Friday, May 8, 2009

Timid Jews

Rabbi Lau: No Need to Flatter the Pope -- or to Rebuff Him
( Israel’s former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau explains Pope Benedict XVI’s two “mistakes” and how he differs from the last pope – but says we shouldn’t rebuff his visit to Israel...

...Rabbi Lau says, “We must not rebuff the visit. We need not bend over backwards or flatter him, but it should not be rejected. This is a visit initiated by the pope himself so that he can follow in the footsteps of his predecessors. We must welcome him, if only for the fact that millions of Jews still live in the Diaspora, and many of them in places where the Catholic Church is strong, such as Latin America, Poland, Ukraine and elsewhere. We must not give our enemies ammunition or pour fuel on the fire; we must not endanger even one Jew.”


Shame on the ghetto rabbi for fearing to oppose the Nazi pope's political campaign to the Holy Land of Israel out of concern for Jews who choose to remain in a self-imposed exile, who fail to follow Judaism to the Jewish Homeland of Israel!

Shame on the political and religious leaders of Israel who sin against God, Israel and Torah by looking the other way, turning a blind eye, to the Temple treasures and Judaica Rome holds hostage while the Babylonian envoy spies out Jerusalem!

By failing to stand up to pharaoh with demands to release the Temple treasures and Judaica, and by failing to "slay" Balaam, Israeli leaders endanger every Jew worldwide as the German-Jesuit jackboot will stomp Jerusalem and treacherous "peacekeeping" troops will pollute the Holy Land of Israel.

Christian-Zionist Response to Shimon Peres' AIPAC speech
Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel's strong response to Shimon Peres' weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!

Jerusalem's Betrayal and Rape
The treacherous Vatican - Israel collaboration has sold out the Jews and backstabbed Jerusalem

Warning Jews
Warning Jews about the pope's plans for Jerusalem: Rome's dream will become Jerusalem's NIGHTMARE

Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem! (You Tube video)
The Nazi pope aims to rip the heart out of Israel: Jerusalem!

The Vatican plot against Jerusalem exposed!

Israel must reject Vatican overtures for peace or lose Jerusalem!
The bloody vulture Shimon Peres (Peres is Hebrew for vulture) is right where the Vatican-controlled Israeli oligarchy wants him to be: positioned as president of Israel, dark prince of perfidy, as orchestrated. Woe to Ariel! Jerusalem will soon suffer EU occupation: THE GERMANS ARE COMING!