Saturday, May 15, 2010

United Church of God Literature

Literature Library

The following free literature is available for download. You may also request printed copies.

Good News Magazine
Each issue of The Good News magazine is packed with articles about world trends and events, family and social issues, prophecy in the news and The Good News' eye-opening, in-depth perspective of the Bible.

World News & Prophecy
The purpose of the World News and Prophecy is to help readers discern the times and increase their awareness and understanding of current events in the light of Bible prophecy.

Vertical Thought
Vertical Thought—a magazine of understanding for tomorrow’s leaders—strives to serve up relevant content to help young adults and teens discover and live God's way of life. Thinking vertically is a challenge God offers all of us. Even though we human beings are presently temporal, flesh-and-blood beings, as Christians we are empowered to "seek those things which are above, where Christ is," and to set our minds "on things above" (Colossians 3:1-2). Vertical Thought exists to help you not only think about, but act on, these things from above—the things that are really most important in life.

United News
United News is the official church newspaper of the United Church of God, an International Association. It covers news from the Council of Elders, home office, regional and national offices around the world, local congregations and members. It also features articles of spiritual and biblical interest to members, as well as announcements of births, weddings, anniversaries and obituaries. Reader feedback and involvement is encouraged.

Explore our large library of booklets covering a wide variety of biblical, family, and social issues and themes.

Bible Study Guides
The Bible is a unique book full of inspiration, wisdom and practical answers. But it doesn't claim to be an easy book. It can be intimidating and overwhelming on first glance. These Bible Study Guides are designed to help. Our authors search the Scriptures with you in mind, considering what practical answers you need to deal with the real challenges in your life today. We want these lessons to be relevant, engaging and life-changing—making your life better now, and giving you a real, solid hope for your future.

Bible Study Lessons
Only one book gives us the answers to life's crucial questions: Why are we here? Where is the world headed? What does the future hold? Our eye opening 12-lesson study course will make the Bible come alive as it leads you through the biblical answers to these and other questions!

UCG Commentary
Weekly commentaries by the United Church of God written on world news and trends, from a biblical perspective.

This is the Way
Receive short, biblically based e-mail messages that help you deal with events in your daily life, including the search for meaning in life and subjects of current interest and value.

Good News Bible Reading Program
The Good News Bible reading program has been developed to involve the entire Church and any others interested in an in-depth study of the Bible. The program spans over three years in which we read through the entire Bible, book by book.

We cover the background, history and authorship of each book, discussing its time frame and major themes, the many intriguing people whose lives the Bible records for us, many of the doctrinal truths presented, interesting facts that bear on the readings, and the crucial lessons God wants us to learn.
Participants are also sometimes directed to supplementary, though usually optional, reading material from Church publications. Additionally, there are occasional sermons, sermonettes and Bible studies to supplement the program.

Breaking Free Journal
Breaking Free Journal is the online magazine that helps members of the Church who struggle with alcoholism, substance abuse, sexual addictions, same sex attraction, mental disorders and other forms of dysfunctional behavior.  It will also help those who seek a deeper understanding of these issues.

Virtual Christian Magazine
The Virtual Christian magazine's mission is to provide hope and encouragement for the real world. This on-line magazine provides practical Christian living and inspiration for the 21st century.

The United Church of God offers the literature on this site absolutely free, with no cost or obligations to you.
The free literature on this site (and by mail) is provided by the voluntary contributions of members of the United Church of God, an International Association, and our extended family of coworkers and donors who help share the message of hope with others. We are grateful for the generous tithes and offerings of the members of the Church and other supporters who voluntarily contribute to assist in this effort to proclaim the true gospel to all nations. While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions to help us share this message of hope with others are welcomed. The United Church of God, in accordance with responsible financial stewardship, is audited annually by an independent accounting firm.

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