Friday, October 17, 2008

Kill Obama?

Re: Obama lied: Secret Service says "Kill him" allegation unfounded

Bro in Law, Police Academy, OKlahoma says he's been told by counter intel people that at least 34 plots, actual ongoing, have been stopped, against Obama's life.

Wishful thinking. If anybody wanted to kill Obama, that fraud and foreigner, they could do it easily. However Hussein's Black Marxist ideas would live on and they are what must be buried, so help us God, or America will be.

How can we eliminate error and destroy the delusions of grandeur some suffer from about their false messiah Obama? The plain truth can set folks free. Those who refuse to be liberated from lies and delivered from deception are already dead, having been Obamatized beyond repair.

Obama's not the Messiah
Obama in the flesh
David Ben-Ariel posted on 2008-10-17 10:59:56 ET Reply Trace