Thursday, July 30, 2009

Obamapoligist Clarence Page makes a fool of himself

Obamapologist Clarence Page makes a fool of himself

Clarence Page just doesn't get it (The Obama haters' extreme disorder). Despite his unprofessional ad nauseum, ad hominem attacks against Americans who demand proof Barack Hussein Obama is a natural born citizen, as required by our Constitution, the facts remain the same:

All that is necessary is for the shady character Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro to release his long form birth certificate, bring his highly concealed documents to light (including Obama's kindergarten records, Obama's Punahou school records, Obama's Occidental College records, Obama's Columbia University records, Obama's Columbia thesis, Obama's Harvard Law School records, Obama's Harvard Law Review articles, Obama's scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, Obama's passport[s], Obama's medical records, Obama's files from his time as an Illinois state senator, Obama's Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and Obama's adoption records), and stop keeping America in the dark.

Don't shoot the messenger. Those who cannot debate, defame; cannot refute, ridicule. All the character defamation, diversionary tactics, quack psychology and race-baiting Clarence Page (and other Obamapologists) hatefully enagages in against brave souls (who expose Emperor Obama has no clothes) fails to focus on the message: WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?

If Clarence Page honestly doesn't know the difference between a Certification of Live Birth and a long form birth certificate, a word to the wise: Go educate yourself! After all, a mind is a terrible thing to waste and the destruction of our Republic depends upon such woeful ignorance.


Only two American citizens can produce a natural born citizen

Obama's failure

President Usurper Obama

Shame on conservative cowards!

Obama's African Coup in America

BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses