees stood, the ground of the ancient city of Modi'in. After lighting the torch of the Maccabees, we will run for part of the way following in the tracks of the Maccabees and their victories against the Greeks, on the mountains of Beit Horon. When we arrive at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem we will demonstrate for the immediate removal of the Arab Islamic enemy from the Temple Mount. We will tell the leaders of the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations that they will not pressure us to stop building homes for the Jewish people on their ancient Land. We will stand against any false anti-godly plan to create a foreign Islamic terrorist state in the midst of the Land of the G‑d and the people of Israel. We shall call to everyone in the world -- and to all the leaders in Israel -- to take their hands away from the Land which belongs to G‑d, that Land which He gave to the people of Israel in an ancient, eternal covenant.
Our present era is reminiscent of the period of the ancient Maccabees, when Israel was controlled by the Greek Empire who prohibited Israel from attaining her divine mission of being a holy nation, a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations. Israel, who had sworn to commit herself to be faithful to the One True Living G‑d of Israel, immediately rejected the situation when the Greeks desecrated the Holy Temple of G‑d in Jerusalem and placed their own pagan idols inside the Holy of Holies of the Temple and forced the Israelites to accept a Hellenistic pagan faith and culture. The Israelites were determined to remain as servants 'only' to the G‑d of Israel and never to be slaves to pagan idolatries. The first book of the Maccabees reads as if it were written today. To all of those who devise evil plans to take Jerusalem from the G‑d and people of Israel, we answer today in the words of Nehemiah, the leader of Israel after the destruction of the First Temple and the redemption of Israel 2,526 years ago, who answered Geshem, the Arab and his companions:
"Then I answered them, and said to them, The G‑d of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build; but you have no portion, or right, or memorial, in Jerusalem." (Nehemiah 2:20)
To those who have devised plans to divide the Land of Israel, to give it to her sworn enemies, listen to what G‑d said through the prophet Joel more than 2,500 years ago:
"For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will enter into judgment with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and have divided up my land." (Joel 4:1-2/Christian Bible 3:1-2)
Everyone who reads this message is called to participate in this exciting and important event of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement. You can ride with us with no cost -- just bring an open heart and be a part of an event that will be another stage in the godly end-time campaign of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement. For additional details, contact us by e-mail: gershon@templemountfaithful.org, telephone: 02.625.1112 or FAX: 02.625.1113 (don't forget your country code).
In G‑d we trust!!

The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement
P.O. Box 18325, 4 Aliash Street, Jerusalem, Israel
Telephone: 02.625.1112 / FAX: 02.625.1113

© Copyright 1997 - 2010  |  Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement

The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is not associated or affiliated with the Temple Institute.

Monday, December 6, 2010

God hates Christmas!

Jeremiah 10 condemns Christmas trees!

Jeremiah 10
1 Hear the word which the LORD speaks to you, O house of Israel.
2 Thus says the LORD:

Do not learn the way of the Gentiles;
Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven,
For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the peoples are futile;
For one cuts a tree from the forest,
The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.
4 They decorate it with silver and gold;
They fasten it with nails and hammers
So that it will not topple.
5 They are upright, like a palm tree,
And they cannot speak;
They must be carried,
Because they cannot go by themselves.
Do not be afraid of them,
For they cannot do evil,
Nor can they do any good.”
6 Inasmuch as there is none like You, O LORD
(You are great, and Your name is great in might),
7 Who would not fear You, O King of the nations?
For this is Your rightful due.
For among all the wise men of the nations,
And in all their kingdoms,
There is none like You.
8 But they are altogether dull-hearted and foolish;
A wooden idol is a worthless doctrine.
9 Silver is beaten into plates;
It is brought from Tarshish,
And gold from Uphaz,
The work of the craftsman
And of the hands of the metalsmith;
Blue and purple are their clothing;
They are all the work of skillful men.
10 But the LORD is the true God;
He is the living God and the everlasting King.
At His wrath the earth will tremble,
And the nations will not be able to endure His indignation.

Jeremiah 10 condemns idolatry, both in the letter and in the spirit, whether a physical idol or an idolatrous tradition based upon HEATHEN CUSTOMS like the "Christmas tree" that history clearly exposes as pagan in origin. Those who adorn their Christmas trees and remain in denial about its pagan origin, who play deaf, dumb and blind to the facts, who attempt to dismiss or downplay how it's a heathen custom, are living a lie and shamefully reject the clear commandments of God that speak against such spiritual adultery, mixing and matching pagan error with biblical truth, and will suffer the consequences for being so dishonest and deceitful.

Pagan holidays like Christmas and pagan customs like Christmas trees are both abominations to God. True Christians shun both, we avoid them like the plague, because we love God more than idolatrous traditions of apostate men!

Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas

Christmas is About Giving -- Says Who?

C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

The Plain Truth about Christmas

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A gracious song for healing from Jerusalem!

May the Lord heal you from all your ailments! Refuah Sheleimah (a complete healing). Here is a song to help you get well:


Monday, November 29, 2010

Eurabia: A Voice Cries Out in Defense of Europe's Heritage

Eurabia: A Voice Cries Out in Defense of Europe's Heritage

With birthrates among traditional Europeans in decline while population growth in Europe's Muslim communities soars, one European voice asks whether Europe wants to preserve its cultural and religious identity. Will anyone listen before it's too late?

by Paul Kieffer

Members of Western democratic parliaments are known to voice concerns on issues beyond their own national borders. Topics like human rights, poverty, AIDS in the developing world and other issues sometimes echo from the halls of Congress, the British Parliament, Germany's Bundestag and elsewhere.

Perhaps the most memorable example of a member of parliament (MP) speaking out on a perceived danger abroad was British MP Winston Churchill during the 1930s. On numerous occasions Churchill warned his country of the danger it faced from the ascent of German dictator Adolf Hitler.
Though accused of "scaremongering," Churchill did not relent. When British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was hailed as a hero on his return from his 1938 meeting in Munich with Hitler, proclaiming "peace in our time," Churchill predicted a future "day of reckoning." The rest of the story is history.
Flash forward to the present. For the last six years one Western European politician in particular has made it his mission in life to warn his own countrymen—and anyone else in Europe who will listen—about a threat staring Europe in the face within its own continental borders. The threat he perceives is the demise of Europe's traditional cultural and religious identity as a result of the gradual Islamization of Europe.
Who is he? He is Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parliament and a vocal opponent of "Eurabia."

Who is Geert Wilders?

Many people may not recognize Geert Wilders' name. After all, the Netherlands is not one of the world's larger countries, and most people—even in Europe—do not follow the Dutch domestic political scene closely. Wilders, 47, was born in the city of Venlo on the Dutch-German border. He was raised a Roman Catholic but left the church on reaching adulthood. Despite leaving the Catholic Church, Wilders supports traditional Judeo-Christian values.
After completing his education, Wilders traveled to the Middle East, where he lived in Israel for a time and also visited some of the neighboring Arab countries. The impressions of Islam he took home from those visits have shaped his personal assessment, which he says is similar to the viewpoint of none other than Winston Churchill. As a young man, Churchill served as a soldier and war correspondent in the late 1890s in British India (in what is today Pakistan) and the Sudan.
Churchill summed up his perception of Islam's effects on its adherents: "The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist ... Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities—but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it."
He concluded: "No stronger retrograde force exists in the world" (The River War, 1899).
Wilders, at the beginning of his political career, worked as a speechwriter for the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD). He moved to Utrecht in 1996 and was elected to the city council and in 2002 to the lower house of the Dutch parliament. Wilders had problems with his party's position on admitting Turkey as a member of the European Union, leading him to form his own party in 2004, now called the Party for Freedom (PVV).
EU membership for Turkey would eventually mean more Muslims living elsewhere in Europe, although Wilders already sees Europe's cultural and religious heritage threatened by the continent's current Muslim population. Wilders points out that 100 years ago there were fewer than 100 Muslims living in the Netherlands, compared to nearly 1 million today out of a total Dutch population of some 16 million.
Wilders pulls no punches about his desire to see limits placed on the influence of Islam in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. He is against the use of any language but Dutch in mosques located in the Netherlands—so that others will know what is said in them and as a check against imams feigning peace and goodwill to the outside world while inciting hatred and violence among Muslim congregants. He also opposes the construction of new mosques in his country.

Speaking in the Dutch parliament, he once said that the Koran should be banned in the Netherlands, adding that if Islam's holy book were to be stripped of passages proclaiming violence, it would be reduced to the size of a comic book.
With this opinion, Wilders is on the same page as Pope Benedict XVI. In a speech given in Regensburg in September 2006, Benedict quoted a medieval Christian emperor who equated Islam with violence: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
Accused of being a racist, Wilders counters by saying that he does not hate Muslims. Instead, he just hates Islam. On his own blog, Wilders summarizes that viewpoint:
"The purpose of Islam is the total submission of oneself and others to the unknowable Allah, whom we must serve through total obedience to Muhammad as leader of the Islamic state (suras 3:31, 4:80, 24:62, 48:10, 57:28). And history has taught us that Muhammad was not at all a prophet of love and compassion, but a mass murderer, a tyrant and a pedophile. Muslims could not have a more deplorable role model."

Growing popularity and power

Geert Wilders is typically characterized by the mainstream media as being a right-wing populist, an anti-Muslim agitator or xenophobic. And yet twice in annual public opinion surveys he was rated the second-most popular politician in the Netherlands.
In parliamentary elections of June 2010, Wilders' party won 24 of the 150 seats in the lower house, a remarkable increase over its previous result of nine seats in 2006. Wilders has agreed to support a minority coalition government formed by two other conservative parties, which will give him considerable leverage in the new government.

Wilders has had to pay a price for his stance on Islam, however. He has received numerous death threats and has been constantly accompanied by six bodyguards since a letter threatening his death was found in the apartment of the Islamic fanatic who assassinated Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in broad daylight on a street in Amsterdam in November 2004. The bodyguards "stand outside the door when I go to the bathroom," he once said.

Wilders never sleeps two nights in a row in the same location. Because of these security restrictions, he is able to see his wife only once every two weeks. He has described his life as "essentially living in a prison."

Muslim population growth in Europe

Wilders sees the increasing Muslim population in Europe as one of the most serious threats to the preservation of Europe's traditional cultural and religious heritage. It comes as no surprise that he opposes continued immigration from Islamic countries and Turkey's bid for full EU membership, which would eventually open Europe's gates to unrestricted Turkish immigration.
Muslims currently account for about 5 percent of the European Union's population. If Turkey's bid for EU membership is successful, on the day Turkey becomes a member the percentage of Muslims living in the EU will increase to 20 percent. But current population numbers are only part of the story. Turkey would also soon be the EU's largest country. Based on current population trends, Turkey will surpass Germany's 82 million inhabitants by the year 2020 and may have as many as 100 million people by the year 2050.

However, even if Turkey does not become a full member of the European Union, the percentage of Muslims living in Europe will still double within 15 years. Europe's Islamic community is experiencing a population explosion. At the same time, the traditional non-Muslim population of Europe will decline by an estimated 3.5 percent. Europe's traditional non-Islamic population is slowly but surely dying out.
Germany's birthrate is a prime example of the population decline among Europe's traditional nationalities. Statistically each woman in Germany currently has 1.36 live births during her childbearing years, far below the 2.1 average considered necessary to maintain a country's population. Given current trends, the research by the private Institute for Population and Development in Berlin indicates that the number of children born in Germany will drop 50 percent by the year 2050.
The declining birthrate is most acute in the former East Germany, where the average birthrate since the reunification of Germany in 1990 is 0.77 live births. Reiner Klingholz, the director of the private Berlin Institute for Population and Development, summarized the situation with some humor: "With the Vatican as the exception, that's the lowest birthrate anywhere in the world."
If this situation continues unhindered, it is only a matter of time before the Islamic community in Europe becomes a sizable minority and even a majority of Europe's total population. In 2005, for example, there were more children of Islamic parentage born in France than people of a traditional French background.
Although not directly related to Europe's declining birthrate, it's also interesting to note that the number of Europeans who profess to be Christians has declined noticeably in the last 100 years. In 1900 approximately 95 percent of Europeans claimed to be Christian. At the beginning of the 21st century that percentage had dropped to 75 percent, with a sharp increase in the decline just in the last 25 years.

For example, since 1980 the population segment that identifies itself as Christian in Belgium declined by 20 percent; in the Netherlands, by 18 percent; and in France, by 16 percent. Today's Europe is also the only continent witnessing a decline in the number of Catholics. The annual number of infant baptisms in the Philippines is now more than the combined annual total for France, Italy, Poland and Spain.

If present trends continue, Europe will slowly become what Geert Wilders calls "Eurabia," a continent whose traditional heritage becomes drowned out by a fast-growing Muslim community—now a minority, but possibly a majority of Europe's population in the future.

Europe's religious future

Bible prophecy shows that Europe's traditional religious heritage will wield considerable influence in the future, but in a way not imagined by Dutch MP Geert Wilders. The book of Revelation contains a prophecy about 10 "kings" or leaders who collectively form a new geopolitical superpower called "the beast," which Jesus Christ will conquer and destroy at His return to the earth.

We read about them in Revelation 17:12-14: "The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour [a short time] as kings with the beast ... These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them" (emphasis added).
Those 10 horns are part of a "beast" described in verse 3 as having "seven heads and ten horns," with the 10 horns—the final 10 leaders who will fight against Christ—apparently representing one of the seven heads. Each of the seven heads is a "mountain"—biblical symbolism for a kingdom or empire—with its king (verses 9-10). Verse 10 clarifies that the heads appear in chronological sequence, and the final "head," or king (verse 10), will appear as the 10 kings symbolized by 10 horns (verse 12).
This sequence of rulers is dominated by a religious system called "Babylon the Great," which emanates from "the great harlot [city] who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication" (Revelation 17:1-2). The true Church of God, in contrast, is pictured in the Bible as a chaste bride waiting to be married to Christ. The harlot of Revelation 17 is a deceptive religious system masquerading as a true system of worship.

As the modern heir of ancient Babylon's mystery religion, it is the city of Rome that is described as being "drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus" (Revelation 17:6). It's a historical fact that Rome, more than any other city, under the influence of a great religious system, has orchestrated the persecution and martyrdom of "those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 14:12).

Pictured as a harlot sitting astride the "beast" of which she is the cultural and spiritual center, this infamous city has exerted a vast influence over the earth's "peoples, multitudes, nations and languages" (Revelation 17:15, New International Version). For a while she has enjoyed the status and fame of being the city that "reigns over the kings of the earth" (verse 18).

In other words, it appears that the composite "beast" of Revelation 17 is the so-called Holy Roman Empire—the resurrected Roman Empire dominated by the modern descendant of the ancient Babylonian mystery religion. The final resurrection of that empire will be predominantly influenced not by Islam, but by the same religious system that has dominated it since Emperor Justinian I initiated his restoration of the Roman Empire in A.D. 554.

Geert Wilders and Europe's future

While no one can predict what course Geert Wilders' political future may take, it is interesting that his position on Muslim population growth in Europe is consistent with Bible prophecy.
Islam has never been the religion of the Holy Roman Empire, nor will it be in the future. Since the "great harlot" of Revelation 17 is pictured as continually being the dominant influence on the "beast" system, the Islamic minority in Europe apparently will not grow to such an extent that it will prevent the traditional religious system of the Holy Roman Empire from exerting its influence in the end-time "beast" power.
But the growth of this minority and a rise in Muslim terrorism could well set off a backlash among traditional Europeans, providing impetus for their returning to their Roman religious and cultural heritage.
With the fast-growing Islamic minority in Europe, what are the implications for Europe's future when it comes to Europe's Islamic community and Islamic immigration?

There would appear to be several possibilities—all of which could be listed as action points for Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom. They include the following:

• Immigration from non-EU, Islamic countries may be restricted at some point in the future.
• Residency for some—perhaps a majority of—non-EU Islamic people living in Europe may be revoked at some point in the future.
In the current liberal atmosphere in Europe, restricting immigration for people of the Islamic faith, or even deporting some of those who are already here, seems unlikely. However, the violent reaction in the Netherlands to the murder in broad daylight of Dutch movie producer Theo van Gogh by a Moroccan in November 2004 shows what can happen in a tense confrontation. Any restrictions placed on immigration from Islamic countries would certainly strain relations between the European Union and the Islamic world.
Meanwhile, Wilders continues his efforts to preserve Europe's heritage from Islamic influence. In July he announced an international "freedom alliance" to spread his anti-Islamist message across the West.
He told the Associated Press in an interview that he will launch the international movement later this year, initially in five countries—the United States, Canada, Britain, France and Germany. This "is not just a Dutch problem..., it is a problem for the entire free West," he said.

With his effort to defend Europe's traditional heritage against growing Islamic influence, Geert Wilders is a man to watch. He would no doubt be surprised to learn what kind of resurgence of traditional religious fervor actually lies in Europe's future.

Despite the current demographic trends in Europe, Bible prophecy indicates that the dominant religious influence on the final resurrection of the Roman Empire will not be Islam. Instead, it will be the same one that has existed for centuries in previous revivals of the Holy Roman Empire—that of "Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth" (Revelation 17:5).
With the Muslim population explosion in Europe, the final configuration of that last resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire may appear on the world scene sooner than some people think. For it seems it would need to come before Europeans of traditional heritage are reduced to a minority in Europe—a demographic change that, if trends continue as they are, would be on us in quite a short period of time.  GN

3 Missing Boys

Community Searches for 3 Missing Boys
Planes, search dogs, and a behavioral science team have formed a search party for three missing boys from Morenci. Andrew, 9, Alexander, 7, and Tanner, 5, were reported missing Friday.
Posted: 11:59 PM Nov 28, 2010
Reporter: Rachel Thomas
Email Address: rachel.thomas@wilx.com
width:240 and height: 180 and picwidth: 240 and pciheight: 180

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

God and the Gays

By Davy Crockett | Sabbath, November 20, 2010
What a mixed up age we live in today. Abnormal behavior is promoted as "normal" by special interest groups who aggressively press forward their agenda with public demonstrations, litigation, and organized pressure to accept what was, for millennia, considered taboo in society. Read moreRead More
God and the Gays - To Be or Not to Be (Part 1)

Homosexuality.... Is it a matter of choice? Are some born that way? And if so, then how could God condemn it? Or does He? Does it make a difference?
God and the Gays - All That Glitters Isn't Gold (Part 2)

The gay bar scene or high risk promiscuous sex... Is it so happy-go-lucky? Something so sweet and wonderful we'd "wish you were here?" Or is it actually something you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy?

The forgotten scourge

By Davy Crockett | Sabbath, November 20, 2010
What a mixed up age we live in today. Abnormal behavior is promoted as "normal" by special interest groups who aggressively press forward their agenda with public demonstrations, litigation, and organized pressure to accept what was, for millennia, considered taboo in society. Read more Read More

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Will to live

"Don't let the darkness destroy your will to live in the light."
- a friend years ago

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Heaven, Hell and Purgatory?

Commentary: The truth about heaven, hell and purgatory
By Wyatt Ciesielka | Sabbath, November 13, 2010

What of the false doctrines of heaven, hell and purgatory? And what of the Scriptures that supposedly support these fabrications of human reasoning? Read more Read More

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The End of America?

The beginning of a U.S. currency crisis and hyperinflation. Become a member of NIA for free at http://inflation.us

Friday, November 5, 2010

EzineArticles.com Reports

Top 3 Performing Articles (October 2010):

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
October 2010 Views: 480

David Pack & the Restored Church of God
October 2010 Views: 263

The Plain Truth About The "Lost Ten Tribes" And Why You Need To Know
October 2010 Views: 234

Britain and France flirting with disaster

By Wyatt Ciesielka | Thursday, November 04, 2010
Britain and France are grappling now with what the United States will be forced to confront very soon - they are financially unable to maintain the military power to which they were once accustomed. Consequently, Britain and France recently signed military and nuclear weapons treaties ensuring unprecedented cooperation. Can these two nations really trust their military alliance to provide for their national security in the years ahead? And, what are the lessons for them ... and for America? Read more Read More

Monday, November 1, 2010

Black Invention Myths

Black Invention Myths

Perhaps you've heard the claims: Were it not for the genius and energy of African-American inventors, we might find ourselves in a world without traffic lights, peanut butter, blood banks, light bulb filaments, and a vast number of other things we now take for granted but could hardly imagine life without.

Such beliefs usually originate in books or articles about black history. Since many of the authors have little interest in the history of technology outside of advertising black contributions to it, their stories tend to be fraught with misunderstandings, wishful thinking, or fanciful embellishments with no historical basis. The lack of historical perspective leads to extravagant overestimations of originality and importance: sometimes a slightly modified version of a pre-existing piece of technology is mistaken for the first invention of its type; sometimes a patent or innovation with little or no lasting value is portrayed as a major advance, even if there's no real evidence it was ever used.

Unfortunately, some of the errors and exaggerations have acquired an illusion of credibility by repetition in mainstream outlets, especially during Black History Month (see examples for the traffic light and ironing board). When myths go unchallenged for too long, they begin to eclipse the truth. Thus I decided to put some records straight. Although this page does not cover every dubious invention claim floating around out there, it should at least serve as a warning never to take any such claim for granted.

Each item below is listed with its supposed black originator beneath it along with the year it was supposedly invented, followed by something about the real origin of the invention or at least an earlier instance of it.


Obama dogs Ohio

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have...a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers."
-- John Adams
(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President

Obama dogs America.

"Where's the Birth Certificate?" dogs Obama

The President usurper, the fraud and foreigner, the bastard from Africa, the con man from Kenya, reveals his shady character by refusing to be transparent with many important documents from his educational records to long form birth certificate. Emperor Obama must go!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why darkness?

By Davy Crockett | Sabbath, October 30, 2010
A generation ago, audiences around the world were enthralled by the Star Wars Trilogy, an epic story about the struggle between good and evil. The colorful, memorable characters were either on the side of the "force" representing good or the "dark side" representing evil. One could envision a number of obvious analogies in this tale and it made for exciting entertainment. Read more Read More

Friday, October 29, 2010

It's black and white

Interracial marriage is unnatural!

Interracial dating and marriage is sin, sin, sin. It is UNNATURAL and looks unnatural - just like homosexual relationships and marriages (read God and the Gays). This common sense, this salt (preserving knowledge and irritating wounds but offering healing in the process) and light (exposing darkness), was once known and continues to be faithfully taught by those who haven't become friends with this world and enemies of God.

James 4:4
4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Common Sense Quotes about Race
"… Equality! Fudge! How long in this government of God, great enough to make and maintain this universe, shall there continue to be knaves to vend and fools to gulp so low a piece of demagoguism as this?"
- Abraham Lincoln, September 1859

"There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of white and black races."
- Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, 1857

"We are opposed to integration. It is a bad thing and we condemn it. Why should we destroy our identity? We love our black skins and we are proud of our heritage. Our country is open to all people of African descent."
- President Tubman of Liberia

"Bluebirds like to be together, eagles hang out with eagles, sparrows stick with sparrows, buzzards go with buzzards. They're all birds, but they go with their own."
- Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay)

"It is against God's law to integrate. It's only nature, not hatred, to keep people among their own kind. A man has to be a fool to want to live in any other culture but his own."
- Muhammad Ali

"The people of England will not passively watch the transformation of whole areas into alien territory.... a deep and dangerous gulf."
- Rt. Hon. Enoch Powell, MP, November 1968

"The right of any nation ... to regulate its demographic composition should be considered as sacred by any liberal-minded man."
- Don Salvador de Madariaga,
The Times, October 1964

"If I were Black, I would be for the Blacks; being White, I am for the Whites."
- Napoleon Bonaparte

"The idea that all men are equal is a palpable incredibility and a delirious absurdity."
- Thomas Carlyle

Two witnesses against interracial marriage that would destroy diversity and commit genocide against the distinct races:

Deuteronomy 32:8
8 When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, When He separated the sons of Adam [even though we're all family], He set the boundaries [borders we're to respect and not trespass] of the peoples According to the number of the children of Israel [everything in the ethnocentric Bible - with its focus on the family of Jacob - centers around Israel, nationally, internationally].

Acts 17:26
26 And [although] He [God] has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth [we're all human]... [yet He] has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries [sinners don't want to have rules and borders they're commanded not to cross] of their dwellings...

"This world says that the cause of racial problems is segregation, when in fact the opposite is the case...The Supreme Court of the USA, without God's wisdom, but has human 'wisdom', wants to mix the races."
- Herbert W. Armstrong

The Sin of Interracial Marriage

Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yitzhak Rabin

Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body
I met Yitzhak Rabin in the Israeli Parliament in 1982 during Hanukkah. I was able to talk with him briefly and mention I was associated with Ambassador College in Pasadena, California.

Avishai Raviv, Eyal, and Yitzhak Rabin
Avishai Raviv was an Israeli government agent provocateur (whose code name was "Champagne" for the bubbles of incitement he created to tarnish the right-wing Israelis) who goaded Yigal Amir to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (although this is hotly disputed by investigative reporters like Barry Chamish)...

Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?
The dark powers of the European Union, under evil influence of the very real German-Jesuit cabal, are intent on ripping out the heart of Israel and sacrificing Israeli sovereignty to their wannabe divine emperor about to take the world by storm, pimped by the sorcerer-pope.

What is Halloween all about?

Commentary: Halloween - a treat or a trick?
By Roger Meyer (guest columnist) | Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tens of millions of children the world over are getting ready to dress up in strange costumes and scary-faced masks to go door to door and beg for candy treats by saying, "Trick or treat!" At the same time, teens and adults are also getting ready to attend parties and gatherings to celebrate this strange holiday by donning costumes that are ghoulish, bizarre or risqué. Read more

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Death of the dollar?

Commentary: Will the mighty U.S. dollar fall?
By Wallace G. Smith | Sabbath, October 23, 2010
The front page headline of the Wall Street Journal on October 8, 2010, should grab every American's attention: "Dollar's Fall Roils World." The article points out how the U.S. dollar has fallen to historic lows against many of the world's currencies. Why? Other nations' continuing fear of the Federal Reserve's reckless injections of "Monopoly money" into the financial markets to prop up America's faltering economy. Read more

Friday, October 22, 2010

10 Famous Megachurch Founders and the Story Behind Them

By Tim Dalton

The megachurch movement, most commonly associated with evangelical, fundamentalist, or “prosperity gospel” Christianity (generally Protestant) in America, actually stretches much further than many realize. Because these institutions attract thousands of followers, it probably comes as little surprise that their founders and pastors generally garner a considerable amount of fame as a result. Most of them enjoy recognition from outside their religious or political niches as well – sometimes in the form of activism, participation in various conferences and summits, lectures, book deals, television appearances, and shocking scandals. The following list briefly summarizes some of the more prominent megachurch founders out there, focusing mainly on their relationships with the congregations they started rather than their public humiliations. It was, after all, not compiled by Perez Hilton. These men are who they are (or were who they were), and it is up to the reader to decide if he or she finds their messages and lives inspiring or appalling.

Read more, if you please, at 10 Famous Megachurch Founders and the Story Behind Them

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Three-fifths of a man

From the beginning a black man was considered three-fifths of a man (as spelled out in Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution).

Healthy families

Commentary: Quality dinners and healthy families
By Mike DeSimone (guest columnist) | Thursday, October 21, 2010
A couple of years ago, I was speaking with a gentleman who told me about a tradition in his family that would come to shape some of the traditions in my own family. He explained that his mother would read books aloud to the family during dinnertime! This put into action a thought process that would change the dynamics of dinnertime in my own family. Read more Read More

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Commentary: Can you escape Armageddon?
By Michael Heykoop | Sabbath, October 16, 2010
When you hear the term "Armageddon," what images come to mind? Perhaps you picture an asteroid crashing into the earth, a nuclear war ravaging the world or an epidemic snuffing out all life from the planet. The term has become synonymous with the phrase "the end of the world," and many believe that it marks the end of all life on earth! Read more Read More

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God commands Israel to build the Temple!

God commands Israel to build the Temple!

Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?Will Rome learn from history and receive instruction from the Bible or harden their hearts and be destroyed like pharaoh and Babylon? 

A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.

Major Upheaval in Israel?
Will an EARTHQUAKE shake Israel to its foundations and rock the world? Would the destruction of the Western/Wailing Wall and the demolition of the "Dome of the Rock" and Al-Aksa mosques—by an ACT OF GOD—serve further notice that it's time to build the Temple?

Third Temple Coming Soon to Jerusalem!
"And let them make me a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them" (Ex. 25:8). This holy command in the Scriptures seems clear enough, so what's the problem? Why has Israel tolerated Jerusalem’s "abomination of desolation" — a Temple Mount without a Temple? Why haven't the religious leaders encouraged the people to do what they can in fulfilling this mitzva?

The Temple of God in Holy Jerusalem
Paul, speaking of the imminent Third Temple, the holy TEMPLE OF GOD (the Temple of God - not just of the Jews or any other conspiracy theory that contradicts Scripture), that Europe's wannabe divine emperor will pollute, coveting it since Satan knows (even if some religious folks don't) it is the TEMPLE OF GOD...

Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount
During a 1995 Root and Branch lecture in Jerusalem, Professor Nahum Rakover, author and then Deputy Attorney General of Israel, publicly agreed with me that it isn't illegal for Christians or Jews to pray upon the Temple Mount, even though it is forcibly prevented by the police.

The Issue of the Temple MountThe common knowledge of our time is that the vast majority of Rabbis of this generation have prohibited the Jewish people from entering the Temple Mount (Har HaBayit), the holiest site in Judaism. The Temple Mount is the site of where the Beit HaMikdash (the Jewish Temple) once stood and the place where the Moslems have erected one mosque, the al-Aqsa and a site of pilgrimage, the Dome of the Rock.

Restore Israeli Sovereignty Over Temple Mount
The Wakf, the militant Muslim authority that oversees Jerusalem's Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site and Islam's alleged third holiest site (following Mecca and Medina) continue to show blatant disregard for Jewish, Christian and biblical history and non-Muslim sensitivities.

Where's the Temple On the Temple Mount?
Something's missing. Rome is synonymous with the Vatican, Mecca with the Kaaba, and Jerusalem's known for its Western Wall. But why should we stand before the wall, letting it obstruct our vision, when we could be praying in a Temple? Why should Jews continue to bow before an illegitimate Gentile decree that tells them where to pray? (Isaiah 10:1).

The Vatican Must Return the Temple Treasures
The Jews have prayed for 2,000 years to again see the Temple upon the Temple Mount. It's past time for prayers alone: ACTION is necessary to put faith into practice!

G-d Doesn't Listen to Jewish Prayers at the Western Wall
Gershon Salomon warned Israel and its leadership that as long as the shameful situation on the Temple Mount continues, and as long as they do not obey the call of G-d, peace will not come to the land. The enemies of Israel will continue to desire her land and will pressure those in power to divide it. Obedience to the call of G-d will bring peace, all of Israel's enemies will be removed and no one will wish to divide or desire the land.

Why Edward Abington, Jr.  Must Be Investigated!
"The American Diplomat in Arafat's Corner," published in The Jerusalem Report, came as no surprise to me. It was referring to Edward Abington, Jr., the United States' former consul general in Jerusalem who is now "guiding the Palestinians through the labyrinths of Washington. And his firm is being paid $2.25 million for his expertise."

Israel's Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel
As a Christian-American member of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement, I had been privileged to participate in their legal demonstrations during my 10-month stay in Jerusalem awaiting dual citizenship. Israeli television often showed me with my Jewish friends carrying Israeli flags throughout the Old City.

Blow Up the Mosques or An Expired Visa?
Once again, an attempt to spread DISinformation about my unjust deportation from Israel, only provides me with another opportunity to clearly state my case and continue to highlight the plight of the Temple Mount suffering under a Nazi-Muslim occupation...

From Toledo to Jerusalem
You could say I have a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel (Isaiah 62:6-7). That sacred bond has been strengthened over the years by the fact that I've been blessed to have lived all over Israel, getting to know its land and people quite well.

Dangerous Ideas?
During my brief appearance before Israel's High Court, the prosecution charged that I hold "dangerous ideas." I suppose the short-sighted prosecution would ban the Bible if he could since it contains the "dangerous ideas" that millions believe in! What are those "dangerous ideas?"

American Detained in Jerusalem's Russian Compound
Nobody arrested me. I was detained when I faithfully reported to the police office at 9 a.m. Monday morning, January 9, 1996 (day before my birthday) the day after The Jerusalem Post published on their front page an article shedding light on what they were doing in the dark: "GSS Seeks to Deport American Citizen for Plot to Blow Up Al Aksa Mosque."

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Singing Stars!

By Wyatt Ciesielka | Sabbath, October 09, 2010
Have you ever held a really big, beautiful diamond? A "GIA grade F" diamond is considered flawless. These are the rarest diamonds on earth, revealing no visible internal or external imperfections. Three to four carat "grade Fs" are valued at $250,000 to $300,000 or more. But these diamonds are unimpressive specks compared to the diamonds the Creator God possesses. His diamonds are thousands of miles across - and, they sing for Him. Read more Read More

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gerald Flurry & the Philadelphia Church of God

Many of these articles were written years ago, so I don't necessarily  agree with everything in them.

Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
When Gerald Flurry wasn't anything in his own sight or mind God used him and now, unfortunately, it appears to have gone to his head, all the new revelation (simply a deeper understanding of some things), and he forgets that all truth is from and belongs to GOD and that God can use a donkey to deliver it (1 Cor. 4:7). Gerald Flurry has become so swollen in his own imagination that he fails to see that he is the leader of LAODICEA! He knows what warning God is giving the Laodiceans, of which he is chief! He had better heed his own words...

Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)
"It's certainly not my place to determine if what you believe God has shown you is true or not, but would you mind presenting Mr. Flurry with an abbreviated version of what you feel is inspired... as I highly doubt that he would have time to read your whole book."

Stephen Flurry and The Philadelphia Church of God
Stephen Flurry, son of Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God (based in Edmond, Oklahoma), has published a book that Amazon sells, Raising the Ruins: The Fight to Revive the Legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong.

The Work of God Must Go Forward!
The Work of God must go forward. The only work that's left to do now is focus on the NATIONAL LEVEL. We must get out God's ultimatum and fast! Europe is on the rise and Jerusalem is getting international attention (Zech. 14:2). Soon God's two witnesses will rise and shine in a world of darkness (Isa. 60:1-2). God's about to restore His lamp to the Middle East! (Rev. 11:3; 1 Kgs. 11:36; Amos 9:11; Zech. 12:8).

PCG: Carrying on Business as Usual
If you truly saw what is coming on this Earth, and had a vision of tomorrow, you would know that the Gathering Storm darkens as you sip champagne and boast that you're rich and in need of nothing, woefully ignorant that the Two Witnesses will soon be wearing sackcloth and fasting, not wining and dining at black tie dinners!

The Church of God Must Warn the World!
We know that certain prophecies were not to be fulfilled until these "last days." Therefore their sealed messages weren't to break their silence until the appointed time (Dan. 12:9). With the advent of the nuclear age, we've been living, for the first time in history, with the weapons of mass destruction that can erase all life from off planet Earth! (Matt. 24:21-22).

Politics in the Church of God Hinders Progress
Gerald Flurry refused to go forward with Beyond Babylon and fell backwards, treading old ground and is now going in circles, business as usual, as Europe rises and Judah and Israel have yet to be warned.

Worldwide Church Of God All Over Again?
Let’s see to it that Philadelphia Church of God (Judah) doesn’t go the way of the Worldwide Church of God (Israel). These biblical principles still apply: don’t put undue trust in men; work out your own salvation, it’s not a group affair; beware the scholarly approach that demands you rely on men - not God’s Spirit or personal Bible study.

The Watchmen
"I have set Watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem"God has called us to do a Work! Anyone can and should do good works in private, but God has called us collectively to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and deliver His Message! We're to help save individuals and nations from the coming Holocaust!

Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God

Gerald Flurry

Philadelphia Church of God minister's review of Beyond Babylon

The Philadephia Church of God & David Ben-Ariel

I'm not a terrorist
Is David Ben-Ariel a terrorist? Did he try to blow up the mosques in Israel? Is that why he was deported from Israel? Or is he simply somebody who has been targeted for exposing the German-Vatican plot against Jerusalem and highlighting the Nazi Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount?

God-given love for Jews (mentions my volunteer service on 8 kibbutzim throughout Israel)

Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel

Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist? (Apparently Gerald Flurry and Stephen Flurry would mislead you to believe so!)

The Temple Mount Faithful is not a terrorist organization! (Although Gerald Flurry and Stephen Flurry strongly insinuate it is, to their shame)

A little known blogger

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dresden: Never Forget!

"You guys burnt the place down, turned it into a single column of flame. More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame, than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined." --Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
On the evening of February 13, 1945, an orgy of genocide and barbarism began against a defenseless German city, one of the greatest cultural centers of northern Europe. Within less than 14 hours not only was it reduced to flaming ruins, but an estimated one-third of its inhabitants, possibly as many as a half a million, had perished in what was the worst single event massacre of all time. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Germany will rule the world?

By Adam J. West | Sabbath, October 02, 2010
Don't speak of the past because "we've gotten past it." That was the sentiment of the daughter of film director Volker Schlondorff according to an article published by The New York Times September 10, 2010. Read more Read More

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Last Great Day

Holy Days:
Last Great Day
by Martin G. Collins
Forerunner, "Bible Study," September-October 1996

This study concludes the series on God's annual holy days. We have seen that Passover, the first festival, memorializes Jesus' sacrifice for man. The Days of Unleavened Bread instruct Christ's disciples in holy conduct. Pentecost pictures God's Holy Spirit given to His church. The Feast of Trumpets warns mankind of impending war and the return of Jesus Christ. Atonement depicts Satan being restrained and man finally becoming one with God. The Feast of Tabernacles pictures Christ's thousand-year reign of unprecedented peace and prosperity.

The final festival is the Last Great Day. It looks forward to a time after the Millennium when an awesomely wonderful period of salvation will take place. During this time the majority of mankind—rich and poor, young and old, men and women—will be resurrected and have an opportunity to inherit eternal life. Billions will qualify to enter the God Family! On the other hand, those who will not repent, who will not submit to God and His way, will be cast into the Lake of Fire and die the second—eternal—death. What a fair and merciful God we have!

Read more: http://www.cgg.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Library.sr/CT/BS/k/404/Holy-Days-Last-Great-Day.htm#ixzz113Pj4cJ0

Muslim confiscates Christian Bible on Temple Mount

Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.


A House of Prayer For All Peoples?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Jew Arrested on Temple Mount?

Jew Arrested on Temple Mount for Daring to Seem to be Praying

by Elad Benari

A Jewish man in his 30s, who took advantage of the holiday of Sukkot in order to visit the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was arrested on Sunday morning simply because an Arab security guard suspected that he was praying during the tour of the complex.

David Ha'ivri, Executive Director of the Shomron Liaison Office, who was on the scene of the incident, told Arutz 7 what had taken place:

“At 7:30 this morning I had the privilege of going up to Temple Mount with 20 other Jews,” said Ha’Ivri and added that Israeli police officers as well as inspectors from the Waqf accompanied the Jews who took part in the tour of the area. Among their responsibilities, explained Ha’Ivri, is to ensure that no Jew violates the instructions he receives upon entering the complex, which include a prohibition to pray at Judaism's holiest site.

“After the checkpoint at the Mugrabi Gate, a police officer gives a list of guidelines in a cold and dry voice,” described Ha’Ivri. “Do not pray. Do not tear a garment. Do not prostrate yourself. It is forbidden to take any action that the Muslims may see as a religious act.

Read more

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Facebook: friend or foe?

By William Bowmer | Sabbath, September 25, 2010
Researchers have found that heavy users of the social networking site Facebook tend to be more insecure and self-absorbed than others who do not use the popular site. "Individuals higher in narcissism and lower in self-esteem spent more time on the site and filled their pages with more self-promotional content," according to a recent York University press release. Read more Read More

Friday, September 24, 2010

New World Order?

"Everything is in place - after 500 years - to build a true 'new world' in the Western Hemisphere... And what happens if we don't pass NAFTA? I truly don't think that 'criminal' would be too strong a word for rejecting NAFTA."
-- David Rockefeller
(1915- ) Internationalist billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateralist Commission, World Order Godfather
Source: Wall Street Journal, October 1, 1993

"NAFTA represents the single most creative step towards a New World Order."
-- Henry Kissinger
(1923- ) Former US Secretary of State
Source: Aug.1993, Los Angeles Times Syndicate

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Worldwide Church of God Feast of Tabernacles

The first time I visited Israel was with the Worldwide Church of God in 1980 to celebrate Sukkot -- the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. (Some Christians understand that Israel's harvest festival foreshadows the peace and prosperity that everyone will soon enjoy under the Messiah's golden rule). But that whirlwind experience only whet my appetite...

From Toledo to Jerusalem

Obama dishonors America and his auntie

She's not so "honored" by the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, since Obama/Soetoro/Obama abandoned her to welfare. Dishonesty apparently runs deep in that criminal family.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Holidays or Holy Days - Does it Matter Which Days We Observe?

Table of Contents

Crucial Questions
Many people are shocked to discover the origins of our most popular religious holidays. They are also surprised to find that the days God commands us to observe in the Bible—the same days Jesus Christ and the apostles kept—are almost universally ignored. Why? Also, why are today's supposedly Christian holidays observed with so many rituals and customs that are not sanctioned anywhere in the Bible? In this booklet you'll discover detailed answers to these questions.

Christmas: The Untold Story
Christmas is one of the world's most popular holidays, celebrated by people of many faiths. Yet the holiday has a strange and convoluted past, one hinted at in such puzzling symbols as decorated trees, holly wreaths and mistletoe.

How Christmas Grew

Christmas vs. the Bible

Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Wasn't Born on December 25

Easter: Masking a Biblical Truth

Many millions of people believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday morning. But do the Scriptures tell a different story? And how did rabbits and colored eggs come to be associated with Christ's resurrection?

The Resurrection Connection

Fertility Symbols: Beneath the Dignity of God

The Chronology of Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection

Halloween: A Celebration of Evil
Why would anyone celebrate a holiday emphasizing the morbid and macabre? Where did such strange customs originate?

What About Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Purim?
An important distinction between acceptable holidays and those rooted in paganism (like Christmas and Easter) is that they do not alter, replace or distort the meaning of a festival of God or other biblical truths.

God's Days of Worship
Many are surprised to learn that the Bible nowhere encourages us to celebrate Easter and Christmas. It does, however, show that God revealed a series of festivals that teach mankind about His great plan for all of us!

God's Festivals in the New Testament

Does It Matter to God?
History shows that religious authorities systematically set aside the Bible's days of worship and substituted other practices and celebrations with distinctly non-Christian origins. Is God pleased and honored with such worship?

An Ancient Cultural Clash

The Delights of Obedience

Monday, September 20, 2010



                                                                                    by Barry Chamish


Aug 30 - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak holds "secret" meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah in Amman.
Aug 31 - Four Israelis, one pregnant, slaughtered in terror attack outside Hebron.
Sept. 1 - Barak announces that Israel will divide Jerusalem.
Sept. 1 - Pres. Mubarak and French president Sarkozy meet to coordinate European position in next day's Washington "peace" talks.
Sept. 2 - Israeli President Shimon Peres meets the Pope in the Vatican just as...
Sept. 2 - Netanyahu, Abbas, Mubarak, and Abdullah meet Obama in Washington.


Sept. 11 - Pastor Terry Jones calls off his Koran Burning Day.

           For this elementary lesson in contemporary history, all you'll need is a list of current members of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), a 4200 member cult that rules America and manipulates everywhere else:   http://www.mega.nu/ampp/roundtable/CFRA-Elist.html
           To further simplify matters, we will not interrupt the lesson with references. They appear after the article text.
           We begin with the run-up to a conference in Washington to make peace in the Middle East. This was no smalltime conference. The participants were the leaders of Israel, Egypt, Jordan and a fellow who claims to represent the Palestinians.
           On August 30, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met Jordanian King Abdullah. The aftermath came quickly. The very next day, there was a slaughter of Israelis outside Hebron. This occurred the night before PM Netanyahu flew to Washington, a high alert day for the Israeli army. Yet no patrols were on the road to stop the massacre; and the usual government-run uglies, Ben Gvir and Marzel were first on the scene demanding that every Israeli, including women and children, be armed. Any public sympathy for the deceased disappeared after that. What remained was a warning to Israel: Here's your fate if you don't sign on for "peace." Thanks Ehud.
           And on the same day, Barak announced to Ha'aretz that he, a government minister, was in favor of dividing Jerusalem and that PM Netanyahu was the man to do it. The message: the deed has been agreed to by the government.
           Also, on the same day, Pres. Mubarak and French Pres. Sarkozy met to discuss the European goals of the "peace" talks. France and Egypt are the co-chairs of the Mediterranean Union, a Vatican invention supposedly started by King Juan Carlos of Spain. The MU has promised to bring peace to the Middle East their way at its Barcelona Conference on November 20 and they had Mubarak in Washington to make sure of it.
           But they also had their spy Pres. Shimon Peres there as well by Skype. He told the reporters that he was going to meet the pope to arrange the release of Hamas-held, or
Hamas--dead soldier Gilad Shalit. Like the pope could care less, but the dumbed Israelis bought the lie.
          At the conference, and without asking the Jewish sacrificial lambs, Netanyahu offered the PLO the opportunity to inherit all the settlers, who, naturally would be given Palestinian citizenship. An even better idea was offered by NSA director James Jones (CFR), and one Abbas loved. He would arrange permanent NATO troops stationed along the new borders. Overseeing the transition would be old CFR hack George Mitchell who already booked his ticket for Jerusalem.
          And so the conference ended with the prospect of a new Middle East with a divided Jerusalem, Palestinian-Jewish settlers and NATO troops all aboard for the Nov.20 conference in Barcelona.

end part one

         On Sept. 11, I was planning to go to Gainesville, an hour away, to see some Korans burned. It promised to be an international media carnival. But the CFR ruined it for me.
Somehow koran-burning pastor Terry Jones believed he was going to a cut deal with the imam of the ground zero mosque to move it if he cancelled the book burning. Then, from the CFR's tv conference room came two interviews in a few days; the first from Secretary of State Clinton (husband CFR) condemning Jones, then, lo and behold, from Imam Feisel Rauf who thought the koran burning was a really bad idea. The CFR is so convinced it has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes that they openly revealed that they controlled Rauf and arranged payment to make him a world figure. The CFR ran the whole ground zero mosque controversy, while the public thought everything about it was random. In the end, Defense Secretary Robert Gates (CFR) threatened Jones scarily enough that he hauled ass out of Gainesville and will never be heard of again.

the end

Here's my show with guests Tamar Yonah and Bob Kunst.
PODCASTS HERE:   http://wwfar.com/mp3s/BarryChamish/


With Dr. Daisy Stern:
http://wwfar.com/mp3s/BarryChamish/BARRY.090710_150500.MP3  BARRY.090710_150500.MP3 07-Sep-2010 22:03 9.2M
  http://wwfar.com/mp3s/BarryChamish/BARRY.090710_160500.MP3 BARRY.090710_160500.MP3 07-Sep-2010 22:06 9.2M


Israel is concerned about an American proposal to establish a multi-national
force in the West Bank as one of the ways to expedite an Israeli withdrawal
following any peace deal with the Palestinian Authority.
The idea is being promoted by US National Security Advisor James Jones, who
served as security coordinator to the West Bank under former secretary of
state Condoleezza Rice.
He also served as the top NATO commander in Europe.

Shock plan: Palestinians scheduled to govern Jews
Netanyahu secretly proposed new plot in talks with Obama

Barak: Israel May Divide Jerusalem, Internationalize Holy Basin
Defense Minister Ehud Barak says it is likely that Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu will agree to divide Jerusalem with the
Palestinian Authority.
Barak told the Hebrew-language newspaper Haaretz in an interview
published Wednesday that he believes the best chance for peace lies
in a peace deal in which all the Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem
would be handed over to the PA in order to create a capital for a new
Arab country.
"If Netanyahu leads a process, a significant number of rightist
ministers will stand with him," he told the newspaper.


Peres, who will fly to Rome on Thursday to meet with Pope Bendedict XVI and to update him on the latest efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to secure peace in the region, shared some of what he will discuss with the Pontiff with the WJC.


"One of the victims had a license for a gun that was suspended shortly before the attack. Itamar Ben-Gvir and Baruch Marzel said at the scene that serious soul-searching must be done "in order to find out how it is that Jews are deprived of the basic right to defend themselves."


Talks between Presidents Mubarak and Sarkozy will deal with the Middle East issue, launching direct negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides along with bilateral relations, official source informed Global Arab Network.
In statements on Saturday, Kamel said President Mubarak was keen to stop over in Paris ahead of Washington visit for consultations with his French counterpart Sarkozy on the Middle East peace march along with a range of other regional issues of joint interest, the ambassador added.
According to Egyptian Ambassador in Paris Nasser Kamel, Mubarak's visit to France stresses keenness on using the Egyptian-French co-chairmanship of the Union for the Mediterranean in boosting diplomatic efforts.
Egypt and France want to take advantage of the union's co-chairmanship to submit a clear message that the Mediterranean peoples look forward to reaching a comprehensive and just settlement, the Egyptian diplomat added.
Mubarak, accompanied by an Egyptian delegation composed of Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit, Minister of Information Anas al-Feki, Chief of Presidential Staff Zakareyya Azmi, and Director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Omar Soliman, will meet US President Barack Obama on Wednesday. Mubarak will attend an iftar at the White House for participating delegations.


Sarkozy said Europe planned to further promote the push for peace at a Euro-Mediterranean summit planned for Nov. 20 in Barcelona, Spain, where key leaders from the Middle East would be present.
"We have proposed, with President Mubarak, that a Mediterranean Union summit could take place in mid-November, at which all the parties necessary for obtaining peace in the Mideast would participate," Sarkozy said following a meeting with Mubarak.


Mahmoud to be deployed along the borders of a future Palestinian state under a potential permanent peace agreement, the Palestinian president's political adviser said Saturday.
Nimar Hamad told the Palestinian news agency Wafa that "Abbas is open to an international force along Palestinian borders of any religion or origin." This, in response to earlier reports that Abbas opposed the deployment of Jewish soldiers along the future borders.


The experiment worked. Here is my book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust. Let's give it one more try:

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