Sunday, September 14, 2008

When are the Two Witnesses resurrected?

When are the Two Witnesses Resurrected?

It's time to understand what the Bible teaches on this subject. Many have carelessly assumed that their resurrection -- to occur three and one half days after their death takes place at the same time as Christ's coming. THAT IS WRONG! Such a teaching contradicts the clear scripture: "But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (Mark 13:32; Acts 1:7). All we would have to do is count three and one half days after they've been martyred and we would know the day and practically the hour! Besides the Scripture plainly states immediately following their resurrection: "The second woe is past and the third woe comes quickly" (Revelation 11:14). The third woe is simultaneous with Jesus' coming and the pouring out of the 7 last plagues in His presence.

The two witnesses will be restored to human life after three and one half days, corresponding to their three and one half years of ministry, as a SIGN that Israel - who'll be as good as dead - will also be resurrected! There is life after Babylon! Then "air transportation" will be provided for them just like it was for Enoch and Elijah - who flew the friendly skies of the first heaven. The two witnesses will be transferred to another location on earth, undoubtedly united with the brethren in "her place", to await the imminent return of Christ!

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