Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hateful Gentilizers!

Re: To your seed I have given this land

not a Jew nor is he an Israeli. He is an admitted homosexual and a Judaizer who was born and raised as in the United States as David Hoover

What chutzpah! Where did I claim to be an Israeli? Unlike the president usurper Obama, I was born and raised in these United States of America, the Promised Land of Manasseh (the son of Joseph), a natural born citizen.

Who do you think you are to determine who is a Jew when you've already exposed your woeful/willful ignorance of Jews (Judah) and Joes (Joseph)? I am an Israelite of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic origins, as well as of the tribe of Judah through my descent from the British Royal Family (and Scottish ancestry).

German-American Israelites?
Joseph isn't Jewish!

You're a hateful Gentilizer! However, such Jew hatred is nothing new under the sun. The early Church of God had to contend with deceived and deceiving Gentiles, under heavy pagan and demonic influence, attempting to distance the Sabbath-keeping Church of God from its Jewish/biblical roots by hatefully branding those who held their holy ground as "Judaizers." Such accursed replacement theology accounts for the baptized paganism apostate Christians are steeped in, counterfeit Christianity has fallen for, and why traditional Christians remain stuck in the muck of Babylon and refuse to hear and heed Christ's command to come out of it! I make mention of this in my YouTube video, The Plain Truth.

I am an admitted REPENTANT homosexual, to the glory of God (having written all about it in God and the Gays), and you reflect the darkness of Satan and his demons, the accuser of the brethren, rather than rejoice over repentant sinners like the holy angels in Heaven do. Shame on you! At least you serve as a useful idiot providing opportunities for me to dare to share the plain truth. God always frustrates Satan's agenda and advances His own, turning lemons into lemonade and how sweet it is!

Yes, my former name was David Hoover, which you only know about due to my God-given Names article which explains how I came to receive my God-given name of David Ben-Ariel, something truly spiritual folks appreciate.

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