Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The New South Africa

This blog attempts to chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed against the white minority of South Africa. Tens of thousands of whites have been murdered since 1994. Brutal torture and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared. | |

Die nuwe Suid-Afrika - 4 new articles

Vasgetrek agt jaar ná moord

Jul 15 2008 10:23:15:117PM - (SA)

’n Moordverdagte wat agt jaar lank gesoek is weens die moorde op ’n afgetrede polisieman en sy vrou van Cullinan, oos van Pretoria, is uiteindelik aangekeer.

Mnr. Johannes Jaftha, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê dié verdagte is eergistermiddag in Mamelodi in die ooste van Pretoria gearresteer. Hy word tans by die Cullinan-polisiekantoor aangehou.

“Hy sal waarskynlik vandag in die Cullinan-landdroshof verskyn op aanklagte van moord,” het Jaftha gesê.

Die verdagte was glo deel van ’n groep van vier mans wat mnr. Douw Grobler (59) en sy vrou, Rika (58), op hul kleinhoewe in Cullinan op 11 Julie 2003 in hul slaapkamer oorval en in die kop geskiet het. Drie van die moordenaars is in Oktober 2003 in die Pretoriase hooggeregshof skuldig bevind en gevonnis.

Kenny Mokalapa (24) is tot 79 jaar tronkstraf gevonnis vir sy aandeel in die moord en Wonder Mosoane en Isaac Mokalapa is elk 65 jaar tronkstraf opgelê. – Virginia Keppler


Gewonde boerboel lê op dooie baas ná huisrooftog

Jul 15 2008 10:22:05:550PM - (SA)

Buks Viljoen

’n Gewonde boerboel het bo-op sy vermoorde jong baas gaan lê nadat dié eergisteraand op ’n plaas naby Komatipoort doodgeskiet is.

Mnr. Jan-Daniel Venter (21) is deur rowers op die plaas Blikkor op die Strydomblokpad naby Komatipoort, waar hy en sy pa, Jan (50), gewoon het, doodgeskiet.

Hulle het glo as kontrakteurs op ’n naburige plaas gewerk.

Jan-Daniel, wat deeltyds in die regte gestudeer het, is verskeie kere raak geskiet toe hy tydens die rooftog glo met ’n stoel in die hand op die rowers afgestorm het. Hy en sy pa het in die sitkamer 7de laan gekyk.

Volgens iemand wat kort ná die aanval op die toneel was, het Jan-Daniel se boerboel berserk begin blaf. Die volgende oomblik het drie rowers by die huis ingebars.

“Ons soek geld; ons soek geld,” het hulle glo in gebroke Engels vir die twee geskreeu.

Venter is in die bolyf geskiet toe hy sy pa wou beskerm. Hy het in die sitkamer inmekaargesak en is kort daarna dood, sê konst. Richard Khumalo, woordvoerder van die polisie op Komatipoort.

Venter sr. is glo deur die rowers vasgebind. Hulle het verskeie huishoudelike items, asook ’n .38-rewolwer, gesteel en met sy Nissan-bakkie gevlug. Hy het hom losgewoel en sowat 2 km na die huis van ’n plaasvoorman gehardloop om hulp te gaan ontbied.

By die polisie se aankoms by die huis het die boerboel, wat ook deur die rowers raak geskiet is, glo bo-op Venter jr. se lyk gelê.

“Hy het skynbaar probeer om sy baas te beskerm,” het Beeld se bron gesê.

Jan-Daniel se ma, supt. Elarda Venter, is die bevelvoerder van die Modjadjiskloof-polisiekantoor (Duiwelskloof) in Limpopo. Sy was Sondag op die plaas om haar ander seun, Elardus (17), te gaan haal nadat hy vir die skoolvakansie by sy broer en pa gekuier het.

Khumalo sê die moordenaars is vermoedelik Mosambiekers. “Hulle het ’n perfekte Mosambiekse Shangaan-dialek gepraat.”

Vyf 9 mm-pistooldoppies is op die toneel opgetel. Die gesteelde bakkie is steeds soek.


Man gets life for farm murder

15/07/2008 19:02 - (SA)

Pretoria - A 24-year-old Phutaditshaba man was jailed for life on Tuesday for the "merciless" murder of an Evander diary farmer two years ago.

Sentencing Steven Moloi, Pretoria High Court Acting Judge Ephraim Makgoba said no words could express the horror of what Moloi had done.

He sentenced Moloi to life and 35 years imprisonment for the September 2006 murder and robbery of farmer Hannes Botha, 64.

The sentences will run concurrently.

Botha was shot in the head and robbed of about R800 while he and three employees were delivering milk in the Embalenhle township near Evander.

One of his employees, Ethel Delport, was forced to hand over the blood-stained money with a gun pointed at her head.

She tried to help her bleeding employer, but he died almost instantly behind the steering wheel of his bakkie.

Moloi was arrested the next day after police found blood-stained money and the murder weapon in his shack.

The judge acquitted a second accused, Elias Senamela, on all charges.

Makgoba said Moloi's poor background should not count in his favour.

"We have millions upon millions of poor people in this country. If they all killed to take care of themselves, we would all be obliterated in this country," the judge said.

Botha's widow, Anna, expressed disappointment after the hearing, saying she believed one of her husband's killers was still free.

She added her husband had delivered milk in the poorest section of Embalenhle for many years and people knew him well.

He often gave free milk to old people and mothers with young babies, she told reporters.


Shot dog protects dead farmer

16/07/2008 09:03 - (SA)

Buks Viljoen, Beeld

Johannesburg - A wounded boerboel lay down on top of his murdered master after the young man was shot dead on Monday night on a farm near Komatipoort.

Armed robbers killed Jan-Daniel Venter, 21, on the farm Blikkor near Komatipoort where he lived with his father Jan, 50.

Both worked as contractors on a nearby farm.

Jan-Daniel, who was studying law part-time, was shot several times during the robbery, which took place while he was watching 7de Laan with his father in the living room. He apparently rushed at the robbers with a chair in his hands.

According to a person who was on the scene shortly after the attack, Jan-Daniel's boerboel started barking like crazy and the next moment, the three robbers barged in.

'We want money'

"We want money, we want money," they apparently shouted in broken English.

Jan-Daniel was shot in the chest when he wanted to protect his father. He collapsed in the living room and died shortly afterwards, said Constable Richard Khumalo, spokesperson of the Komatipoort police.

His father, Jan, was tied up by the robbers. They stole several household items, as well as a .38 revolver and fled with his Nissan bakkie. He managed to wriggle free and ran about 2km to the house of a farm foreman to get help.

When police arrived at the house, the boerboel - who had also been shot by the robbers - was lying on top of Jan-Daniel's body.

"It looked like he was trying to protect his master," said Beeld's source.

Jan-Daniel's mother, Superintendent Elarda Venter, is the commanding officer of the Modjadjiskloof (Duiwelskloof) police station in Limpopo. She had been on the farm on Sunday to fetch her other son, Elardus, 17, who had visited his father and brother during the school holidays.

Khumalo said the murderers were suspected to be from Mozambique. "They spoke a perfect Mozambican Shangaan dialect."

Five 9mm cartridges were found on the scene. The stolen bakkie is still missing.


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