Thursday, June 26, 2008

Will Apathy Be The Death Of Us All?

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." It appears the apathy of too many Americans will be the death of us all!

The terrorist Nelson Mandela spoke of a "New South Africa" and it sounded good but it has proven to be a BIG LIE. Just like Barack Hussein Obama promises "change" and folks - ignorant of history and black liberation theology - think it sounds good. God save US from going the way of ruined South Africa and destroyed Rhodesia (Zimbabwe ruins)!

Call the U.S. Congress to warn them not to pass this treacherous legislation to take the terrorist Nelson Mandela and the terrorist African National Congress off the U.S. Terrorist List where they belong. Former failed presidential candidate John Kerry (D-Mass) is shamefully sponsoring a companion bill for the Senate. Call Kerry's office and give him a piece of your patriotic mind at 202-224-2742 and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) office 202-224-3542.