Friday, February 1, 2008

Biblical DNA

The Worldwide Church of God has renounced the British Israelism theories of their founder.

The present Worldwide Church of Tkachism is not representative of the former Worldwide Church of God, as documented in Stephen Flurry's book Raising the Ruins.

Since the death of Herbert W. Armstrong on January 16, 1986, there has been a monstrous betrayal of the brethren by Protestant wolves who were among us, resulting in those faithful to the truth of the Bible (over traditional error) fleeing that present corrupt organization of deceived and deceiving men to new congregations and organizations that reflect and teach our biblical views.

There has been, as with every group or organization that undergoes changes, strong disagreements on how best to continue with what we are convicted is the plain truth of the Bible, but we all basically agree on our foundational doctrines.

Genetic testing has demonstrated that white people of Europe are not descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel.

The Sabbath-keeping Church of God recognizes that fickle DNA studies aren't to be trusted more than the stable Word of God that foretold the many biblical birthmarks of fulfilled prophecies the Anglo-Saxon and white peoples of Northwestern Europe have alone fulfilled. We have the BIBLICAL DNA and the evidence is overwhelming and awesome, glorifying God as faithful and true to His Word, even if some have little or no faith.

The Israelites, conquered by the Assyrians, were long removed from the Promised Land of Israel before the Jews (and later migrated north and west and into the British Isles) were conquered by the Babylonians (and who later returned and were again deported by the Romans and had the most recent connection to the Middle East).

Joseph isn't Jewish!

The Plain Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel

The English-speaking nations of White Israelites

German-American Israelites?

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives