Note: Several thousand of our nearest and dearest friends inside the Beltway and in the media will be receiving this over the the next few days.
Please share it far and wide. It is now in the public domain without caveat or other restriction.
-Warren "Bones" Bonesteel
Open letter to American politicians:
Nearly 130 million Americans voted in the November 2008 elections. 46% of them voted against Obama and the Democrats while another 6 million Americans stayed home in 'protest' against being once again forced to vote for the 'lesser of two evils.' That amounts to more than 65 million Americans. According to simple mathematics and to a plain and simple reading of the Constitution, neither party has ever had any sort of a 'mandate' to do anything to subvert The Constitution of the United States. Yet, this is what both parties have done for more than eighty years, and arguably for more than a hundred years.
Although there are many and several issues that politicians from both parties have cocked up, let's look at a single contemporary political and public policy issue and address that in the simplest terms possible. This is just one item of many that the DHS, President Obama, liberal Democrats and 'moderate' Republicans have used to identify "right-wing extremists" in America who are also known by those same politicians and government entities as "domestic terrorists" and as "potential domestic terrorists."
By many accounts, more than 50 million *households* in America own more than 300 million guns and rifles. Most of those gun owners are American citizens who are registered Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Libertarians. In total, that amounts to well over one hundred million Americans who either own a gun or rifle or who quite willingly live in a home with a gun owner. That's an awful lot of "extremists" and "crackpots" and "bitter gun-owners." The families of most of these gun owners are also well-trained in gun safety procedures and in the proper and timely use of those guns and rifles.
Judging by the Plain Meaning Rule and by any honest and objective interpretation of the U.S. Constitution - and of most state constitutions - those Americans have every legal and moral right to possess and own those guns and rifles, with or without government approval. By an objective, rational and honest reading, and according to many public and private records handed down by the Founding Fathers, individual and private American citizens actually have a right to own military grade-weaponry, again, without the permission or approval of the state or federal governments. This constitutionally enumerated legal and moral right to gun ownership was not for the purposes of hunting or of 'sportsmanship.' Many of the founding fathers openly state - several times each - that this was solely intended as a provision to keep our government in check.
50 million Americans - and their families - are not insane right-wing extremists or domestic terrorists or potential domestic terrorists. Only a tyrannical government would label them as such in spite of what the Constitution openly and plainly states. As a matter of fact, those gun owners are all quite mainstream. More than one in three Americans either own guns or safely, securely and freely live in a household with a gun owner. Chances are extremely high that you work with more than one gun owner. You socialize with them. You trade birthday gifts and holiday cards with them. They live like you do. They eat like you do. They dress just like you do. They go to the same schools, churches, restaurants, malls, stores, colleges and universities that you do. Your children know and play with their children. If their cars and SUVs don't have bumper stickers or if their t-shirts, suits and dresses don't openly display their pride and freedom in their gun ownership, you simply cannot pick them out of a crowd.
In any case, insulting and attempting to marginalize 50 million American families who own guns sounds like a very dangerous political and social strategy. Especially as they are now - privately and Constitutionally - owners of several billion rounds of ammunition to use in those guns and rifles.
You need to re-think your strategy and tactics, Mr. and Mrs. Honorable State and Federal Politician. You have created the very thing that your speeches, duties and oaths claim that you are against: A government of tyranny. Both historically and in contemporary times, a tyrannical government has always led to an open rebellion.
Keep in mind that in our founding documents, when government abuses and usurpations have intruded upon their right to their own lives, liberties and their individual pursuit of happiness, American citizens retain the legal and moral right to overthrow their government.
You are the political leaders of America. The blood of innocent and guilty alike will be upon your hands and upon your hands alone. You alone have led yourselves, your friends, families, America and the world to this moment in history.
I, personally, do not want to see the world burn, but it is almost too late for you to change America's course. You must act now, for freedom and liberty, before it is too late.
My point being, that according to the objective evidence in one subject alone, you, as the political leaders representing a tyrannical American government, simply cannot win. Additional resources revealing numerous other points of failure in your current position are herein enclosed for your convenience and edification.
Choose liberty. Choose freedom. Choose life and peace for all of our sakes.
(Disclosure: I am not a gun owner. Constitutionally - ethically and morally - it's really none of your damned business whether I have one or not.)
Warren "Bones" Bonesteel
Author and Researcher
Sgt USMC 1976-1983
55 Crestview Drive
Rapid City, SD 57701
(605) 348-2830
1.) quote:
"When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then indeed their continuing in office becomes dangerous."
- Thomas Jefferson
2.) U.S. Constitution.
State Constitutions
Commentary and letters by Founding Fathers.
The Plain Meaning Rule. Legal definition.
A rule that states if a written provision is in writing and appears on reading to be unambiguous, its meaning must be determined from the writing itself without resorting to outside evidence.
Habeas Corpus. Definition. Habeas
Corpus is an ancient common law prerogative writ - a legal procedure to which you have an undeniable right. It is an extraordinary remedy at law. Upon proper application, or even on naked knowledge alone, a court is empowered, and is duty bound, to issue the Extraordinary Writ of Habeas Corpus commanding one who is restraining liberty to forthwith produce before the court the person who is in custody and to show cause why the liberty of that person is being restrained. Absent a sufficient showing for a proper restraint of liberty, the court is duty bound to order the restraint eliminated and the person discharged. Habeas Corpus is fundamental to American and all other English common law derivative systems of jurisprudence. It is the ultimate lawful and peaceable remedy for adjudicating the providence of liberty's restraint.
Bill of Attainder.
A bill of attainder (also known as an act or writ of attainder) is an act of legislature declaring a person or group of persons guilty of some crime and punishing them without benefit of a trial.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
"Economic Depression and Systemic Collapse in America."
also, google: 'Beyond Conspiracy: Police State America.' [Beyond Conspiracy: Police State America]
Social Singularity:
March 14th, 2008
Six degrees of separation in instant messaging
Posted by Roland Piquepaille
see also:
Distributed cognition
Coordination game
Simulation Theory
Title: Perspective Taking as Egocentric Anchoring and Adjustment.
Gin, Television, and Social Surplus
By Clay Shirky on April 26, 2008
Social Networks
SIDE Theory, Small World Networks, and Smart Mob Formation: A Beginners Guide Smart mobs,
swarm behavior,
"the psychic unity of mankind,"
The Global Brain,
biological altruism,
Game Theory,
Collective Minds (Iain Couzin),
The holonomic brain theory,
holographic brain theory,
Holographic Universe Theory,
DNA 'music,'
Magnetic Universe (magnetoencephalography),
Dr. Emoto (diamagnetic and crystalline properties of water),
The Copenhagen Interpretation, etc.
Group-Level Cognition,
Group Consciousness.
Distributed Cognition.
Extended Mind.
Collective cognition.
Collective memory.
(aspects of) Distributed Intelligence,
The Physics of Consciousness,
quantum universe.
Social Intelligence.
Global Consciousness.
coordination games.
mirror neurons.
simulation theory.
'Pay it Forward.'
'social singularity.'
cognitive maturity
cognitive development
social maturity theory
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
intellectual maturity
social reality
modal reality
antisocial personality disorders
See: Glenn Reynold's "Army of Davids."
See also: Paul Hawkins' "Blessed Unrest."
The Law of Accelerating Returns
Decentralization, Corruption And Government Accountability: An Overview
Long Waves in Economics and International Politics
Future of market mechanisms
Financial Markets and the Singularity
Peter Thiel
Robert Kegan's Awesome Theory of Social Maturity
Mark Dombeck,
Epistemology, Fourth Order Consciousness, and the Subject-Object Relationship or... How the Self Evolves with Robert Kegan
by Elizabeth Debold
(MEST compression) in our social computational capacity.
"Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny." by Robert Wright
Chapter Twenty
A Model Theory of Deontic Reasoning About Social Norms
Sieghard Beller
Department of Psychology, University of Freiburg
D-79085 Freiburg, Germany
Mind & Brain / Machine-Brain Connections
The Brain
How Google Is Making Us Smarter
Humans are "natural-born cyborgs," and the Internet is our giant "extended mind."
by Carl Zimmer
published online January 15, 2009
Leaving Disneyland (and Entering the Real World)
JOHN BOGERT: Susan Boyle's talent transcends talent-show trappings
By John Bogert
Posted: 04/22/2009
How Susan Spread and What It Means
Henry Jenkins
Director of the MIT Comparative Media Studies Program
APRIL 24, 2009
Why Susan Boyle? Nearly three hundred million people have seen her performance...and they are asking why it took so long for her achieve success in what is ostensibly a free and open Western society. They are questioning the every foundations of a culture and society that makes it nearly impossible for an individual to succeed. A culture and society that is led by people like yourselves.
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines domestic terrorism as terrorism involving groups based in, and operating entirely within, the United States and its territories, without foreign direction.