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Arab propaganda wrong about Israel
Arab propaganda wrong about Israel It is not uncommon for pro-Arab propaganda to accuse Israel of engaging in "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians. The only deliberate ethnic cleansing known to the undersigned is the eviction in 2005 of 10,000 Israeli Jews from their homes and communities in Gush Katif, Gaza. There is a looming threat of further expulsion of 240,000 Israeli Jews from Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). This is the declared goal of the Palestinian Authority under the "moderate" Mahmoud Abbas. The perverse idea here is the creation of yet another Arab state, the 23rd in number, completely cleansed of Jews, while the state of Israel continues to be the democratic host to 1.2 million Arabs. Israel was designated a Jewish state by the League of Nations and the United Nations. There are 22 Arab countries, one of which, Jordan, is 78 percent Palestinian. Therefore the question before the world's jury should be: Do the Palestinians deserve a second state in addition to Jordan? UN Resolution 194 (clause 11) proposes, among other solutions, the resettlement of Palestinian refugees outside Israel and the payment of compensation. Clearly, the natural venue for them is Jordan. Arabs' incessant anti-Israel propaganda has managed to implant tremendous confusion in people's minds. There is a difference between civil rights to privately owned property and political rights to a sovereign state. Nobody is denying West Bank Arabs ownership of their titled private lands. There is only one Jewish state. Its survival depends entirely on viable and defensible borders. Those who propose the creation of yet another Arab state in Judea and Samaria, thus rendering Israel nine miles wide, clearly have a single goal in mind: the demise of Israel. These are the real ethnic cleansers.
Yuval Zaliouk Maumee
Yuval Zaliouk is an orchestra conductor with extensive experience in Israel, Europe and the United States.
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