Thursday, September 25, 2008

Civil Rights Backfired

Re: Obama Derided “Race Mixing” in “Dreams From My Father”

The United States has suffered severely due to the self-righteous “civil rights” bowel movement led by godless, liberal Jews with their accursed secular messianic drive. It’s one thing to correct a few wrongs, but another to throw the baby out with the bathwater! There goes the neighborhood, there goes the nation! Truly, race matters

It was good and biblical to have laws on our American books for segregation and against race-mixing, as such ethnic adultery is unnatural and amounts to genocide against each race involved, dishonors the heritage, the mothers and fathers who preceded such interracial sin, and causes confusion, destroying our God-given differences rather than celebrating diversity and maintaining it.

Comment by David BenAriel — September 25, 2008 @ 11:50 pm