Thursday, February 25, 2010

Accursed Neturei Karta

Arab-occupied Jordan is part of Greater Israel

#40. To: No 6 (#38)

U.N. Jews - an apt term for Israelis

At least for too many of them, especially the unclean kind like Shimon Peres (who betray Jerusalem and Israel and collaborate with Germany and the Vatican, as I've warned Jews for years). However, the accursed Neturei Karta are UNJews who also aid and abet the sworn enemies of God, Torah and Israel:
Most self-respecting Jews totally oppose and have denounced Neturei Karta's activities. Every mainstream Orthodox Jewish group regards Neturei Karta as a group of deranged, self-hating anti-Semites. Many call them "minim", the Talmudic term for "treasonous heretic." Even non-Jews cannot fathom what sort of lunatic Jews (especially so-called "rabbis") would actively work with those who seek their very own genocide. - Neturei Karta - "JUDENRATS FOR A SECOND HOLOCAUST"
I'm curious, since I strongly believe Europe's New Crusade will brutally betray both Arabs and Jews and their "peace-keeping troops" occupy the Holy Land of Israel, will you rejoice when it happens, when the German-Jesuit jackboot stomps Jerusalem?

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