Monday, June 30, 2008

Mandela - The Legend and the Legacy

It is often said that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, however, this usually means that the other man has been less than fastidious in his choice of hero, or that the “freedom fighter” in question was on the crowd pleasing side.

On the 27th of June, London's Hyde Park played host to a concert in honour of Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday and as expected it received wall to wall coverage from a star struck and worshipping media, who continue to laud Mandela as one of the greatest, or indeed the greatest, heroes of our time.
The beaming old man appeared on stage in one of his trademark multi-coloured shirts and cheerily acknowledge the cheers of the adoring crowd, most of whom have been taught to believe in his sainthood since their first days in primary school, which, for many of them, will have occurred around the same time their hero walked free from Robben Island.

The unquestioning belief in Mandela's universally admired saintliness was again on display in the gushing media coverage and by the unending line of politicians and dignitaries from presidents to Prime ministers who queued up to genuflect before him and sing his praises. It is a brave politician or journalist who would dare to question the godliness of this legend and consummate showman, and hence no such questions were raised, nor were his much vaunted “achievements” subjected to any objective scrutiny.

No matter how many speeches are given or how many news articles are written, it will be a long time if ever before the truth about Mandela is told.

In fact the truth about Mandela is so hidden in mythology and misinformation that most know nothing about him prior to Robben island, and those who do tend to exercise a form of self censorship, designed to bolster the myth whilst consigning uncomfortable facts into the mists of history.

For most people all they know about Mandela, prior to his release in 1990, was that he had spent 27 years in prison and was considered by many on the left at the time (and almost everyone now) to be a political prisoner. However, Mandela was no Aung San Suu Kyi, he was not an innocent, democratically elected leader, imprisoned by an authoritarian government.

Mandela was the terrorist leader of a violent terrorist organisation, the ANC (African National Congress) which was responsible for many thousands of, mostly black, deaths. The ANC's blood spattered history is frequently ignored, but reminders occasionally pop up in the most embarrassing places, indeed as recently as this month the names of Nelson Mandela and most of the ANC remained on the US government's terrorist watch list along with al-Queda, Hezbollah and the Tamil Tigers. Of course the forces of political correctness are rushing to amend that embarrassing reminder from the past. However, Mandela's name was not on that list by mistake, he was there because of his Murderous past.

Before I am accused of calumny, it should be noted that Mandela does not seek to hide his past, in his autobiography “the long walk to Freedom” he casually admits “signing off” the 1983 Church Street bombing carried out by the ANC and killing 19 innocent people whilst injuring another 200.

It is true that Mandela approved that massacre and other ANC killings from his prison cell, and there is no evidence that he personally killed anyone but the same could be said about Stalin or Hitler, and the violent history of the ANC, the organisation he led is not in question.

According to the Human Rights Commission it is estimated that during the Apartheid period some 21,000 people were killed, however both the UN Crimes against Humanity commission and South Africa's own Truth and Reconciliation Commission are in agreement that in those 43 years the South African Security forces killed a total of 518 people. The rest, (some 92%) were accounted for by Africans killing Africans, many by means of the notorious and gruesome practice of necklacing whereby a car tyre full of petrol is placed around a victim's neck and set alight. This particularly cruel form of execution was frequently carried out at the behest of the ANC with the enthusiastic support of Mandela's demonic wife Winnie.

The brutal reappearance of the deadly necklace in recent weeks is something I shall reluctantly focus upon later.

Given that so much blood was on the hands of his party, and, as such, the newly appointed government, some may conclude that those who praised Madela's mercy and forgiveness, when the Truth and Reconciliation tribunal set up after he came to power, to look into the Apartheid years, did not include a provision for sanctions, were being deliberately naive.

Such nativity is not uncommon when it comes to the adoring reporting of Nelson Madela, and neither is the great leader himself rarely shy of playing up his image of fatherly elder statesman and multi-purpose paragon. However, in truth, the ANC's conscious decision to reject a policy of non-violence, such as that chosen by Gandhi, in their struggle against the white government, had left them, and by extension, their leader, with at least as much blood on their hands as their one time oppressors, and this fact alone prevented them from enacting the revenge which might otherwise have been the case.

As the first post Apartheid president of South Africa it would, be unfair if not ludicrous to judge Mandela entirely on the basis of events before he came to power, and in any event there is many a respected world leader or influential statesman with a blood stained past so let us now examine Nelson Mandela's achievements, and the events which have occurred in South Africa in the 14 short years since he took power in following the post Apartheid election in 1994, and the new South Africa which he created after coming to power on a surge of worldwide optimism and hope in 1994, when, following the end of Apartheid, he and his followers promised a new dawn for what became termed the Rainbow Nation.

Today South Africa stands out as one of the most dangerous and crime ridden nations on Earth which is not actively at War. In 2001, only seven years after the end of Apartheid, whilst the city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands with 5,6 murders per 100,000 population was declared the "murder capitol of Europe", Johannesburg, with 61.2 murders per 100,00 population and remains the world's top murder city.

In South Africa as a whole, the murder rate is seven times that of America, in terms of rape the rate is ten times as high and includes the ugly phenomenon of child rape, one of the few activities in which South Africa is now a world leader. If you don't believe me, you can read what Oprah Winfrey has to say about it here.

All other forms of violent crime are out of control, and Johannesburg is among the top world cities for muggings and violent assault, a fact seldom mentioned in connection with the 2010 World Cup which is scheduled to be hosted in South Africa.

As always with black violence the primary victims are their fellow blacks, however, the rape, murder and violent assault of whites is a daily event, and there is more ...

As with the Matabeleland massacres, news of which the BBC, together with much of the world media suppressed for twenty years to protect their one time hero, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, another secret genocide is being ignored by the world media, the genocide of white Boer farmers, thousands of whom have been horribly tortured to death in their homes since the end of Apartheid. Anyone who clicks on this link should we warned that it includes some very gruesome images as the savagery of these attacks belie the authorities attempts to dismiss them as nothing more than a "crime wave".

Given that it is now all but illegal in South Africa to report the race of either victim or the perpetrator of a crime (unless the perpetrator is white and the victim black) and as modern South Africa's official crime statistics are notoriously massaged, it is impossible to know the exact numbers of farm murders that have taken place. Many reliable sources estimate the figure as close to 3,000, but even if we take the more conservative figure of 1,600 quoted in the politically correct South African press (but not quoted at all in ours) this is three times the numbers killed by the South African security forces over a period of 43 years, and which the UN calls a crime against humanity.

To put this in perspective, the population of South Africa is 47 million, (13 million less than Britain despite its far greater land mass) of which the 4.3 million whites account for 9.1%, about 1% less than the immigrant population of Britain. Can you imagine the outcry if 1,600 (let alone 3,000) members of a minority community in Britain were tortured to death by the native population?.

Yet when the victims are white, there is hardly a peep in the South African press and silence from the international media. Compare this to when a white youth is the killer, such as in the case of Johan Nel, who shot three Africans, a story which became instant world wide news with the predictable screams of racism and machete wielding mobs baying for his blood.

(And they accuse us of hate?!! Don't such people nauseate themselves with their hypocrisy?!)

Crime aside, Mandela and his ANC inherited the strongest economy in Africa, indeed, despite economic sanctions, South Africa was still one of the richest world nations, and indeed initially there was a brief post Apartheid boom, resulting from the lifting of sanctions and due to the fact that until affirmative action forced most of the whites out of their jobs to be replaced by under qualified blacks, those who had built South Africa were still in place.

However, any optimism was to be short lived. Now, after just 14 years of rule by Mandela and his grim successor Mbeke, corruption is rife, the country is beset with power cuts and the infrastructure is crumbling.

The nation's great cities like Durban and Johannesburg, which could once rival the likes of Sydney, Vancouver and San Francisco, had descended in to decaying crime ridden slums within a decade.

And in recent months we have seen the so called Rainbow nations ultimate humiliation, as xenophobic anti immigration violence spreads across the country. (“xenophobic” is what the media call racism when blacks do it) As poverty and unemployment explodes and is exacerbated by the floods of immigrants flooding in to escape the even more advanced Africanisation of the rest of the country, the mobs turn on those they blame for stealing their jobs, their homes, and their women.

Thus the cycle turns, and, like watching some barbaric version of “back to the future", on the news we see exactly the same scenes we saw on our televisions twenty years ago, wrecked buildings, burning vehicles, mobs brandishing machetes, axes and knives hacking at everything and everyone which comes within their reach. Most horrific of all, we see the return of that most savage symbol of African brutality, the necklace where, to the cheers of a blood thirsty crowd, some poor trembling soul, with a tire around his neck, is dragged from his home and set alight, exactly as all those other poor souls were set alight throughout the Apartheid years, when we were told it was all the evil white man's fault.

As nothing else the return of the necklace exposes the failure of Mandela's revolution, and those who fought for him should weep.

Under Apartheid, blacks and whites went to separate hospitals but they received world class health care, whatever their colour, now the facilities are collapsing or non-existent. Black children went to different schools than white children, but they received an education, something which is now a privileged luxury. When they grew up, their bosses may have been white, but they had jobs and a living wage, as the recent violence shows us, such security is but a memory for most South Africans.

Eighteen years after Nelson and Winnie made their historic walk towards the cameras, and 14 years, since Mandela assumed power on a tide of optimism, a once proud South Africa slides like a crumbling, crime ridden, wreck towards a precipice created though greed, corruption and incompetence.

For all his gleaming smiles, grandfatherly hand gestures, and folksy sound bites, tomorrow night, when crowd cheers the retired terrorist in the gaudy shirt, they would do best not to focus too closely upon his much admired legacy, as they might just find that the Xhosan Emperor has no clothes. For Nelson Mandela's lasting achievement is that, in the face of a wold wishing him well, he, and the party he leads, have shown the world that, for all its flaws, Apartheid was a more benign system than what replaced it, and that the average South African was immeasurably better off under the hated white rule than they are under the alternative which black rule has created.

That is quite an achievement, even for a living legend.

Sarah Maid of Albion

Stop terrorist Nelson Mandela!

Flaming liberals and other dangerously misguided souls, the kind that led to the destruction of once peaceful and prosperous South Africa, are now out to sanitize the "saintly" terrorist Nelson Mandela (wolf in sheep's clothing, who knows how to talk to white people) and his toxic organization - the terrorist African National Congress (ANC) - and have them removed from the United States' terrorist list where they belong (HR 5690). Don't let them succeed!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

US aids and abets terrorists

Former U.S. Officer Training Hamas Military


Both the United States and Israel are guilty before God and man for arming and training the bloody PLO and now Fatah - both terrorist organizations (your tax dollars at work) - even though those of us in our right minds warned them it would backfire against us (and I'm sure they know it and plan it for their nefarious purposes, their globalist agenda).

"The scare-stories of the Likud are well-known," Yitzhak Rabin said in 1995. "Why, they also promised us Katyushas from Gaza. It's already a year that the Gaza Strip is mostly under the control of the Palestinian Authority - and there wasn't a Katyusha and there won't be any...".

Politically Correct Enemies of God

Religion and Ethics BBS

David Ben-Ariel

Why remain in denial?
Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:58AM

Some of us dare to share facts, the plain truth of the Bible and history, exposing the politically correct emperor has no clothes. Why should that disturb you?

Once you let go of politically correct delusions, you can learn to think like God and be blessed. Then you'll also hate evil and love that which is good (going by God's standards), however difficult and unpopular it can be, just like the Bible instructs us to do.

James 4:4
Ye adulterers and adulteresses [those engaged in the politically correct orgy], know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the [politically correct] world is the enemy of God.

Isaiah 55:7-9
7 Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the LORD,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.
8 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD.
9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Number of HIV infections up

HIV Rate Up 12 Percent Among Young Gay Men

The number of young homosexual men being newly diagnosed with HIV infection is rising by 12 percent a year, with the steepest upward trend in young black men, according to a new report.

By David Brown


Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS
The following is a actual letter I sent to a close Christian friend in 1999, immediately after I was diagnosed with HIV. Since then the HIV has progressed on into AIDS.

Does God Heal Today?
When I was first diagnosed with the HIV virus, I read innumerable articles on it and later suffered from an information overload and depressing confusion. One article would speak in favor of taking the highly toxic HIV/AIDS medicines, and then I'd read another one that spoke against it with just as convincing of an argument.

Brokeback Mountain Blues
I wanted to see it, but I didn't want to see it. I'm talking about the "gay cowboy" movie called Brokeback Mountain (even though I read Jake Gyllenhaal, one of the two major actors - "Jack Twist," wants it to mean much more than that to its audience).

God and the Gays - To Be or Not to Be (Part 1)
Homosexuality.... Is it a matter of choice? Are some born that way? And if so, then how could God condemn it? Or does He? Does it make a difference?

God and the Gays - All That Glitters Isn't Gold (Part 2)
The gay bar scene or high risk promiscuous sex... Is it so happy-go-lucky? Something so sweet and wonderful we'd "wish you were here?" Or is it actually something you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy?

God and the Gays - Once Gay, Always Gay? (Part 3)
Once gay always gay? How about once an adulterer always an adulterer? Better yet, once a sinner always a sinner (1 Cor. 6:11; 1 John 1:9)? WHO says so?

God and the Gays - Of Vice and Men (Part 4)
Everyone - gay or straight - has the "fire" within (1 Cor. 7:9). Some burn more than others, but it's still there. God understands proper sexual desire and simply commands that we develop His character to control and channel it. He knows our human need to love and be loved, to touch and feel, to give of ourselves totally in a reciprocal relationship.

God and the Gays - A Time to Heal (Part 5)
God calls people from all walks of life and performs a miracle in their minds: they're offered a fresh perspective, given a new outlook, and enabled to try a different approach (Philip. 2:5). Their former "records" aren't held against them and they're started out with a new attitude and identity (2 Cor. 5:17).

God and the Gays - Make Up Your Mind (Part 6)
We can make things easier or more difficult for ourselves. Either you're totally convinced God's way is right and worth living, or you're not sure and continually ride the fence and risk rupture; tormenting yourself and sending out conflicting signals and confusing signs (Matt. 6:24; 7:16).

How Adam and Eve Reflect the Kingdom of God

How Adam and Eve Reflect the Kingdom of God
By David Ben-Ariel

"Let us make man in our image." Such a Scripture does not support the trinity, but it does support the plain truth that the Word was God and the Word was with God, two Beings with the one sacred name of God/Elohim (John 1:1-2).

"In the Beginning was the WORD (Logos/Spokesman/Revelatory Thought), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God." This clearly reveals TWO Beings who shared the ONE family name of GOD (Ephes. 3:15). God created all things through Yeshua/Jesus who was the Word (Ephes. 3:9).

When the Word became flesh He was "God with us" and thereby became the "Son" and the One who remained in Heaven thereby became the "Father." They had coexisted eternally in a SHARED GLORY (John 8:42, 7:5, 8, 16:27-28). We can either accept or reject Yeshua's revelation of the UNKNOWN FATHER FIGURE whom mankind has never heard or seen. The Word who became Yeshua is the Divine Being who dealt with ancient Israel. They didn't know the Father and most still don't today, and they can't unless the Son reveals Him (John 5:37, 6:44,46, 8:54-55).

And we can either accept or reject Yeshua's explanation/interpretation of what "one" means: unity/united. He said the Father was in Him and He was in the Father (through the Holy Spirit and unity of mind and purpose) and He prayed for the Church of God to express and exhibit that exact same unity and oneness by the Holy Spirit (John 14:11, 15:4, 17:11, 21, 23). Please check out these Scripture references and see that it is so. One Holy Spirit of UNITY AND DIVINE PURPOSE (I Cor. 12:12-20).

The Scripture says "Let us make man in our image," and it says "ELOHIM (not YHVH) made man in His image." It's saying the Word and God made man "in OUR image" and, that as ONE GOD FAMILY UNIT/KINGDOM, the united God made man in HIS image. It elaborates, for our sakes, by also saying Elohim created MAN in His image..."MALE and FEMALE created He THEM" (Gen. 1:27).

So there's a reverse of the singular and the plural, man/them and our/His. This "mystery" is further revealed when it's written in Gen. 5:1-2: "In the day that Elohim (Gods) created man, in the likeness of God made He HIM; male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name ADAM." The ONE ADAM FAMILY then had a son, Seth, in "his (Adam's) own likeness, after his image" (Gen. 5:3).

Does this exclude Eve? Wasn't Seth also in her human likeness and image? Yes. For conclusive proof that God PURPOSELY inserted all this into the Genesis account to REVEAL to us later about the ONE GOD FAMILY/KINGDOM, the apostle Paul preaches: "For we [Christians] are members of his [Yeshua's] Body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they TWO shall be ONE FLESH. This is a GREAT MYSTERY: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church" (Ephes. 5:30-32).

That's how the ONE GOD FAMILY (Elohim with the Father Supreme and the Son gladly subject to His authority - 1 Cor. 15:28) can be and is presently composed of two God-Beings, and is in the conversion process of "bringing MANY SONS TO GLORY" (Heb. 2:10) since Christ was the "FIRSTBORN OF MANY BRETHREN" (Rom. 8:29). Jesus was the PROTOTYPE of a new genus: the Kingdom of God!

It's illustrated that even as MANKIND has shared in Adam's earthy image, we're soon to share in the HEAVENLY image of the Second Adam when we're born again of the Holy Spirit (John 3:3,6 4:24), with righteous character and composition! Mankind after the Godkind! And all through the ONE SPIRIT of God that unites us.

"Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27), "who shall change our vile body that it may be FASHIONED/CREATED like unto His GLORIOUS BODY" (Philip. 3:21), "for we know that when He shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM" (1 John 3:2) - we are not going to be dogs or cats, or even angels, we are to be heavenly beings, HOLY SPIRIT-COMPOSED, born again GOD-BEINGS in the one divine family unit/Elohim!

We are presently members of MANkind, huMAN, in the ADAMic Family unit (Gen. 5:2), but God promises we'll soon be changed in the twinkling of an eye, miraculously transformed, and join the HEAVENLY SPIRIT/GOD FAMILY.

We've clearly seen how "two" can be "one" whether in the God Family or in the Adam family. It's right there in the Bible if we'll just believe what we see and read. It's the plain truth of the Bible for those willing to believe what God has revealed.

Those who reject the testimony of the Scriptures (to hang on to vain traditions of men, whether trinity or oneness) are unable to explain what we're to become. Why have we received the down payment/earnest of the Spirit? (Ephes. 1:13-14). What conversion process are we in? (2 Cor.3:18). What are we being converted to if not into the character and composition of the Holy Spirit?

God is spirit. We must be born again of the SPIRIT. Yeshua is the FIRSTBORN of many brethren (Rom. 8:29). We're presently partakers of the DIVINE nature (2 Pet. 1:4). God is our Father, Yeshua is our elder Brother - a family relationship. We're in Adam's human/earthy image now; we're to be in the Second Adam's spiritual/heavenly/divine image soon.

God is reproducing Himself! That's what the conversion process is all about: God became man so man could become God. Mankind was created after the Godkind so after a life of conversion and purification, we can be resurrected to GLORY and share the glory of the Father and Son as born again sons of God (Elohim).

Again, what are we to become? How can you strive to enter the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Gods (Elohim), leaving the human kingdom behind, if you refuse to accept the awesome potential God (Elohim) offers? Take receiving the Holy Spirit and being born again of the Holy Spirit to its logical/biblical end/fulfillment.

When we're glorified God-Beings, worshipping our Supreme Father God in His Kingdom (1 Cor. 15:28), just like Yeshua will submit to the Father as all in all, we'll be immortal Priest-Kings (Rev. 5:10, 20:6), and God will be the "God of Gods" (Ps. 97:7, 136:2). Christ is the King of Kings (we're those kings), and the Lord of Lords (we're those lords), and the Father is God of Gods (we're those Gods/Elohim - Micah 4:5).

We either accept Yeshua's revelation of the UNKNOWN FATHER and His eternal coexistence with Him, and His work as Creator, as the Word, under the supervision of the Father, or we must reject the New Testament.

The Jews know Yeshua's claims and don't water them down to fit their religion. They reject His revelation for now, like most of traditional Christianity, but both Houses of Israel (Anglo-Saxon-Celtics, Western Europeans and Jews as taught by Brit-Am Israel) will get over this stumbling block and soon embrace our transcendent calling to become literal members of the Heavenly Family of Gods (Elohim), higher than the animals and angels - divine (Heb. 2:9-10).

We don't call God the Father for nothing, or do we? We're to be the literal children of God, the Children of the Resurrection (Luke 20:36). What glorious GOOD NEWS!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A light of hope in Rhodesia?

David Ben-Ariel has left a new comment on the post "A light of hope in Rhodesia?":

The darkness descends in the United States? The day of reckoning has come for America. We have DESTROYED South Africa and Rhodesia and pressured them to abandon their Israelite nation and turn it over to the most primitive of people. Now the whites FLEE for their lives from those nations and under primitive African "democracy" those nations are no longer the productive nations of Africa.

There Goes The Nation

Sderot Media Center (Weekly update)

The first attacks in the ceasefire

The Sderot Media Center, a project of The Sderot Information Center for the Western Negev Ltd, was pioneered to provide the people of Sderot and the Western Negev with an agency that would facilitate their human side of the more

Israel Tests Border Crossings

Following four days of quiet after Israel and Hamas struck a ceasefire, last Sunday, Israel increased allowed for increased activity at several Gaza border-crossings.
read more

Palestiaian Rocket Fire Breaks Fragile GAZA Truce

New York - Two people in Sderot were wounded this Tuesday today after Islamic Jihad fired three rockets toward the Western Negev, shattering any hopes for an effective truce between Israel and terrorists in the Gaza Strip. read more

Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways

Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!


Israel's Betrayal of the Jews

Shimon Peres Has No Clothes: Where's the Peace?

Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor

Zimbabwe Ruins Proves Ian Smith Right

On Nov. 11, 1965, Mr. Smith announced in emotionless tones that Rhodesia had declared independence from Britain rather than bow to pressure from London for concessions toward the black majority.

"We have struck a blow for the preservation of justice, civilization and Christianity, and in this belief we have this day assumed our sovereign independence. God bless you all." -

Condemnation of the rebellion heaped up. The United Nations applied international sanctions intended to cut off Rhodesia from the rest of the world in 1966.

Mr. Smith would not bend. "No African rule in my lifetime," he said. "The white man is master of Rhodesia. He has built it, and he intends to keep it."

As he aged, he remained bitter that, in his view, successive outside powers including the United States, South Africa and most of all Britain had broken promises, betraying Rhodesia’s white minority and its leaders in the name of political expediency.

"And in all honesty, what had Rhodesia done to deserve all of this treachery?" he wrote in his 1996 memoir, "Bitter Harvest: The Great Betrayal." Returning to his prophecies of economic decline under black majority rule, he added in a 1998 postscript to the book: "I think I can correctly comment: I told you so. History records that my predictions have materialized."

Ian Smith

Will Apathy Be The Death Of Us All?

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." It appears the apathy of too many Americans will be the death of us all!

The terrorist Nelson Mandela spoke of a "New South Africa" and it sounded good but it has proven to be a BIG LIE. Just like Barack Hussein Obama promises "change" and folks - ignorant of history and black liberation theology - think it sounds good. God save US from going the way of ruined South Africa and destroyed Rhodesia (Zimbabwe ruins)!

Call the U.S. Congress to warn them not to pass this treacherous legislation to take the terrorist Nelson Mandela and the terrorist African National Congress off the U.S. Terrorist List where they belong. Former failed presidential candidate John Kerry (D-Mass) is shamefully sponsoring a companion bill for the Senate. Call Kerry's office and give him a piece of your patriotic mind at 202-224-2742 and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) office 202-224-3542.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Muslims Must Go!

Ethnic War in Brussels: Moroccans Attack "Whites"

Just yesterday Islam in Action reported the rape of a non-Muslim woman in Brussels, for not wearing a headscarf. Today I am here to report more Islamic hostility in Brussels. A group of Moroccan youths rioted and attacked a group of white supporters of the football club RSC Anderlecht. The evening before the attack, a blog had called for attacks on the "white" supporters of the club, and "to burn pubs, houses and cars." It seems that Muslims once again have problems getting along with non-Muslims. All we have to do is look towards Europe to see what is coming our way here in the U.S.A. There were the Islamic French riots of 2005 which spread to at least 30 towns and cities, once again in 2007, the Islamic Denmark riots which spread to at least 20 towns and were little reported by the media and now this. It is like a plague slowly spreading across Europe. Will we learn from their mistakes?

Link to Brussels Attack



Beyond Babylon

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Mr. Ben-Ariel clearly has a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel. His Israeli lawyer has stated that David's "future is linked with that of the Jews," and Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful says, "God has some special task" for him. His sacred bond with the land and people of Israel has been strengthened over the years by his service as a volunteer on eight kibbutzim (collective farms) throughout the Holy Land, including during Operation Desert Storm. As a firm believer in the Israelite roots and responsibilities of the Anglo-Saxons and Northwestern European peoples, David works towards the ultimate reconciliation and restoration of Joseph with Judah. As a student of biblical prophecy, he is alarmed about Germany and the Vatican's increasing control of the European continent, remodeling it after the Holy Roman Empire. As the outspoken author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, he is determined to do all he can to help wake up the world to the clear and present danger Germany poses to world peace, with a special emphasis on the Middle East.

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nazi-Muslims in Berlin

Palestinian State-Builders Gather in Berlin
Jerusalem (
– International donors gathered in Berlin on Tuesday to secure tens of millions of dollars for the Palestinians to build new, improved police and judiciary systems. and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told the conference on Tuesday.

Palestinian state-builders in Berlin? How appropriate since any accursed state of Palestine amounts to a declaration of war against the Jewish Homeland of Israel. The Nazi-Muslim connection has been well documented. The blood money raised for Palestine would be better spent relocating the Arabs who presently occupy parts of the Promised Land of Israel to their many Arab countries of origin.

Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways


Christians Reject "Palestine" for the Promised Land of Israel

Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel

Self-indulgent Traces of the Trade

What an orgy of shame! I endured Traces of the Trade (PBS or is it PCS?) and discovered nothing new in it except for perhaps the disgusting depths that self-hating, bleeding heart white liberals, will descend to and self-righteously insist on dragging everybody else along with them.

What a twisted trip for white masochists, groveling before blacks who questioned and mocked them, who refused to shake their hand and who said they felt angry. White people ought to be angry at blacks always playing the victim and never taking responsibility for themselves - whether in the US or Africa.

Reparations are not the solution, especially if we subtract what blacks have cost America. Why should those who were never slave owners pay those who were never slaves? REPATRIATION is the solution. And looking at African blacks versus American blacks, some could conclude that for many the sacrifice of slavery is the best thing that ever happened. You certainly don't see blacks clamoring to return to Africa with any sense of proper pride, even though many claim to be "Afro-centric." Yet they'll stay and complain and try to shake down guilty whites instead of recognizing or admitting the common sense of Abraham Lincoln that still rings true today: the solution is racial separation.

"I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races---that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race."
- Abraham Lincoln

Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

Black to Africa: Facing the Crisis in Black America

Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!

You've Been Warned: Don't Vote For Obama!

Deuteronomy 17
15 shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses; one from among your brethren [your own kind] you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner [Gentile] over you, who is not your brother.

Hosea 8:4
They set up kings, but not by Me; They made princes, but I did not acknowledge them...

The Curse of Jeremiah Wrights

President Barack Obama sound good to you?

Children Are Their Oppressors

There Goes The Nation

Why Rhodesia is in Ruins

A Warning for America from South Africa

Shame on TheologyWeb!

TheologyWeb Campus Stifles Dissent

You are banned from TWEB for repeatedly posting racist material after you were warned that this is unacceptable on this site numerous times.

RACIST TWEB moderators dishonestly delete anything that has to do with ethnicity, with the Twelve Tribes of Israel, with explaining racial cause and effect that offends their politically correct sensibilities (Dan. 9:11), even though they have been warned such hateful actions are unbiblical and leaves blood on their hands:

Romans 1

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness...

Apparently, TheologyWeb moderators are so caught up in the spirit of these liberal times, brainwashed by the PC cult, they fear PC men more than God. After all, those who know the Bible recognize it is an ethnocentric book that clearly focuses on the family of Jacob-Israel. Why remain in denial? Why pretend to be more righteous than God? TheologyWeb curses itself and others by suppressing the plain truth. Shame on TheologyWeb!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Racism is not the unpardonable sin!

I'm a native born American, a Christian Zionist, an Israelite and Jew (from the tribes of Joseph and Judah respectively), and a White supremacist. How could White Israelites be otherwise?
Years of observation and study have taught me to be an honest racist, a realist, without apology. Racism is not the unpardonable sin that politically correct fascists would mislead folks to believe. Dishonest racists would have us deny our God-given differences and foolishly pretend we're all equal when everything proves we're not equal except in our potential to be born again into the Kingdom of God-Beings, and even then salvation is offered first to the Jews (Israelites) and then to the Greeks (Gentiles).

"I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races---that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race."
- Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Was A White Supremacist

There Goes The Nation

I have seen slaves riding on horses and princes walking like slaves on the land.
--Ecclesiastes 10:7

By Carl Brown

The day of reckoning has come for America. Not because we haven't given enough "goodies" to the lowest of the gentiles (non-Israelites) among us. You'd think that'd make them at least a LITTLE grateful, but it hasn't. They have become even more arrogant and hateful towards their benefactors (white Anglo-Americans).

No, there is a day of reckoning, not because of our RACISM!, but because of what we've done to our fellow Israelitish nations. We have DESTROYED South Africa and Rhodesia and pressured them to abandon their Israelite nation and turn it over to the most primitive of people. Now the whites FLEE for their lives from those nations and under primitive African "democracy" those nations are no longer the productive nations of Africa.

Now, because of our sins against our brothers, it looks like AMERICA will WILLINGLY turn over its own Israelite rule and place an America-hating Marxist GENTILE in its top leadership position. THIS is in clear violation of GOD'S LAW that a GENTILE must never rule over an Israelite nation (but when should our concepts of "FAIRNESS" take a backseat to GOD'S Law?)

Using Rhodesia and South Africa as our example, we can clearly see what's about to unfold in America's future. The Gentile Obama has already shown us his circle of friends. Therefore we know the types of individuals he will appoint to his administration. Look for Rev/Doc/Mr/Lord Wright to find a place in his administration. William Ayers for Sec of State?

Expect a goon squad that'll turn a blind eye when young angry AFRICANS (their true "colors" will come out under an Obama administration) vent their unjustified RAGE against innocent whites.

Expect the Obama administration to follow in the footsteps of the other African Marxist (Mugabe) and CONFISCATE the wealth of the rich (that'd be WHITES) and turn it over to the lowest and most useless among us.

PRODUCTIVITY will come to a halt in America because the PRODUCTIVE will find it unproductive to produce and the lowest among us will become even more angry and take out their rage even more against the white man. The short-sighted will spew "payback's a b-i-t-c-h", not seeing their own racial hatred (and not really caring). America will DIE a slow painful death, but at least they'll have "one of their own" in power.

"There goes the nation"...

The Curse of Jeremiah Wrights

Children Are Their Oppressors

Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!

Martin Luther King Day?

President Barack Obama sound good to you?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Assyrian Exile: Israel's Legacy in Captivity

The Assyrian Exile: Israel's Legacy in Captivity

Author: Cam Rea
Published: 6/19/2008 9:20:11 PM
Pages: 212
Keywords: Ancient Near East,Assyria,Babylonians,Christianity,Cimmerians,History,Israel,Judaism,Lost Ten Tribes,Politics,Religion,Saka,Scythians
Audience Level: Everyone
Genres: History / Military / GeneralReligion / SpiritualityPolitical Science / General

Cam Rea describes the Assyrian Conquest of the northern Israelite Tribes and their subsequent history alongside that of Assyria itself. The account is historically accurate as well as exciting. Cam Rea has the ability to bring the past to life. This work encompasses original research work and pertinent insights. Anyone who wishes to know what happened to the Ten Tribes of Northern Israel after their exile should read this work. The reader will both benefit and enjoy doing so.

Yair Davidiy, Director of Brit-Am, Jerusalem, Israel”.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Children Are Their Oppressors

Isaiah 3
12 As for My people, children are their oppressors,
And women rule over them.
O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err,
And destroy the way of your paths.

The following, slightly edited, information comes from inside South Africa by an apolitical Sabbath-keeping Church of God member.

Shamefully, we rarely hear such an honest appraisal of South Africa's deteriorating situation in the United States. If we did, perhaps the stark reality check of the much vaunted "New South Africa" would dim the luster of Obama's lies about "change" (as if his Black Liberation Theology would bring about a change for the better when logic and history testify otherwise):

I am back from ....[his place of work], but there was a possibility that I might have been stuck there for the week-end, as [his car] had some problems - the alternator gave problems and had to be fixed - lucky for me the car has never broken down on the open road. I was very worried there would not be any parts ... [available], and that I would be stuck there for the week-end or longer. BUT everything worked out.

[There is] loud horrible music down there at the [nearby] petrol station this time of the morning, which has woken me and I am finding it impossible to sleep as a result - I HATE that type of [black African] music. I feel so helpless nowadays in this country - everything is out of control.

Have reached the conclusion that the Peoples of Africa are the Children of the World, and without the rest of the world to "parent" them, they would all starve to death.

(Please note that I am referring to the masses - obviously there are some (few) exceptions, but they are too few to make a difference amongst the masses, as is evident by the abysmal state Africa is in). I am not referring to North Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

The Peoples of Africa as Children are:

- unruly;
- undisciplined;
- need constant supervision;
- moody and follow their instincts;
- can't play nicely without fighting;
- break their toys;
- everything is a game; (or should I say "soccer, soccer, soccer")
- can't plan ahead - live in "the now";
- given to whining and complaining;
- are "give me - give me" oriented;
- don't accept responsibility for anything;
- are like teenagers; (if you dare to reprimand them for acting like children,they jump into "adult mode" and demand to be treated as adults, and "guilt-trip" the "Parents", who fall for this time and time again) (then again, God says Ephraim will be "like a silly dove")
- are beggars and want handouts from grown-ups, because like children they expect their parents to pay for everything, because parents "owe them";
- they have no pride in a job well done;
- have no concept of cause and effect; (Westerners think SA Black Africans would understand if they carry on killing the white farmers, when sooner or later they will run out of food - but as children they are incapable of putting this cause and effect together, like is happening in the Mugabeland of Zimbabwe)
- etc,etc,etc

Do you know that there is not one factory in Africa that was designed and built exclusively by blacks - they simply cannot do it without "outside Africa" (Parents) assistance.

The Black South-Africans have inherited from the Whites an incredible 1st world infrastructure, but in 14 years they have not maintained it, so that now everything is starting to fall apart. They have ruined:

- the health system,
- the road system;
- the railway system;
- the education system;
- the policing system;
- the army (place with the most deaths from Aids);
- the electricity system;
- the judicial system;
- the prison system;
etc,etc,etc and this all in 14 years.

The main crime is rape. If it moves and is female, they want to rape it. When they break in to steal, then they automatically rape the women. They are barbarian-children, and it's all a game.

There is also a culture of "blame someone else" - nothing is their fault - it's all still the Whites fault, even 12 years later. (obviously there are some exceptions, but the exception does not make the rule)

By the way, your next President Obama is not a Black Man, he is what we call a Coloured, and they are sooo much better than the Black Man, more like the Whites. When he is President, Africa of course will be so glad because then they can go begging for more Foreign Aid for which they will receive much to play with from Obama.

America's main export product (Democracy) works only in name in Africa. (like in Russia also)...

You need a large, educated middle class for democracy to really work, which Africa does not have. "Children" cannot reason about who will govern their country the best - so they vote along ethnic grounds making their X next to their tribal leader's name, or as instructed by the chief. BUT America is perfectly happy when the African Country "embraces" democracy, and then America self-righteously leaves and chaos inevitably ensues as the "Children" start to play in that country.

The Chinese, of course, don't care two hoots about all of this and will keep a "democratic" African Dictator in power so long as they can rape that country of it's mineral wealth. (case in point: Robert Mugabe, who at this very moment is killing off all his opposition, and America does nothing!!)

Yes, the white man will have to support the African Continent until the Kingdom comes, because the poor "Children of Africa" will never ever be able to support themselves. BUT what they can do effectively, is multiply like flies, making more and more children which they cannot provide for - no problem- with no cause and effect. Someone (a European/American Parent) will look after them!

The only thing that is keeping Africa going is the enormous mineral wealth which the West and East need - but because the African is incapable of manufacturing anything themselves, they have to export the raw materials and minerals to the West and East. (NOT that they are capable of mining these minerals - NO - the West and East have to come and extract it from the ground for them).

Then the SA government allows millions of them to flood into South Africa and take the SA Black's jobs, and then they wonder why the SA Blacks react. Of course, they could also react against the whites someday - those who are left. Then again, with 40% joblessness?????????????

There is hardly 1 Church of God family here in SA which has not been broken to pieces by 2 things:

broken families as the families has split into the various Churches of God (1 family for example has the family members scattered amongst the UCG, the LCG and WCG);

children fleeing the "Children of South-Africa", as the SA Blacks apply Affirmative Action and all jobs go to the Blacks irrespective of their total inability to do the jobs, and competent white males are legally rejected (YES, the AA law has the words "fair discrimination" built into it). So many church parents have some of their children and grand-children living now in Canada, USA, England, Nieu-Zealand and Australia.

BUT I predict that the time of America's, Britain's, etc (Israel's troubles) are nearly upon us, so things will start to become more difficult worldwide for all the Israelitish Nations, and will become as bad as here - we are only the fore-runners, because we in SA were sold out to the "Children of South-Africa" by our so-called brothers, America and Britain.

Irony: This time round Joseph has sold out his brothers.

Well done, Americans & British: - this information shows the results you have obtained by appointing "children will rule over you". (rule over your brothers in SA).

It has done me good to get all of this off my chest. (and of course this tirade is not against the Saints, as we have nothing to do with the politics of this world)

Thanks for listening...


Notes of importance:

The vast majority of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God members are strictly apolitical (to a fault IMO), following the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong that I strongly disagree with on this issue; The last part, about the Saints having nothing to do with the politics of this world, is an indictment before both God and man - not absolving the Church of God of any sin, since all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (and shamefully that's what the Church of God has done politically)

2) The Sabbath-keeping Church of God recognizes the Israelite origins of the West, our Hebrew roots.

Aid for Africa?

Joseph isn't Jewish!

President Barack Obama sound good to you?

The Curse of Jeremiah Wrights

How Evil was Apartheid?

Fellowship with Besieged White South Africans

Why Rhodesia is in Ruins

The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites

Crimes of Nelson Mandela

The crimes of Mandela

Snowy Smith said...

History Nelson Mandela

January 31, 1985 in History
Event: South Africa President PW Botha offers to free Mandela if he denounces violence.
Mandela refused to do so.

Finally, Mandela walked to freedom in 1990 - without denouncing a continuation of violence.
His ANC has remained true to this view; since 1994

300,000 South Africans murdered.
Including 35,000 White South Africans.
Including 3,000 White Afrikaner Farmers.

For this Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

Peace and Democracy???????????

The Worlds Greatest “SPIN DOCTOR”

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Obama’s Story of Race and Religion

Stephen FlurryColumnist

Obama’s Story of Race and Religion

Hoping his religious ties to Jeremiah Wright will go away, Barack Obama quietly announced his resignation from Trinity United. But before we dismiss the issue, a look at Obama’s memoirs provides important context.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dreams and Visions

"I recently read some of your writing on the topic of the two witnesses. It was very interesting. What is your opinion about these modern day prophets' ability to receive visions and dreams from God? Some teach that God works only through revelation from the Bible and that visions and dreams from God are a thing of the past. What do you think?"

Then they reject the revelation of God in both the Bible and New Testament that foretells God will restore and increase visions and dreams among His People, all based upon the biblical record and in harmony with it, which Satan will counterfeit with his unbiblical visions and dreams.

Joel 2
28 "And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
30 “ And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth:
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness,
Ad the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.
32 And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the LORD
Shall be saved.
For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance,
As the LORD has said,
Among the remnant whom the LORD calls.

Should Christians Judge?

Tim Russert didn't go to Heaven

I heard Mr. Russert on occasion, but my Sabbath-keeping Christian friend said TR was fair to both conservatives and liberals to his credit.

Regardless, this much is true...Tim Russert didn't go to Heaven.

Born Again and Heaven and Hell

The Tribe of Dan shows the Way!

Genesis 49:17

(17) Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

Jeremiah 31:21

(21) Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps: set thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest: turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities.

God Himself told Ephraim to mark their way so that they could return one day to the Promised Land: "Set up signposts, make landmarks; set your heart toward the highway, the way in which you went. Turn back, O virgin of Israel, turn back to these your cities" (Jeremiah 31:21). How were they to do this?

One of the main ways involves the prophecy of Jacob about the tribe of Dan. "Dan shall be a serpent by the way, a viper by the path" (Genesis 49:17). A serpent or snake leaves a mark behind it as it moves over the earth; some snakes, like rattlesnakes, leave very distinctive trails. So does the tribe of Dan.

Though Joshua had allotted land to Dan in Canaan, the Danites found it to be difficult to hold and settle because of its proximity to the Philistines. They began to look elsewhere for living space.

And six hundred men of the family of the Danites went from there, from Zorah and Eshtaol, armed with weapons of war. Then they went up and encamped in Kirjath Jearim in Judah. (Therefore they call that place Mahaneh Dan [Camp of Dan] to this day. There it is, west of Kirjath Jearim.) (Judges 18:11-12)

Finally, they came to the city of Laish, in the far northern reaches of Israel, and they took it. "And they called the name of the city Dan, after the name of Dan their father, who was born to Israel. However the name of the city was formerly Laish" (verse 29).

And thus they have been naming places after their ancestor ever since! A good map of Europe will show dozens of place names carrying the name of Dan within them. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube rivers all flow into the Black Sea. The Romans knew the Rhine and Rhone rivers as the Eridanus and the Rhodanus. Denmark (literally, "Dan's Land") and Sweden are both northwestern European countries. The English escaped from Dunkirk (literally, "Dan's Church") during WWII. One can find similar place names sprinkled heavily throughout England, Scotland, and especially Ireland, where dun means "judge," just as dan does in Hebrew!

Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Israel: Present

Related Topics:
Dan, Tribe of
Israel, Modern
Israel's Identity
'Lost' Ten Tribes of Israel
Serpent as Metaphor

Genesis 49:17

Save Jews from self-destruction

Re: Malcolm Hoenlein and Howard Rieger Fail the Jewish People Again [Post 296298420, reply to 296293090]

Yes, those Jews who remain in their self-imposed exile are proving how self-absorbed they are, swallowed up in the darkness of assimilation, due to die in their sins unless they selflessly make the move and follow Judaism to the Jewish Homeland of Israel where they belong. Perhaps somebody or something will put a fire under their butts to help get them going and save Jews from self-destruction. God knows.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Australia—Where to Now?
By Ron Fraser

Table of Contents

Chapter 1A Nation—Meant to Be
Chapter 2Boom and Bust
Chapter 3Trailing Behind the Trend
Chapter 4Sorry for What?
Chapter 5Savages on the Fringe
Chapter 6Generation Gap
Chapter 7Here’s to the Heroes
Chapter 8Can Australia Defend Itself?
Chapter 9Detaching From History
Chapter 10Australia—Where to Now?
Chapter 11A Final Warning