Die nuwe Suid-Afrika - 8 new articles
5 men attack woman, 85
2009-08-19 22:10 Bloemfontein - Three men were arrested after an 85-year-old woman was attacked on a farm near Soutpan, Free State police said on Wednesday.
Sergeant Thandi Mbambo said five men attacked the woman on the farm Goedverblijs near Soutpan while her partner was fetching farmworkers on Tuesday morning. Police said the farmer returned around at 07:00 on Tuesday to find footprints leading to the garage door, which connected with the house. When he went to the front door of the house he heard screams. "He allegedly found Kathrina Fourie in the passage bleeding heavily. She had several stab wounds." Mbambo said Fourie was taken to the Pelonomi regional hospital in Bloemfontein and was in a critical condition. Neighbouring farmers were alerted about the incident and suspicious-looking men were seen running through the fields in the direction of the informal settlement at Soutpan. Three men were arrested with the help of farmworkers on their way to work. A laptop computer, two cellphones and batteries allegedly stolen from the farm were found in their possession. Mbambo said a case of attempted murder was opened and the men, aged 18 and 19, from Bultfontein and Soutpan, would appear at the Brandfort Magistrate's Court on Friday. - SAPA Source:News24 http://www.feedblitz.com/t.asp?/84250/9542539/http://www.news24.com/Content/SouthAfrica/News/1059/0a60ae7b74314c66a6402cf928394879/19-08-2009-10-10/5_men_attack_woman,_85
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Flower child’ mom shot dead
Lauren Cohen
Published:Aug 18, 2009
FIVE days after “flower child” Tracey-Leigh Frankish’s screams scared off would-be burglars, house robbers struck again, this time taking her life. A TV set, hi-fi and a small amount of money were the only things stolen from the 33-year-old Gauteng sales representative’s cottage in Farmall, an agricultural holding north of Fourways.
Johan Burger, senior researcher at the Institute for Security Studies, who last year co-authored a report on crime and public security in South Africa, said the murder highlighted how political promises had not been kept as far as the eradication of farm attacks was concerned. “The conclusion we came to in our report was that there was a vacuum [in crime-fighting regarding] rural safety.” Burger said this was a result of the phasing out of South African National Defence Force units, or commandos, deployed specifically to patrol rural areas in South Africa since 2003. “[The phasing out] was not supposed to happen until sector policing, police reservists and crime-combating units were in place. In almost all [rural areas] we visited in our research, none of this had been done,” Burger added. Frankish’s murder means that her seven-year-old son, Taidg, will grow up without a mother. The break-in happened in the early hours of Sunday morning, when Taidg was with his grandparents, Fred and Helen Britz, at their Bryanston home. “We’ve told him what happened, but I don’t think he realises what death is all about,” Fred Britz said. “He said: ‘They’ve killed my mom, they shot her’. It’s tough, the circumstances of her death. We never thought it would happen to us.” Frankish, who was in the process of divorcing her husband, who lives in the UK, had been leasing a cottage on a plot. Private security company RSS Security responded to a panic signal followed by an alarm signal at 12.47pm. A security officer who arrived at the premises six minutes later found the security gate on the front door had been forced open. Frankish was found kneeling in front of her bed, with a gunshot wound in the head. “When the security officer went outside to radio for medical back-up he saw three suspects fleeing into the bushes and gave chase,” said RSS Security managing director Sean Mooney. The unidentified men got away. Dion Stephens, a school friend, told The Times that Frankish had been a humanitarian. “She wanted to fix the world we live in, quit her job, teach people how to grow vegetables and live a self-sustainable life. The people she wanted to help were the people who murdered her,” he said. Friends have been posting messages on Frankish’s Facebook page, where Stephens yesterday asked people to honour her memory by wearing purple or turquoise, “her favourite colours”, to her memorial service. Dean Dawson, of food manufacturing company Ma Baker, where Frankish worked, said staff were distraught at her murder. “It feels surreal. It’s disturbing. She was a flower-power child, if I can put it that way, friendly to everybody.” Douglasdale police spokesman Inspector Balan Muthan confirmed a murder case was under investigation. “There are no suspects. The front door was left unlocked. Police and the security firm reacted within minutes, but the suspects had fled and the area is so dark at night,” Muthan said. A memorial service is being planned at the Emmarentia Botanical Gardens in northern Johannesburg this weekend. Source:NewsVibe http://www.feedblitz.com/t.asp?/84250/9542539/http://www.newsvibe.co.za/external.php?node=135471
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Residents flee homes in fear of thugs
Lauren Cohen Published:Aug 20, 2009 IN THE wake of Farmall resident Tracey-Leigh Frankish’s murder, a fellow resident tells how the northern Johannesburg community lives in fear of “marauding gangs”.
Jerry de Beer, who lives on a plot not far from where burglars shot and killed Frankish, 33, last weekend, told The Times that the single mother’s murder was the second in the area in just two weeks. “Marius Labuschagne, living on a plot in a caravan, was murdered on August 1. Only his cellphone was taken,” De Beer said. “Residents are living in absolute fear every night as the marauding gangs go about their deeds unhindered,” he said. De Beer has been keeping track of crime in his area and his records show that there have been nine armed robberies and 27 burglaries in the area this year alone. “Barely half of the 114 plots in Farmall are occupied; residents are starting to abandon their properties out of fear and desperation. “We have no means to protect ourselves — normal electric fences, beams and alarms are not a deterrent anymore. “Even armed response when activated cannot guarantee that you will survive an attack from these ruthless, murdering thieves,” De Beer said. And the police, he claims, are not pulling their weight because they have failed to investigate three armed robberies committed on his property alone. Balan Muthan, spokesman for the Douglasdale police, who are responsible for the area, said extra police officers and vehicles had been brought in. “We have also stepped up the number of patrols and the mounted unit is coming in,” Muthan said. “The problem is that the plots are so big and there are many trees. If there are people hiding on the properties, you can’t see them.” Source:The Times http://www.feedblitz.com/t.asp?/84250/9542539/http://www.thetimes.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=1052518
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Wes-Beeld: 'Ek speel nie,' toe skiet hy
2009-08-15 21:03
Marié Pieterse Veertig minute. Dit is hoe lank Corna Hibbert (40) van Blairgowrie se nagmerrie geduur het. Haar huis is gestroop in ’n gewapende rooftog, sy is geskiet, met ’n strykyster gebrand en moes toekyk hoe haar kinders en huiswerker vasgebind en hulle almal gedreig word.
Corna is 1,81 m lank, ’n oud-Suid-Transvaalse netbalspeler en ’n oud- Engels- onderwyser aan die Hoërskool Linden. Die dag van 16 Julie was ’n gewone dag in haar lewe. Sy het haar kinders by die skool gaan haal en vir hulle middagete gegee. Haar man, Jimmy, het om 13:00 gebel en gevra sy moet asseblief vir hom ’n inkhouer na die familiebakkery, Not Bread Alone, in Malibongwerylaan in Linden-uitbreiding bring. Hul twee kinders, Jaco (8) en Marnique (6), het in ouma Alet Faure se kothuis TV gekyk en die huishulp Charity Ncube het vir Corna die hek oopgemaak sodat sy kon uitry. Twee netjies geklede mans het in die straat afgekom met boeke van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) en ’n SAID-knyperbord en gesê daar is probleme met die bakkery se belasting. Sy het Jimmy se nommer aan hulle gegee en gesê hulle kan hom bel. “Hulle was baie arrogant en wou net seker maak of my man by die huis is. Toe pluk die een die hek toe, gryp die bakkie se sleutel en toe kom die guns uit.” Sy en Charity is elkeen vergesel van ’n aanvaller die huis in met ’n pistool teen die kop. Binne het sy gehoor hoe fluit haar aanvaller vir sy makkers in die straat. Corna sê die man is reguit slaapkamer toe met haar en wou spesifiek die bakkery se geld van Donderdag, Vrydag en Saterdag hê. Hy het bly dreig dat sy moet geld gee. “Ek het naderhand gesê ek wens ek het geld gehad om vir hulle te gee.” Saam met die dreigemente is ’n warm strykyster ingespan en sy is op haar pols gebrand toe sy vir haar gesig gekeer het. Toe die kinders die huis binnekom op soek na iets om te eet, wou Jaco dadelik weet wie die mense is en of hulle van die polisie is. Jaco se aanhoudende vrae het die mans geïrriteer en Corna moes hom stilmaak. Corna is met ’n elektriese koord in die slaapkamer vasgebind. Sy is van haar juwele gestroop en die rowers het die kaste begin leegmaak. Een aanvaller het ’n pistool langs haar gerig, gesê hy speel nie speletjies nie en die sneller getrek. Die koeël is onder Corna se regterskouer-bladbeen in en het 20 cm na onder langs haar werwelkolom getrek voor dit uit is. “Dis ’n snaakse geluid. Eers toe ek die patroondoppie op die vloer sien lê en die bloed sien, het ek besef ek is geskiet.” Toe die aanvallers met hul bakkie vertrek, het Corna Jimmy van die landlyn in die kothuis gebel. Jimmy het op sy selfoon gekyk. Dit was presies 40 minute ná sy vorige oproep. ’n Polisiereservis wat die blou Toyota Venture voor die Hibberts se huurhuis in Barkstonrylaan sien staan het, het die registrasienommer gememoriseer. Die voertuig is nog dieselfde dag in Alexandra gevind. Die aand ná die voorval het die gesin in ’n hotel gaan slaap. Klein Jaco het gebid en vir die Here dankie gesê vir sy ma se lewe en die aanvallers vergewe en gevra dat hul harte verander. Vandat Corna weer terug is in die bakkery sê sy: “Hier kom so baie mense wat met my kan identifiseer.” Terwyl sy God se goedheid beleef, is daar ook ’n woede wat in haar opstaan oor die land en dié situasie. Sy voel elke dag ’n bietjie beter en sy weet daar is nou baie mense wat vir die aanvallers bid en hulle vergewe. # Insp. Bokkie Keulder, woordvoerder van die Lindense polisiekantoor, sê die saak word deur ’n trio-taakspan ondersoek en is nog baie sensitief. # Jadd Harding, voorsitter van die Lindense gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum, sê mense moet altyd eerste die 0 10111-polisie-noodnommer bel om hulp te ontbied. In ’n mediese noodgeval stel hy voor mense bel ook dadelik ’n mediese nooddiens. Corna se droom Voor die aanval het Corna gedroom van Ps. 116:4: “Maar ek het die Naam van die Here aangeroep: Ag, Here, red my siel .” “Toe ek die Psalm lees, het ek gedink dit gaan oor die dood en ek het nie gevoel daar is iets wat my lewe bedreig nie.” Tydens die aanval het sy saggies op die mat gesit en die woorde sit en bid. “Die Here het my voorberei. Ek het ook gebid: ‘Ek sal nie sterwe nie, maar lewe en die werke van die Here vertel.’(Ps. 118:17).” Die rower se woorde Die aanvaller het vir Corna gesê: “Ek is nie bang om jou dood te skiet nie. Ek is nie bang vir die polisie nie en ek is nie bang vir God nie.” “Hulle was arrogant en selfvoldaan. Jy het geweet dit was nie hul eerste keer nie”. Oorsprong:Beeld http://www.feedblitz.com/t.asp?/84250/9542539/http://www.beeld.com/Content/Streekkoerante/Nuus/1984/da27fd576454435a812c3aac863730ed/15-08-2009%2009-08/Wes-Beeld_Ek_speel_nie,_toe_skiet_hy
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'Meer boere op plase vermoor as in dié oorloë’
2009-08-20 11:48 Sarel van der Walt Meer boere het die afgelope 16 jaar in plaasmoorde in Suid-Afrika gesterf as die algehele getal boere wat gedurende die destydse Mau-Mau-opstand in Kenia en die oorloë in Mosambiek, Rhodesië (Zimbabwe), Angola en Suidwes-Afrika (Namibië) dood is.
So het genl.maj. Chris van Zyl, ’n assistent-hoofbestuurder van die landbou-organisasie TLU SA, gister op ’n eiendomsregkonferensie van dié organisasie in Pretoria gesê. Van Zyl het gesê volgens inligting tot hul beskikking het 1 127 mense sedert 1993 in altesame 1 864 “aangemelde plaasaanvalle” gesterf. Hoewel daar die laaste tyd ’n afname in plaasaanvalle was, het die wreedheid daarvan toegeneem. “Die brutaliteit wat met plaasaanvalle in Suid-Afrika gepaardgaan, is ongekend op ander plekke in die wêreld. Daarom is dit vir my onverklaarbaar dat daar nie in die buiteland baie oor die plaasmoorde in Suid-Afrika berig word nie,” het Van Zyl gesê. “Vir elke plaasmoord wat plaasvind, is daar 12 of 13 plaasaanvalle. “Bykans 78% van dié aanvalle word uitgevoer deur vreemdelinge. Die aanvallers is selde oudstryders, maar gewoonlik mense van tussen 22 en 28 jaar,” het Van Zyl gesê. Daar is ook ’n verband tussen landelike misdaad en grond. Navorsing het volgens hom bewys dit neem tot agt jaar om die plaas van ’n vermoorde produktiewe boer weer op dieselfde vlak te kry as voor die moord. Oorsprong:Beeld http://www.feedblitz.com/t.asp?/84250/9542539/http://www.beeld.com/Content/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/1928/ac15fafbd4704f19b5c7db6be97c5712/20-08-2009%2011-08/Meer_boere_op_plase_vermoor_as_in_di%C3%A9_oorlo%C3%AB%E2%80%99
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Bernadine-saak: Taxi kon maklik verbykom
Percyval Matji 2009-08-21 01:39 Herman Scholtz Bernadine Kruger het twee keer op haar bromponie van baan verwissel terwyl ’n taxibestuurder agter haar vir haar toeter geblaas het, maar hy het haar telkens gevolg en toe doodgery, het die Pretoriase streekhof gister gehoor. “Hy’t nie afge-slack nie. En voordat sy kon wegbeweeg het, het hy haar van agter af gestamp. “Toe ry ons oor haar,” het mnr. Sameul Martins, een van 14 passasiers in die taxi, getuig.
Volgens hom het mnr. Percyval Matji, die taxibestuurder, aanhoudend toeter geblaas en eers sowat 50m aangery nadat hy oor die meisie gery het. Matji (31) ontken skuld op aanklag van moord op Bernadine (16). Dit is gemenesaak dat hy op 23 Februarie in Atterburyweg, Pretoria, met ’n wit Toyota Siyaya-minibus teen haar gebots en toe oor haar gery het. Luidens die verslag van haar nadoodse ondersoek is sy aan omvangryke kopbeserings dood. Voordat sy raak gery is, het Martins, ’n veiligheidswag, oor Matji se skouer geloer en gesien hy ry “plus-minus 100km/h”. Hy kon nie Matji maan om stadiger te ry nie, “want die musiek was baie hard”. Volgens Martins het hulle agter Bernadine in die linkerbaan gery. Matji het vir haar toeter geblaas en sy het na die regterbaan oorgegaan. Matji het haar na die regterbaan gevolg. “Toe het sy weer links probeer beweeg. Toe’t (Matji) net aangehou ry.” Dis toe dat Matji haar tref, het Martins getuig. Sr.supt. Danie Poolman, ’n deskundige in die herkonstrukturering van ongelukke, het getuig Matji kon Bernadine se dood voorkom het. Hy het Bernadine se 125cc-bromponie ondersoek en met behulp van rekenaarsagteware ’n rekonstruksie van die ongeluk gemaak. Al die feite dui volgens hom daarop dat Bernadine oomblikke voor die impak van die regterbaan na links begin beweeg het. Dit word gestaaf deur die skade aan die taxi, die bromponie en die dinamika van die voertuie. Bernadine is naby aan die stippellyn tussen die twee bane vir verkeer in ’n oostelike rigting getref. “Dit sou ’n gaping van 290cm vir die Toyota gelos het om veilig aan die regterkant verby die motorfiets te ry,” lui sy verslag. Weens die verskil in momentum van die taxi en die motorfiets is dit nie moontlik om vas te stel hoe vinnig die taxi gery het toe dit Bernadine getref het nie. Die saak is tot 31 Augustus uitgestel vir slotbetoë. ‘Net mal of dronk mens sal dít doen’ Net ’n mal of ’n dronk mens sal dít doen waarvan die staat hom beskuldig, het mnr. Percyval Matji gister aan die Pretoriase streekhof gesê. Hy ontken hy het die opset gehad om Bernadine Kruger van haar bromponie af te ry voordat hy bo-oor haar gery het. “Ek dra nie die soort hart wat iemand sal doodmaak nie.” Matji het getuig hy het ook nie “aanhoudend” toeter geblaas soos al die staatsgetuies gesê het nie. “Ek het nie getel hoeveel keer nie, want ek was deurmekaar,” het hy tydens kruisverhoor gesê. Sy weergawe is dat Bernadine in die linkerbaan was en hy in die regterbaan. Hy het haar begin verbygaan terwyl hulle parallel aan mekaar gery het. Matji het vir blindekolle gekyk en “ewe skielik” was die bromponie voor hom in die regterbaan, het hy getuig. “Onmiddellik nadat sy reg voor my was, het ek remme aangeslaan, maar sy was te naby. “As jy ’n vrag vol passasiers het, kan die taxi nie onmiddellik tot stilstand kom nie.” Dié weergawe is aan sr.supt. Danie Poolman van die polisie gestel, maar hy het gesê die feite dui op die teendeel. “Ek weet nie of sy van links na regs beweeg het nie, maar by die oomblik van impak was sy besig om van regs na links te beweeg en die feit is dat daar genoeg spasie was om haar veilig verby te steek.” Matji ontken ook die staat se weergawe dat hy te vinnig gery het. Volgens hom het hy “tussen 60km/h en 65km/h” gery. Hy het ook nie ná die ongeluk eers aangery nie, maar dadelik stilgehou. Die voertuig is geskuif om uit die pad van ’n ander voertuig te kom, het Matji getuig. Adv. Sanet van Rensburg het hom gevra of die staatsgetuies enige motiewe het om te lieg. “Net hulle sal in hul harte weet wat hul motiewe is,” het hy gesê. Streeklanddros Edmund Patterson wou by Matji weet of hy spoed voor die ongeluk verminder het en Matji het tóé gesê hy het “dieselfde spoed gehou”. Van Rensburg het dit ook aan hom gestel dat sy weergawe van gebeure verskeie kere tydens sy getuienis aangepas is. Matji, wat die heeltyd met gevoude arms getuig het, het volgehou daar was geen bedoeling om Bernadine te tref nie. Die verdediging het ná sy getuienis sy saak gesluit. Oorsprong:Beeld http://www.feedblitz.com/t.asp?/84250/9542539/http://www.beeld.com/Content/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/1928/fac3c4a14b4f494f9093acac30ab96c3/21-08-2009%2001-08/Bernadine-saak_Taxi_kon_maklik_verbykom
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Elderly Berea woman survives nightmare attack
August 23 2009 at 07:19AM
By Vivian Attwood
While she was bludgeoned, bitten and repeatedly hurled to the floor by a young assailant who screamed: "Who is this God you call for?" an 82-year-old Berea resident battled to fathom the horror that had invaded her lifelong home.
Ella Horne, who has lived in the wood and iron Victorian house at the corner of Sydenham and Essenwood roads since her birth, is known and loved by many residents in the area. Her home, which is almost a century old, is admired daily by passersby as a reminder of a bygone age. It is thought to be the only remaining dwelling of its kind in the city. Horne is a former concert pianist who worked for the Daily News for 20 years until her retirement at the age of 70. Despite her advanced age she still takes an active interest in the community, does her own housework and reads newspapers avidly. The members of St Thomas Anglican Church, of which Horne has been a member since childhood, have been particularly hard hit by news of her terrible ordeal. Describing Horne as "very devout, and one of the most cheerful people around", congregant Charmaine Silcox said she and others had tried over the years to persuade their friend to relocate to a retirement village, without success. "The only positive aspect of this brutal event is that now she will relocate to a safer and more comfortable environment." Horne has agreed to settle in a retirement home once she has recovered from her ordeal. The nightmare began at 12.30pm on August 14. From her hospital bed Horne described how she was woken by the sound of breaking glass. "I went to the back of the house to investigate, and then moved to the front bedroom. As I opened the door the picture window exploded, and then he was on me, with his fingers around my throat. I didn't stand a chance." Her assailant launched a savage and protracted attack, punching her repeatedly in the face and doing his best to strangle her. He also smashed a heavy china fruit bowl against her skull. "I prayed so hard," said Horne. "'Dear God, protect me.' Then my strength started to go. 'I'm dying,' I said. I closed my eyes and tried not to let my breathing show. He left me then, and started to trash my home. Finally it was quiet. I lay there, covered in blood, with my darling cat beside me." The assailant ransacked the house and stole a television set, electric irons, radios and an unspecified number of other valuables. Horne was to lie unattended for more than 16 hours before a passing motorist noticed the broken window and alerted the police. "After a very long time I heard voices, and then two policemen were by my side. They were wonderful. When the ambulance arrived, the rescue medics also treated me very gently. I cannot praise them all enough," said Horne. Medical personnel have expressed amazement at Horne's resilience, particularly since she had a triple heart bypass some years ago. While her blood pressure was initially dangerously high, she is responding well to treatment and her brother, Stan, 86, and niece Andrea, who rushed from Gauteng to be at her side, hope that she will be discharged soon. Margaret Horne (no relation), who has been Ella's neighbour and friend for more than 30 years, condemned the savagery of the attack, but said she was not surprised Ella had survived. "She is a formidably strong woman, and her mind is as sound as a bell," she said. Horne is almost more concerned with the welfare of her beloved ginger tom cat, Cheeky Boy than she is about her own plight. "He must have been so frightened. I do hope that I can find him a new home where someone else will love him as much as I have done," she said. Of her attacker, she had this to say: "I do not hate him and I am not filled with anger. He did not know what he was doing. No one taught him right from wrong." Her magnanimity is not shared by her neighbours and friends. Neighbour Allan Reinecke has vowed the community will clamp down on crime. "We will not take acts like this lying down. If criminals keep targeting Berea, they should be warned: we will take firm action." This article was originally published on page 8 of Tribune on August 23, 2009 Source:IOL http://www.feedblitz.com/t.asp?/84250/9542539/http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=15&art_id=vn20090823063803773C518529
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Bleeding pensioner fights off 'mad' attacker
Graeme Hosken
August 21 2009 at 05:07AM
"I was not going to let that man kill my husband. I got angry and I fought back."
These were the defiant words of Pretoria pensioner Anna-Marie Saaiman, 78, who although bleeding heavily after her attacker bit off the tip of her ring finger to try and get to her wedding ring, beat off the man trying "to kill" her husband, Koert, 80, at their smallholding in Kromdraai, north of Pretoria on Thursday. The Saaimans had just returned from Pretoria where they had done their weekly shopping, when they were attacked at their modest home. As Koert unloaded the shopping and Anna-Marie opened up the kitchen door, their attacker, who they had seen walking past their home as they left for the shops earlier in the day, attacked them. 'I thought it was over but he came back at us again' Hitting Saaiman over the head before holding her around the neck and throttling her, the man told her to keep quiet. Instead a defiant Saaiman screamed to her husband for help as she wrestled with her attacker who beat her over the head with a spanner before he grabbed a knobkerrie and proceeded to hit her. As her husband ran inside to help, the man turned on him kicking him to the ground before he hit him repeatedly with the knobkerrie, eventually breaking it over his arm. It was at that point that Saaiman launched herself at her husband's assailant, hitting him on the back and head with a sjambok before grabbing a piece of the broken knobkerrie and beating the attacker with it. As she did so the man turned on her grabbing her hand biting the tip of her ring finger off in an attempt to get to her wedding ring. 'He was mad. He wanted to get to us. You could see that he wanted to kill us' Saaiman, who often play wrestles with her grandson when he comes to visit, managed to kick her attacker "where it hurts" causing him to let go of her as he fell to the ground. Her husband, seizing the opportunity, managed to push him out of their home. "I thought it was over but he came back at us again. As my husband held the door shut the man broke a window and pulled off the burglar bars. "He was mad. He wanted to get to us. You could see that he wanted to kill us," she said. Saaiman and her husband eventually managed to scare off the man when he heard them phoning the police and friends for help. Bleeding profusely Saaiman was rushed to Eugene Marais Hospital by her son-in-law where doctors examined her injuries before sending her home. Saaiman said if it had not been for the wrestling lessons from her grandson they might have been killed. "He taught me what I needed today to keep us alive. When the man grabbed me around the neck I knew what to do." Police spokesman Inspector Llifi Ramatlo said the attacker had fled empty-handed and that no arrest had been made. He said a case of housebreaking was being investigated. This article was originally published on page 1 of Pretoria News on August 21, 2009 Source:IOL http://www.feedblitz.com/t.asp?/84250/9542539/http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=15&art_id=vn20090821034626466C968765
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