Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Toledo Blacks ready to riot?

Toledo police gearing up for possible "Civil unrest"

Re: Police Prepare for Post-Election Riots

Toledo, Ohio

Shades of the past...

Black Mark on Toledo

During the drama being played out on the stage of the streets, Toledo's miserable black Mayor Jack Ford was in denial of what he was watching. He said it wasn't a riot, “It's a group of folks who are angry,” according to The Blade reporter Roberta De Boer. When was a riot ever quiet? Doesn't he know riots are angry mobs gone mad? When his fellow blacks angrily reminded him, “Ford, you're black! You're supposed to be one of us!” - it appeared to confirm disturbing reports of Toledo police concerns that the black community's criminal element share the belief that they can get away with murder since Toledo has a black mayor.

David Ben-Ariel