Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama: WIthdraw US Troops From Germany?

Arianna Huffington

Obsession with Polls Leads to a Bad Case of Premature Pontification

Posted July 28, 2008 | 04:54 PM (EST)

Isn't it strange that Barack Obama didn't get a bounce from his wildly well-received overseas trip? Oh wait, maybe he did. But, hey, it was just a small bounce. Or was it more of a bump? Perhaps a bouncelet? A hop? A ricochet? A swelling? Or was it a rash? In which case, if it persists for more than two weeks, should he see an electoral professional, or just declare victory?


Couldn't Europe have just done us all a big favor and "confused" Obama with all the illegal African immigrants and bounced him back there? And while in Germany (where *56,000 US soldiers and 15,000 US airmen—live and work), why didn't Obama demand we withdraw our troops from Europe?

*We Have How Many Troops in Europe?

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