Saturday, November 21, 2009

Plea to Protestants and Catholics to Repent!

Having clearly seen how the practice of homosexuality is a sin (as I testify in God and the Gays), I can now see clearly how SPIRITUAL HOMOSEXUALS, the bloody Roman Catholic whore and her Protestant prostitute daughters (Rev. 17:5), prefer tradition over truth.

Catholics and Protestants give up the Word of God and His holy commandments for their perverted and idolatrous, manmade doctrines (Mark 7:7) - an accursed replacement theology that substitutes Sunday and pagan holidays for Sabbath and the biblical festivals!

Why are some in illicit love with Roman wolves in sheep's clothing, whom both the Bible and history testify against as whitewashed paganism, counterfeit Christianity? It's a lethal attraction!

The Babylonian Mystery religion (aka the cult) is not of the Family of God - it fails to share the same spiritual line of succession, the biblical DNA, that the Sabbath-keeping Church of God and legitimate Christians do. Satan the devil is the father of the apostate Roman Catholic cult (the synagogue of Satan), not our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel.

The Roman Catholic cultists and Protestant offshoots prove they don't care for the Word of God and prefer the TRADITIONS of men and fall for religious lies like "going to Heaven" when the Word of God they reject on everything from what we should eat, to the Sabbath day, clearly teaches "the meek shall inherit the Earth."

Meanwhile, the true Church of God continues to keep the same biblical Sabbath, biblical festivals and biblical dietary laws that Yahshua, the apostles and the early Church of God (both converted Jews, Israelites and Gentiles) faithfully observed against growing demonic opposition (now known as the RCC - the Babylonian Mystery religion grown great).

The true Church of God, representatives and keepers of the Faith once delivered, not having been corrupted by the pagan Roman traditions of men, trust Yahshua will return soon and teach and enforce our God-given pioneer ways over the entire world, based upon THE BIBLE - not baptized paganism pretending to be Christian!

All those who refuse to hear and heed the command to FORSAKE BABYLON are proud and stubborn and many of them will die in their sins, suffering the seven last plagues, as is just (Rev. 18:4-5).

May we all learn to love the Lord God of the Bible, the King of all Creation, and learn to hate that which He hates: the ABOMINATION OF THE RCC (Isa. 55:7-9).

May we not resist this light of understanding to return to traditional darkness (John 3:19-21), or we'll fall for the tricks a sorcerer-pope will work to bewitch the masses and stir them up against true Christians (2 Thess. 2:9-12).

Don't let yourself be given over to a reprobate mind. Let Christ renew your mind and wash it by the water of the Word that can cleanse you of all the unclean doctrines and pagan practices of the unholy RCC, so help us God (2 Cor. 6:17).

For life-saving information on how to properly identify the true Church of God today mentioned in the holy Scriptures, revealed as following the example of Jesus and the early Church of God with their biblical practices (1 John 2:6), feel free to check out these priceless resources and be blessed:

History of Europe and the Church


Research Notes on the Eastern Churches pdf

Sabbatarian Groups - A Scattered and Little Flock pdf

The Church Jesus Built