Saturday, February 13, 2010

Synagogue of Satan?

When Yeshua mentioned the "synagogue of Satan," Yeshua was speaking to the Smyrna and Philadelphia Churches of God in Asia Minor. He was referring to some "synagogue of Satan" opposing them there. He was not referring to Jews as an ethnic group (whom He acknowledged as literal physical descendants of Abraham and so did Paul) or to the Jewish religious authorities in Jerusalem.
Again, spiritually speaking, anybody who professes to be a true Christian is claiming to be a spiritual Jew, as Paul spoke of such circumcision of the heart. Therefore, TRADITIONAL CHURCHIANITY CONSTITUTES THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN -- cleverly misleading the masses for a Gentilized Jesus, a counterfeit gospel, a different spirit and pagan holidays and ways of the Babylonian Mystery religion -- in those days and in these days! (2 Cor. 11:4, Rev. 17:5).