Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Soccer Bafana Bafana South Africa’s most Expensive Sporting Flop

Soccer Bafana Bafana South Africa’s most Expensive Sporting Flop
I am very sorry to burst your bubble and put a dampener on this sporting madness.
As a very proud top South African sportsman in many sports and 15 years as a Springbok cyclist I would like to point out the following obvious facts.
Let’s just compare 2 sports in South Africa.
Soccer Bafana Befana v Rugby Springboks
Bafana Bafana:
More than R100 MILLION Tax payers money spent on coach, training and selecting.
Millions Tax payers money spent on incentives to score goals.
Bafana Rated +-84 in the World which is very close to last.
 More than R100 MILLION Tax payers money spent advertising and promoting Bafana on SABC-TV, radio etc.
Millions spent on a ticker-tape parade through the streets in every town SA before they have even played a single match.
You only have a ticker-tape parade after you have won and you are World Champions.
South Africa’s expectations were blown completely out of proportion.
Most African teams are rated near last in terms of FIFA.
Racial discrimination, not one white in the Bafana team.
Most of the time Bafana played like Fowls with their heads cut off.
Most of the shots at goals were so far off target that if the goal posts were double the width and double the height they would still be off target.
A total shambles with the affirmative Black sports administrators and ANC Black Political interference.
Did you actually believe that Bafana Bafana could win the World Cup?
You must be delusional wearing rose coloured sun glasses like that idiot Sutcliffe.
Bishop Tutu prayed for them and ever the LORD could not help Bafana.
Compare Bafana to Argentina, Maradona, Messi and those professional experts, now that’s soccer, absolutely brilliant.
The only way they could beat Messi was to have 5 players mark him permanently and foul him at every opportunity.
The poor quality of the FIFA referees is absolutely shocking.

Rugby Springboks:
The Springbok World Champions still rated as the best in the World.
Very little Tax payer’s money spent on coach, training and selecting.
No Tax payer’s money spent on incentives to score tries.
Rated BEST in the World.
Very little Tax payer’s money spent advertising and promoting Springboks on SABC-TV, radio etc.
Very Little money spent on a ticker-tape parade through the streets in every town SA
Massive ticker-tape parade after winning the World Championships, TRUE CHAMPIONS.
South Africa’s expectations are always high and the Springboks deliver regularly.
The Best team is selected.
Most of the time the Springboks play very professionally and set the standard for the rest of the world.
Springboks score regularly and most of the conversions are on target.
Minimal shambles with the affirmative Black sports administrators.
We still need less interference from idiot ANC Black Politicians who have never played the sport in their lives.
Did you actually believe that the Springboks could win the World Championships?
YES we do expect them to win and they do regularly.
Perfect example Springboks v France
Newlands 2010_06_12
Springboks 42 to17 France
Springboks the BEST.
Rugby Sharks and Blue Bulls fantastic.
There are many other sports in South Africa where the sportsman and women are GENUINE World Leaders, Sporting HERO’S but get very little recognition or cash.
The so called “beautiful game” is definitely NOT beautiful.
It is chaotic, in disarray and down right boring.
Very few goals, I suggest modifying the goal posts by making them one metre wider and one metre higher.
The vuvuzelas are deafening and should be banned.
Referees desperately need training and must be consistent.
FIFA must Stop acting like the mafia they do NOT own South Africa.
Arresting ladies for wearing a yellow dress what a disgrace.
Since when was this a criminal offence?
Deporting so called “soccer hooligans” when we have the most violent Black criminals and highest crime rate in the World.
Your “soccer hooligans” are amateurs compared to our violent Black criminals.
Forcefully restricting trading to FIFA only.
I was also told that the food at the FIFA Durban stadium was disgusting.
Forcefully harassing surfers and fishermen on Durban’s beaches.
This arrogant FIFA monopoly should be taken to the competition commission.
Who is going to pay the more than 40 BILLION of South African tax payer’s money spent on stadiums and facilities for FIFA to get rich?

ANC BLACK Politicians:
Don’t you have other very urgent matter to attend to?
284 ANC South Africa Municipalities are BANKRUPT in debt to more than R50 BILLION.
284 ANC Municipalities sewerage purification works NOT working, RAW sewerage + 55 million condoms and very dangerous pollution flowing directly into rivers.
BILLIONS of Rands of Tax and Rate payers’ money STOLEN by ANC BLACK Politician thieves, family and friends, most deposited in overseas bank accounts.
When are they going to arrest the ANC BLACK thieves?
WHO is going to arrest the ANC BLACK thieves?
The ANC Blacks are the worst liars.
I am very sorry to burst your bubble and put a dampener on this sporting madness.

We need Zero Tolerance on all Criminals.
All the information in this letter is of PUBLIC INTEREST.
Many will call it “RACIST”.
I agree it is RACIST.

For more information & details sms Cell: 082-964-8877 or
E-mail: to me your name + Postal address + crime, I will post you FREE CD.

Please tell me your crime story.

Its time to stand up and Be Counted.

Best Regards,

Snowy Smith
Senior Complaints Investigator
Consumer Protection Guide (No Fear, No Favour)
Fair Civil Law

The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil.
South Africa is a Country of Thieves.
South Africa has the Highest Crime Rate in the World.

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FCL is fighting for Consumer Rights and Redress to Complaints.
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