Tuesday, July 14, 2009

WEBCommentary - News, Politics, Commentary

July 14, 2009:
Mark Anderson (VoteAnderson.com)
Meredith Whitney says buy Goldman Sachs that means SELL GS

David Ben-Ariel (Author, David Ben-Ariel)
Is White House Press Secretary Gibbs a smart man? It's clear Gibbs is a smart ass who shows contempt for honest questions that disturb their delusions, that expose their fraud, and should be kicked to the curb. (read more ...)

Michael J. Gaynor
NRO's Bench Memos of Sotomayor Day 1: BEWARE The problem is that the liberal media establishment prefers to present a happy fairy tale to presenting the record of Judge Sotomayor and to make the issue, "Is a Latina suitable for the United States Supreme Court?," instead of "Is Judge Sonia Sotomayor suitable for the United States Supreme Court?". (read more ...)

Jim Kouri, CPP (Editor, HouseConservatives.com)
Senator Leahy's Sotomayor Dog and Pony Show Loose Lips Sink Ships So, here we are in 2009 watching a Senator -- who's known in Washington as Leaky Leahy -- who is arguably a traitor, a comedian named Stuart Smalley a/k/a Al Franken, a gasbag Senator Chuck Schumer, who'd trample an invalid to get in front of a TV camera, and other political hacks deciding on the qualifications of a judge who believes in creating policy from the bench. (read more ...)

J. D. Longstreet (Insight On Freedom)
US Economy in the Tank – Dems Push For Massive INCOME TAX INCREASE! They are playing the American public like the fools they believe us to be. And I have to tell you - it sure looks to me as if they have us pegged. I mean how bright did the American electorate have to be to elect this bunch in the first place? Just look around you. Six months… and America is practically on her knees! (read more ...)

Guest Author: Bret Burquest
The Global Warming Hoax However, global warming is a myth, perpetrated by various factions that seek to control planet Earth and carried out by the fools who fall for such blatant nonsense. (read more ...)

July 13, 2009:
Tom Barrett (Publisher, Editor, Conservative Truth)
The New Minutemen – Part II ast week I started a three part series on the New Minutemen – the Watchmen on the Wall who are determined to warn the people of America about the dangers that face her. The first article (see LINK below) concerned the danger of America losing its identity as a Christian nation – particularly in light of Obama’s statement that America is not a Christian nation. Next week’s article will discuss the very real possibility that our nation could lose its national sovereignty. Today we will focus on the loss of religious freedom (for Christians, but curiously, not for Muslims) in America. (read more ...)

Jayme Evans (Creator, WarOfWits.org)
California: From Golden State to Foldin' State In One Generation California's current troubles were a long time coming. They were entirely forseeable, entirely avoidable and the direct result of an entrenched Democrat Legislature that lacks the political will to make the tough choices necessary to fix the root of the problem, too much spending. (read more ...)

Michael J. Gaynor
Is ACORN 8 Leader Marcel Reid "John Doe" and/or a True Reformer? There IS a huge difference: Ms. MonCrief became disillusioned as the Age of Obama unfolded and has been telling the whole ugly truth instead of trying to protect President Obama or his friends, while Ms. Reid has remained an enthusiastic Obama supporter hoping to head ACORN and has targeted selectively. (read more ...)

Jim Kouri, CPP (Editor, HouseConservatives.com)
Is the Congress Castrating the Intelligence Community? In an obvious effort to protect the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi -- whom many believe has been deceptive in her statements regarding the Central Intelligence Agency -- House Democrats, with the help of the Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta, went on the attack over the weekend. (read more ...)

J. D. Longstreet (Insight On Freedom)
Small Market Broadcasters Soon To Be Under Siege By Obama’s FCC Most small market radio stations are hanging on by the skin of their teeth. Only their bankers know just how bad their finances are. Borrowing money to meet the payroll is one thing all small market radio station managers know a thing or two about. It is a daily life or death struggle - and that was BEFORE the economy went south! For the FCC to even consider bringing back the Fairness Doctrine in any form, under any NEW name, will spell doom for a huge number of small market broadcasters. (read more ...)

Wesley McCants
A Commentary On Sweden's Healthcare System Crystal balls are for witches and warlocks. They're unbefitting for Presidents and their economic advisors or cabinet members. They may work well with occultists but are impractical for pragmatic Christians. Nation-states has a better chance of following in Gilgamish's path, that of finding everlasting life, than solving the healthcare problem of today. One country thought it knew the answer, but has since resolved the effort as just a whimsical ploy. (read more ...)

Nicholas Stix (http://www.geocities.com/nstix/)

Judge Sonia Sotomayor: The Law is Racist Today is D-Day, Day One of the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. Sotomayor would have the world believe that she is fighting racism. And if you believe her, I have a great deal for you on a slightly used bridge. (read more ...)

Sher Zieve
Racist Anti-Constitution Sotomayor to be confirmed to SCOTUS
July 12, 2009:
Thomas E. Brewton (ThomasBrewton.com)
Gore Tips His Hand Liberal-progressives' drive to integrate the United States into a world government, a new socialist international under the UN, is a carefully concealed element in the man-made global warming scam. (read more ...)

Alan Caruba (National Anxiety Center)
A “Crisis” of Governors If you can have a pride of lions and a gaggle of geese, then I suggest that the forthcoming July 17-20 meeting of the National Governors Association can be described as a “crisis” of Governors. (read more ...)

Michael J. Gaynor
Judge Sotomayor's Record Should Be Scrutinized, Not Whitewashed or Ignored Is Judge Sotomayor a wise impartial judge dedicated to the rule of law or a passionate, partisan Latina who will use instead of follow the law when the opportunity arises? (read more ...)

Jim Kouri, CPP (Editor, HouseConservatives.com)
Another Illegal Alien Fugitive Murderer Nailed at Border Violent Aliens Commonplace, According to Report

Larry Simoneaux
It would be fitting to remember. "A Nation reveals itself not only by the the men it produces, but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers..." President John F. Kennedy (read more ...)
July 11, 2009:
J. J. Jackson (Owner, Liberty Reborn)
Capitalism Works. It’s Government That’s Buggered! If I ask you what is different today than a year ago one of your first answers would undoubtedly be the economy. A year ago, while I was watching stock prices give hints that there was some sort of trouble ahead and telling me to back my investments out into more conservative safe havens, most Americans were fumbling along much as they always had. (read more ...)
Jim Kouri, CPP (Editor, HouseConservatives.com)
BOUNTY HUNTERS COLLECTING BACK TAXES FROM AMERICANS The US Treasury Department estimates that upwards of $150 billion per year in tax revenue is "lost" as a result of taxpayers the Internal Revenue Service claims are in default. The Internal Revenue Service developed a Private Debt Collection (PDC) program that started with a limited implementation in September 2006 with fuller implementation that began in January 2008. (read more ...)
July 10, 2009:
Jim Kouri, CPP (Editor, HouseConservatives.com)
Suspected North Korean Cyber Attacks Challenge US Security Some of the sites "attacked" in the US contained classified information such as those operated by the National Security Agency and the US Department of Defense. (read more ...)
J. D. Longstreet (Insight On Freedom)
Government To Control American’s Lives by September First! The Founders of the United States of America wanted us to live free... healthy, if we could manage it, but free in any event. Today, it seems we are prepared to give up our freedom for a modern day form of Marxism... Socialized Medicine! (read more ...)
July 9, 2009:
Mark Anderson (VoteAnderson.com)
Congressman Ron Paul's H.R. 1207: Federal Reserve transparency
Thomas E. Brewton (ThomasBrewton.com)
Economic Miasma Ahead You will be disappointed if you expect the economy and the stock market to rebound vigorously after we hit the bottom of the economic cycle. (read more ...)
Jim Kouri, CPP (Editor, HouseConservatives.com)
Operation Echelon: Will Obama Resurrect Clinton's Spy Program? President Barack Obama's security team is nothing more than Bill Clinton Administration retreads, so don't be surprised if you discover nationwide spying on millions Americans. And don't expect to see, hear or read any outrage emanating from the denizens of US newsrooms. (read more ...)
J. D. Longstreet (Insight On Freedom)
Return the Confederate Battle Flag to the Dome of SC's Capitol Building Today, while America is ripped and torn by a government as inept as any we have ever had in our nation’s history, along comes something as arguably unimportant as a sporting event, which quickly becomes a tool for adding fuel to the fires of dissension and discord in a country which is already dangerously balkanized and at the extreme limits of it’s comity for fellow Americans holding different political opinions. (read more ...)
Nicholas Stix (http://www.geocities.com/nstix/)
John Wayne in The Shootist (1976): Swan Song of a Giant The last movie by the greatest star of them all represents a sad-happy convergence between art and life: The story of a dying legend, starring a dying legend.
Ann Coulter (anncoulter.com)
Forgetting Sarah Palin Sarah Palin has deeply disappointed her enemies. People who hate her guts feel she's really let them down by resigning. She's like the ex-girlfriend they're SO over, never want to see again, have already forgotten about -- really, it's O-ver -- but they just can't stop talking about her. (read more ...)
July 8, 2009:
Christopher G. Adamo (chrisadamo.com)
Obama Policy Promotes Marxism In Honduras A sovereign Honduras, returned to the justice and the stability of its constitution, would provide a beacon of hope for oppressed peoples of the region who increasingly fall under the grip of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. As such, he cannot allow the action to stand. So he has enlisted the aid of fellow Marxists Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega to intimidate the current Honduran leadership into acquiescence. And in their midst proudly stands America’s appeaser in chief, Barack Obama. (read more ...)
Alan Caruba (National Anxiety Center)
Electing a Moron It’s not that long ago that former President George W. Bush was being characterized as a dimwit. In truth, because he was not a smooth talker, he often came across as less than a deep thinker. I am not sure the job requires a deep thinker because those who fit that description often turned out to be a disaster. The job’s best description is “leader.” (read more ...)
Jim Kouri, CPP (Editor, HouseConservatives.com)
Obama Turns Blind Eye to Russian Mobsters and Slave Traders One of the issues sure to be avoided by President Barack Hussein Obama during his heralded visit to Russia is the role of the Russian mob and its global impact on crime, especially in the United States. (read more ...)
Wesley McCants
Why anyone would honor Rosa Parks is a mystery. This heroine was no pioneer during the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, she played a minor role for the most part, in the whole scheme of things. But today throughout America and the globe she is associated with courage and bravery. But I found out many years ago that was not the case. Read what Rosa Parks really did as a Civil Right’s Activist.
(read more ...)