Monday, August 23, 2010

Feast of Tabernacles

Feast of Tabernacles & Last Great Day Related Resources

The Feast of Tabernacles: Jesus Christ Reigns Over All the Earth
The seven-day Feast of Tabernacles pictures the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ over the earth after His second coming.

The Feast of Tabernacles
How is the festival that represents the sixth step in God's plan to be observed?

The Last Great Day
The seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles are followed by another high day, on which God commands an assembly. This eighth day is the Last Great Day of the fall festival season, and it represents the final, or seventh, step in God's plan of salvation.

The Feast of Peace
God instructed the ancient Israelites to leave their homes every year to observe a festival in a location He chose. What is the significance of this feast, and what does it mean for you?

Are the Biblical Holy Days Christian Festivals?
Why do most people keep holidays that are different from the festivals listed and described in the pages of the Bible? When were the biblical feasts abandoned, and why? How can we be sure which sacred days Christians should observe? Here are the answers!

The Biblical Festivals That Reveal Christ's Role in God's Plan
Jesus Christ celebrated seven festivals every year that most Christians today can't even name, yet they have His imprint all over them. He is the reason for each of these seasons, and they have great meaning for anyone who would like to follow Him better. What are these festivals, and what do they reveal about our Savior and King?

The Biblical Festivals That Show How God Will Bring World Peace
Will mankind ever experience lasting peace? Humanity's track record isn't very good. But a series of biblical feasts reveals how God will indeed bring lasting world peace!

Should You Keep the Festivals Jesus Observed?
Jesus observed the Passover, the Feast of Tabernacles and the other festivals that God gave to Israel. Should you follow His example? Are those sacred festivals still applicable for Christians?

God's Harvest Feasts: His Assurance of Hope for Mankind
Despite the enormous problems facing humanity today, mankind has great hope for the future. Proof of that hope lies in God's harvest celebrations laid out in the Bible.

Knowing God for the First Time
A time is coming when all mankind will come to know God. But meanwhile, through His festivals, God offers us the opportunity to experience now what the whole world will experience in the future.

The Biblical Map to Jesus Christ's Return
Maps show the way from where you are to your final destination. The Bible provides the only spiritual map to our ultimate destiny. Doesn’t it make good sense to plan your life's journey by learning how to read the genuine biblical map?

God's Plan to End Evil and Suffering
Is God blind to evil and human suffering? Why doesn’t He intervene to put a stop to it? Or could it be that it’s we who are blind to what God is doing and that humankind must learn some major lessons before He puts an end to evil?

Coming: God's Solutions to the World's Problems
Nearly everywhere we look, the world seems to be spinning out of control. Why do we see so many problems? Can we find a solution? Does the Bible offer hope for answers?

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