Isaiah 3
12 As for My people, children are their oppressors,
And women rule over them.
O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err,
And destroy the way of your paths.
The following, slightly edited, information comes from inside South Africa by an apolitical Sabbath-keeping Church of God member.
Shamefully, we rarely hear such an honest appraisal of South Africa's deteriorating situation in the United States. If we did, perhaps the stark reality check of the much vaunted "New South Africa" would dim the luster of Obama's lies about "change" (as if his Black Liberation Theology would bring about a change for the better when logic and history testify otherwise):
I am back from ....[his place of work], but there was a possibility that I might have been stuck there for the week-end, as [his car] had some problems - the alternator gave problems and had to be fixed - lucky for me the car has never broken down on the open road. I was very worried there would not be any parts ... [available], and that I would be stuck there for the week-end or longer. BUT everything worked out.
[There is] loud horrible music down there at the [nearby] petrol station this time of the morning, which has woken me and I am finding it impossible to sleep as a result - I HATE that type of [black African] music. I feel so helpless nowadays in this country - everything is out of control.
Have reached the conclusion that the Peoples of Africa are the Children of the World, and without the rest of the world to "parent" them, they would all starve to death.
(Please note that I am referring to the masses - obviously there are some (few) exceptions, but they are too few to make a difference amongst the masses, as is evident by the abysmal state Africa is in). I am not referring to North Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
The Peoples of Africa as Children are:
- unruly;
- undisciplined;
- need constant supervision;
- moody and follow their instincts;
- can't play nicely without fighting;
- break their toys;
- everything is a game; (or should I say "soccer, soccer, soccer")
- can't plan ahead - live in "the now";
- given to whining and complaining;
- are "give me - give me" oriented;
- don't accept responsibility for anything;
- are like teenagers; (if you dare to reprimand them for acting like children,they jump into "adult mode" and demand to be treated as adults, and "guilt-trip" the "Parents", who fall for this time and time again) (then again, God says Ephraim will be "like a silly dove")
- are beggars and want handouts from grown-ups, because like children they expect their parents to pay for everything, because parents "owe them";
- they have no pride in a job well done;
- have no concept of cause and effect; (Westerners think SA Black Africans would understand if they carry on killing the white farmers, when sooner or later they will run out of food - but as children they are incapable of putting this cause and effect together, like is happening in the Mugabeland of Zimbabwe)
- etc,etc,etc
Do you know that there is not one factory in Africa that was designed and built exclusively by blacks - they simply cannot do it without "outside Africa" (Parents) assistance.
The Black South-Africans have inherited from the Whites an incredible 1st world infrastructure, but in 14 years they have not maintained it, so that now everything is starting to fall apart. They have ruined:
- the health system,
- the road system;
- the railway system;
- the education system;
- the policing system;
- the army (place with the most deaths from Aids);
- the electricity system;
- the judicial system;
- the prison system;
etc,etc,etc and this all in 14 years.
The main crime is rape. If it moves and is female, they want to rape it. When they break in to steal, then they automatically rape the women. They are barbarian-children, and it's all a game.
There is also a culture of "blame someone else" - nothing is their fault - it's all still the Whites fault, even 12 years later. (obviously there are some exceptions, but the exception does not make the rule)
By the way, your next President Obama is not a Black Man, he is what we call a Coloured, and they are sooo much better than the Black Man, more like the Whites. When he is President, Africa of course will be so glad because then they can go begging for more Foreign Aid for which they will receive much to play with from Obama.
America's main export product (Democracy) works only in name in Africa. (like in Russia also)...
You need a large, educated middle class for democracy to really work, which Africa does not have. "Children" cannot reason about who will govern their country the best - so they vote along ethnic grounds making their X next to their tribal leader's name, or as instructed by the chief. BUT America is perfectly happy when the African Country "embraces" democracy, and then America self-righteously leaves and chaos inevitably ensues as the "Children" start to play in that country.
The Chinese, of course, don't care two hoots about all of this and will keep a "democratic" African Dictator in power so long as they can rape that country of it's mineral wealth. (case in point: Robert Mugabe, who at this very moment is killing off all his opposition, and America does nothing!!)
Yes, the white man will have to support the African Continent until the Kingdom comes, because the poor "Children of Africa" will never ever be able to support themselves. BUT what they can do effectively, is multiply like flies, making more and more children which they cannot provide for - no problem- with no cause and effect. Someone (a European/American Parent) will look after them!
The only thing that is keeping Africa going is the enormous mineral wealth which the West and East need - but because the African is incapable of manufacturing anything themselves, they have to export the raw materials and minerals to the West and East. (NOT that they are capable of mining these minerals - NO - the West and East have to come and extract it from the ground for them).
Then the SA government allows millions of them to flood into South Africa and take the SA Black's jobs, and then they wonder why the SA Blacks react. Of course, they could also react against the whites someday - those who are left. Then again, with 40% joblessness?????????????
There is hardly 1 Church of God family here in SA which has not been broken to pieces by 2 things:
broken families as the families has split into the various Churches of God (1 family for example has the family members scattered amongst the UCG, the LCG and WCG);
children fleeing the "Children of South-Africa", as the SA Blacks apply Affirmative Action and all jobs go to the Blacks irrespective of their total inability to do the jobs, and competent white males are legally rejected (YES, the AA law has the words "fair discrimination" built into it). So many church parents have some of their children and grand-children living now in Canada, USA, England, Nieu-Zealand and Australia.
BUT I predict that the time of America's, Britain's, etc (Israel's troubles) are nearly upon us, so things will start to become more difficult worldwide for all the Israelitish Nations, and will become as bad as here - we are only the fore-runners, because we in SA were sold out to the "Children of South-Africa" by our so-called brothers, America and Britain.
Irony: This time round Joseph has sold out his brothers.
Well done, Americans & British: - this information shows the results you have obtained by appointing "children will rule over you". (rule over your brothers in SA).
It has done me good to get all of this off my chest. (and of course this tirade is not against the Saints, as we have nothing to do with the politics of this world)
Thanks for listening...
Notes of importance:
The vast majority of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God members are strictly apolitical (to a fault IMO), following the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong that I strongly disagree with on this issue; The last part, about the Saints having nothing to do with the politics of this world, is an indictment before both God and man - not absolving the Church of God of any sin, since all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing (and shamefully that's what the Church of God has done politically)
2) The Sabbath-keeping Church of God recognizes the Israelite origins of the West, our Hebrew roots.
Aid for Africa?
Joseph isn't Jewish!
President Barack Obama sound good to you?
The Curse of Jeremiah Wrights
How Evil was Apartheid?
Fellowship with Besieged White South Africans
Why Rhodesia is in Ruins
The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Children Are Their Oppressors
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church of god,
south africa
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