Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Obama's failures

The Case against Obama

David Sojway in his new article, Solving the Obama Problem, lists Obama’s screw-ups,
    •his uncontrolled spending leading to the tripling [11] of the deficit he claims to have inherited; •his puerile blaming of the previous administration for his own inadequacies; •his evident playing of the “race card,” giving the lie to his supposed “post racial” presidency (e.g., the Gates episode; the New Black Panther voting scandal, his administration’s reaction to the popular Tea Party movement); •his forcing massive, unread bills through Congress against the wishes of the majority of the American people; •his manifold broken promises (e.g., closing Guantánamo, reducing unemployment to 8%, banning lobbyists, and innumerable others [12]); •his egregious mishandling of the Gulf oil spill; •his egregious mishandling of the Israeli/Palestinian imbroglio; •his egregious mishandling of the Afghanistan war; •his betrayal of...
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