Chosen few always hated by religious majority
Re: Noahide nonsense
Originally Posted by 1TrueDisciple
it's HWA, the initials of Herbert W. Armstrong
I strongly recommend folks read the Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, and the good news is that it's available to read for free on the internet. It provides an awesome history of the founding of the Philadelphia era of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God and is excellent alone for those who enjoy Americana.
religious cult called the "Worldwide Church of God,"
Acts 24:14
14 But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.
How can folks fail to see that the chosen few, the little flock, the true followers of Yeshua, have always been hated and despised and maligned by the religious majority? The former Worldwide Church of God was an association of such true Christians, but the present organization that pollutes that name is apostate and to be avoided (having returned to traditional vomit and Babylonian bile).
a white supremist religious group
A "white supremacist" group that had Black and Mexican and Asian brethren as ministers, evangelists, pastors, elders, deacons, deaconesses, etc.? Surely you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Why not let the truth set you free from hateful misconceptions and murderous slander? Satan is the instigator of such lies against, and confusion about, the holy Sabbath-keeping people of God.
teaches that the white British people are the real Jews
Like Yeshua and Paul's accusers, you've mixed some truth with error. The Sabbath-keeping Church of God members know and understand and recognize the British-Israelites are descendants of Joseph, are Joes- not Jews. The Jews are the Jews! Don't you know there are TWELVE TRIBES of Israel? We make the proper distinction the Bible does and respect our God-given tribal differences. Why don't you start to do the same?
white people are the true rulers of western civilization
They're not? Who is then? Blacks? Asians? Mexicans? All those various races and ethnic groups clamoring to get into our blessed White Israelite countries basking in Joseph's Birthright Blessing? Why remain in denial? It's racist to be so hateful against the facts some dare to share.
which is why he so much condemns the election of Obama to the presidency.
Yes, as a Bible believing Christian, I condemn the sin of White Israelites voting for a Gentile (even if he was worthy of a vote, which he wasn't) since the Bible condemns it. Do you deny, before both God and man, that the Bible forbids Israelites from empowering Gentiles to rule over them? That part of the curse to come upon our White Israelite peoples was Gentile domination over us? (Deuteronomy 28:43, Daniel 9:11).
Deuteronomy 17
15 shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses; one from among your brethren [your own kind, your own people, your own ethnic group] you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner over you, who is not your brother [not your own kind, your own people, your own ethnic group].
For the record, I speak against such national sins and the various Sabbath-keeping Church of God groups need to start to cry aloud and spare not and show My People their sins while we still can - not just the sins of idolatry and immorality (which they do expose and condemn), but the sins of interracial marriage and electing Gentiles.
Fighting for the Faith once delivered to Jerusalem
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Plain Truth about Christian White Supremacists
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