Saturday, March 6, 2010

Free Europe

Constitution for Free Europe
1.Europe is a geographical concept, and European is as such not necessarily good or bad.
2.Free Europe means human development in its richest diversity and is therefore good.
Free Europe means for Europeans:
3.Freedom for individuals and clear limits for politicians and bureaucrats.
4.Civil rights for all citizens in Europe.
5.Freedom of contract, to create, to work, trade and invest in all Europe for all Europeans.
Free Europe means for European states:
6.Every government and national parliament has the right to self-determination of taxes, subsidies and laws.
7.No taxation power for the EU.
8.Decisions in the EU should be made by agreements between governments. Delegation of national legislative power to EU institutions is possible; withdrawal of such powers, both in specific cases and generally is equally possible.
9.Sending tax-payer’s money from one part of Europe to another is a matter solely for the states or regions involved.
10.Free Europe promotes human development in its richest diversity worldwide.

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