Friday, January 23, 2009

Worldwide Church of God Spokesman Club

Presenting the Worldwide Church of God Spokesman Club
Toledo, Ohio 1982 (George Kackos, minister)

From Back Left to Right:
Richard Fox, Emery Harsanje, Leroy Hoffman (my "adopted" father in God's Church), Richard Sandilands, Larry Mavis, Clyde McDonald, Ramon Corpus, Lonnie Robinson, Steve Diefenbach, Bob Harsanje, Joe Taylor, Clarence Reihing, Job McDonald, David Hoover (changed to David Ben-Ariel in '89), George Kackos (minister)

Front Row from Left to Right:
Carl Nachtrieb, Terry Mavis, Carl Dahling, Terry Rau, Jerome Brooks, Chet Kennedy, Michael Monarch