Friday, September 19, 2008

A World Without Blondes?

Re: Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam
Originally Posted by Marvin View Post
Nice to see that you have
changed your views.
My views have remained the same concerning the difference between Jews and Israelites, knowing we are of the same ethnic stock, Jacob-Israel, but separated into two distinct kingdoms and later the Israelites, conquered by the fierce Assyrians (whose descendants are primarily the Germans today), migrated as prophesied NORTH and WEST and into the Isles.

If you knew the Bible, you would understand how our Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Semitic ancestors were fair skinned (like Laban - lavan means white), some undoubtedly blond, and how Sarah was so fair skinned it attracted undue attention, and how David was rosy-cheeked (not something you say about darker skinned peoples), etc. However, our great family of White Israelites and Jews enjoy hair of every shade and different eye colors.

Joseph, the son of Israel, was described in a Midrash (Genesis Rabah 86;3), as looking like a GERMANI (i.e. like someone from the North, very white, fair, according to Maimonides) and in another passage (Talmud Sota 36) as having a face that was "pink like a rose". It follows that Joseph was considered as having been of Nordic appearance which was a known familial trait since Joseph is also said to have looked exactly like his father. [On the other hand it is implied that Joseph was exceptional in this regard]. Joseph (Ephraim and Menasseh) was the leading tribal group in the Northern Kingdom. - THE PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF
Speaking of beautiful blondes...

Those who love how beautiful the German Heidi Klum is as a blonde should understand that her sinful interracial marriage (Oprah loves to pimp) commits genocide against her white racial line, as smooth singer Seal commits genocide against his black racial line. No more pure blacks or blondes in their adulterated family line that dishonors their heritage.