Sunday, August 8, 2010

Most Israelites aren't Jews!

Feedback from Tom:

Reading your last commentary [The Triumph Of Jewish Survival] has reminded me you are a complete moron. You think America and England are Jews? LOL. You fool, read history, in fact, read the Bible. Your actions will come to bear you out when stand before Him. Think before you do.

You have been fooled to think this, you need to get on your knees and ask God to show this to you. There is just too much information on this matter. Nothing else to say about this.

Response to Tom:

How foolish you appear since you still don't recognize the difference between Jews (Judah) and Israel (the "lost 10 Tribes). Such ignorance is inexcusable. Satan hates this plain truth and works hard to keep folks in the dark. God knows I'm doing what I can to help spread the light about how God is faithful to Joseph and Judah and can also be trusted for His other prophecies to come true.