Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Plain Truth

Re: A Household Word?

David Ben-Ariel » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:44 pm

Matthew Ellard wrote:

David Ben-Ariel wrote:Many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals,

I'm concerned

I don't need any kiss from Judas. He was "concerned" for the poor too.

You admit to being an intravenous drug user

I have no problem acknowledging I'm a FORMER drug addict. If I did, I certainly wouldn't have frankly discussed it in my article, Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper

You admit to being a homosexual who has full blow AIDS

I confess I'm a RECOVERING homosexual who has AIDS. Apparently my honesty is too much for some, as it blows away those who are used to living a lie and being dishonest with themselves and others.

God and the Gays

Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS

Does God Heal Today?

You are now slagging off Catholics for "spiritually" doing what you actually did.

Yes, what I actually did but don't do any more. The good news is that I'm proof that REPENTANCE is possible, that folks don't have to remain drunks and whores or stuck in the muck of Babylon. Isn't it wonderful how I can relate to so many people from all walks of life?