Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Holocaust


And what did Kahane say about the non-Jewish world at the time, regardless of
this criticism of particular Jews?

You would do well to focus on what Kahane said about the family (and the rabbis say Jews are deserving of the leaders they get - so Kahane’s tough love, his criticism, wasn’t merely about “particular Jews”), since enough time has been wasted on wringing hands and blaming non-Jews in an attempt to extort guilt and divert attention from the shirked Jewish responsibilities. Enough is enough.

Comment by David BenAriel — September 25, 2008 @ 7:26 am

“David Ben Ariel”, the Holocaust is a Jewish issue

Double-minded Jews! The Holocaust is a Jewish issue, the Holocaust isn’t merely a Jewish issue (visit any of the many Holocaust museums and see how they’ve included every politically correct “persecuted” group), the non-Jews should have done more, the non-Jews didn’t do enough, but it’s a Jewish issue. Oy veh!

and assigning responsibility is left to Jews. Not to you.

When Jews engage in a blood libel against Christians and every non-Jewish European, intelligent folk would expect a backlash, would expect such blanket condemnation would be utterly rejected, and not merely require Christians to hang our heads and suffer an imposed guilt that isn’t justified any more than blaming all Jews for the Jewish Communists and Socialists whose perverted secular messianism resulted in untold deaths, mass murder, of professing Christians in Russia and Eastern Europe and around the world.

Furthermore, how did you fail to notice the blame assigned for the Holocaust that I quoted was from MEIR KAHANE, a Jew, and a reference to another article about Jewish hypocrisy concerning the Holocaust written by another RABBI? I have merely shared and agree with their historical and biblical conclusions. Why does that make you uncomfortable?

Please show some respect on a Jewish site and leave your Christian agenda at the

Christian agenda? How absurd. You haven’t seen any “Christian agenda” on my part, just the plain truth of the Bible and history, but your imagination has run wild if you strangely consider noting the distinction between Jews and Israelites, as recorded in the Law and the Prophets, or making references to Meir Kahane and other rabbis concerning Jewish hypocrisy and the Holocaust as “Christian agenda.” Where’s your respect for reality?

Comment by David BenAriel — September 25, 2008 @ 7:43 am


Liberal Jews are a disgrace and a humiliation

Where are Jews who denounce Jewish doctrines of destruction?

Counterfeit Christianity feeds Jewish stereotypes

Jewish Blood Libel Against Christianity

Christian Zionist Orde Wingate

Miriam Weiss of Ramat Yohanan