Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dance on the Eve of Destruction?

Dance on the Eve of Destruction?

If you truly believe the "last days" are near, and that everything is coming to a close, then why are you so uptight?
Yes, I truly believe we are in the last days of civilization, as we know it, and I am deeply concerned at our personal and national choices that seem bent on self-destruction, and sigh and cry over our imminent famine, destruction and houses left desolate (Ezek. 9:4), and express righteous indignation over it all, heart-sick (Ezek. 6:11).

Are you "uptight" when you grieve for somebody you know and love and see they just won't listen to reason and insist on learning the hard way, or actually agree with you but won't change their ways and refuse to straighten up, or are resigned to die in the process or even go to jail?

You should be with your family celebrating the imminent return of your savior!
My family, for the most part, doesn't believe like me and most of them aren't even "religious." They know my beliefs and I leave it at that. They know and/or have copies of my book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.

How can somebody dance on the eve of destruction? Even if we - Bible-believers - know that Yeshua will stop the madness and save mankind from complete annihilation, we find these bittersweet times. Bitter for what is about to happen, sweet knowing we're that much closer to the return of the King to set things right.

Why should you or us, try to influence god's plan? If he is going to allow evil to sprout from Germany to try and destroy good, then why are you interfering?
You can't interfere with God's plan. God's plan is for folks to be WARNED that if they continue living in sin, so to speak, He will permit the German-EU jackboot to stomp us; God's plan is to offer a way out - repentance - or to leave individuals and nations WITHOUT EXCUSE who reject that escape route, and then offer them the good news that divine deliverance will prevent our extinction, even though it will appear all hope is lost. That's what the Two Witnesses will be reassuring our captive audience, so help them God.