Wednesday, November 19, 2008

History repeating?

Email received:


I enjoy reading your articles. Thank you for your courage and commitment to God's truth. I just wanted to mention the similarity between Obama and Nimrod. Nimrod was of the black race as is Obama. Nimrod ruled the world and was considered (and considered himself) a god (he is worshipped even to this day under the guise of Christianity). He was a mighty hunter BEFORE the Lord meaning he exalted himself above God. The entire world looked to him for their needs. I see Obama as a type of Nimrod in these end times. Many falsely consider him the Messiah or "the one". The entire world has placed its hopes in him. He also has a noticeable air of haughtiness and narcissism, that is, he considers himself EXALTED. Obama seems to me to be the 21st century Nimrod.

I also wanted to mention how Christ compares the time before his coming to the time before the Flood. He says in Matt. 24:37-38: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,” (Gen.6-7). In addition to mixed marriages and divorce, I believe God is also addressing gay marriage which the nations of Israel are polluting humanity with.

Anyway, thanks again for your blog and keep fighting the good fight.